Manage System Resources Flashcards
What are the four default system root folders that the Finder displays?
- Applications- Apps that local users can use
- Library- System resources that local users can access
- System- System resources
- Users- Local user home folders
What are the top 10 common system resources?
- Application Support
- Containers and Group Containers
- Extensions
- Fonts
- Frameworks
- Keychains
- LaunchDaemons and Launch Agents
- Logs
- PreferencePanes
- Preferences
What purpose does the Application Support folder serve?
Ancillary data that an app needs, such as help files or templates, might be in this folder
What purpose do the “Containers and Group Containers” folders serve?
They contain resources for sandboxed apps.
What purpose does the “Extensions” folder serve?
Kernel extensions (kexts) and third-party kernel extensions, that are found only in /Library and /System/Library folders. Kernel extensions are low-level drivers that attach themselves to the kernel, or core, of the operating system, that provide driver support for hardware, networking, and peripherals
What purpose does the “Fonts” folder serve?
Fonts are files that describe typefaces used for both screen display and printing.
What purpose does the “Frameworks” folder serve?
They are repositories of shared code used among different parts of the operating system or apps.
What purpose does the “Keychains” folder serve?
They are used to securely store sensitive information, including passwords, certificates, keys, Safari AutoFill information, and notes.
What purpose do the “LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents” folders serve?
Processes that launchd starts. LaunchAgents start up only when a user is logged in, whereas LaunchDaemons start processes that always run in the background.
What purpose does the “Logs” folder serve?
Many system processes and apps record progress or error messages to log files.
How can you exam the progress or error messages in log files?
What purpose does the “PreferencesPane” folder serve?
They are used by System Preferences to provide interfaces for system configuration
What purpose does the “Preferences” folder serve?
They are used to store system and app configuration settings.
What does segregating resources into domains provide?
Increased administrative flexibility, resource security, and system reliability.
What are the three supported system resource domains?
- User
- Local
- System
What purpose does the User domain serve?
It contains apps and system resources that are specific to each user account.
What purpose does the Local domain serve?
It contains apps and system resources that are available to users on a local Mac.
What purpose does the System domain serve?
It contains apps and system resources that provide basic system funtionality
How does macOS handle sorting through multiple copies of similar resources between the Mac and the User?
It searches for resources from the most specific (those in the user domain) to the least specific (those in the system domain)
What purpose does the ~/Library/Containers folder serve/what does it contain?
It contains resources for sandboxed apps. When a sandboxed app starts up for the first time, macOS creates a container folder for the app if it doesn’t exist already, named with its bundle identifier
What purpose does the ~/Library/Group Containers folder serve/what does it contain?
It contains shared app containers. When a sandboxed app starts up for the first time and requests access to share app resources, macOS creates a group container folder for the app, named with its bundle identifier.
How does System Integrity Protection help ensure that macOS Monterey system resources remain secure?
By helping to prevent potentially malicious software from modifying protected files and folders. It restricts the System Administrator account and limits the actions that the root user can perform on protected parts of the macOS.
What four folders does SIP include protection for parts of macOS that are already part of the read-only SSV?
- /System
- /usr
- /bin
- /sbin
True/False: Apple software updates and Apple installers are not allowed to write system files.
False. SIP allows processes that are signed by Apple with special entitlements to modify parts of your Mac that are protected by SIP.
Which app should you use to enable, disable, or validate a font or to add a font to the local font library?
Font Book
How can a local user manually install a font?
By dragging them into ~/Library/Fonts.
How can an administrator install fonts for all users?
By dragging the font file into /Library/Fonts.