Management of Fires Flashcards
section 5.7.3
Passenger Clothing Fire
- Immediately smother the fire with available blankets or coats and douse with non-flammable liquid
- If the person panics and runs, force them to stay still
- Never beat on the fire, this will fan the flames.
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Lavatory Fire
- keep the door closed until fire fighting equipment is assembled
- assess severity of fire and identify possible location with tactile inspection for top to bottom (use back of hand)
- crouch down and slowly open door. do not open the door fully to avoid adding oxygen to the fire
- fully discharge fire extinguisher at the base of the fire
- block smoke, fumes, and air from entering and exiting the lavatory by lining the bottom of the door with wet blankets
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Seat/Cabin Baggage Fire
- relocate passengers away from fire area
- fully discharge fire extinguisher at base of the fire
- soak area or source with non-flammable liquid
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Flight Deck Fire
- report to flight deck with available cabin fire extinguishers and PBEs
- follow instructions of pilots
Electrical Fire
- Turn off power source
- fully discharge fire extinguisher at base of fire
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Galley Fire
- pull circuit breaker (if available) and shut off all galley power
- fully discharge fire extinguisher at base of fire
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Hidden or Inaccessible Fire
- Keep doors, partitions or compartments closed until fire fighting equipment is assembled
- assess severity of fire and identify possible location with tactile inspection from top to bottom (use back of hand)
- use axe if needed only after discussion with PIC remove panels or gain access to closed off areas. never cut through any wall panels
- slowly open door, partion or compartment. do not open fully to avoid adding oxygen to the fire
- fully discharge extinguisher at base of fire
- douse with non-flammable liquid, if applicable to classification of fire
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Lithium or Lithium-Ion Battery Fires
(when not located in a portable electronic device)
- relocate passengers away from the device
- fight fire with halon extinguisher or water
- fully discharge extinguisher onto affected device
- once fire is extinguished, saturated the lithium battery with a minimum of 2L of water or non-flammable liquid to prevent the battery from reaching thermal runaway
- place the battery in a safe spot to allow for cooling of the battery, if safe to do so, wearing proper PPE
- do not cover or enclose the device as it could cause the device to over-heat
- do not place ice on the device. ice or other materials will insulate the device, increasing
- Monitor area for re-ignition
High Energy Fires
Portable electronic device (PED) fire in-flight
- turn off and/or disconnect power source
- relocate passengers away from the device
- fight fire with halon extinguisher
- discharge extinguisher onto effective device
- pour water or other non-alcohol liquid from any available source over the cells immediately after extinguished
- do not attempt to pickup or move a smoking or burned device, batteries may explode or burst into flames without warning
- do not place ice on the device. ice or ther materials will insulate the device, increasing the likelihood that additional battery cells will heat-up and reach thermal runaway
- do not cover or enclose the device as it could cause the device to over-heat.
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Overhead bin fire
- keep overhead bin closed until fire fighting equipment is assembled
- assess severity of fire and identify possible location with tactile inspection from top to bottom (use back of hand)
- slowly open overhead bin. do not open fully to avoid adding oxygen to the fire
- identify location of fire
- fully discharge fire extinguisher
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Waste Bin Fire
- assess severity of fire and identify possible location with tactile inspection from top to bottom
- identify location of fire
- if fire is present in the waste bin, fully discharge extinguisher directly in the waste bin or at base of the fire
- Monitor area for re-ignition
Engine / APU Fires
A warning system in the flight deck will alert the crew to a fire
Engine fire extinguishers are mounted inside each engine to aid in extinguishing an engine fire.
NOT to be confused with an engine torching
Engine / APU Fires - AT GATE AREA
- the captain will make the decision to evacuate. follow the captain’s instructions
- on the captain’s orders, commence a rapid deplanement or evacuation
if no acknowledgement, try to contact flight deck via interphone and evacuate aircraft where an indication of fire is present - deplane where there are fuel fumes during refuelling - use all available exits and continue to ASSESS THE SITUATION
Engine / APU Fires - During Taxi/Takeoff/On Landing
- no action can be taken until the aircraft is at a complete stop and/or the captain has been advised of the situation
- the captain may not be aware of the problem, notify the flight deck immediately
- on the captain’s orders, commence a rapid deplanement or evacuation
Aft Cargo Fires
- keep doors, partitions, or compartments closed
- assess severity of fire and identify possible location with tactile inspection from top to bottom
- obtain aft cargo fire extinguisher and don PBE and fire gloves
- place the extension hose in the extinguisher connector located near the flight attendant control panel and fully discharge the extinguisher
- Monitor area for re-ignition
NOTE: additional fire extinguishers can also be ‘attached’ to the connector (with extreme caution and ensuring PBE is donned).
depending on the severity with tactile search, the extinguisher can be discharged underneath the aft cargo closure.
Forward Cargo Fires
ATR’s with a fire suppression system (34,22,10 seats - combi) does not need FA to enter the area
ATR’s without a fire suppression system:
- PPE must be donned prior to entering the compartment
- taking extra caution, open the door enough to enter - closing the door immediately.
- fire the fire as soon as you locate it
- assign ABP to continue communication with captain thru interphone
- Monitor area for re-ignition