Maltreatment Flashcards
What is Maltreatment
- Any type of intentional physical, mental, emotional, sexual or neglectful treatment of a child
- Any child under 18yrs
Physical Neglect - Findings
- Failure to thrive
- Signs of undernutrition
- Poor personal hygiene
- Unclean/inappropriate dress
Evidence of poor healthcare
> delayed immunizations, untreated conditions, frequent colds - Recurrent injuries from lack of supervision
- Inconsistent school attendance
Physical Neglect - Behaviors
- Dull/inactive affect
- Excessively passive or sleepy
Self-stimulatory bahviors
> finger sucking, rocking - Begging/stealing/hoarding food
- Lots of school absences
- Substance abuse
- Vandalism/shoplifting
Emotional Abuse & Neglect
- Emotional abuse and emotional neglect are different; however, the common symptoms & suggestive behaviors are very similar
- Emotional nurturing is essential
- Long term effects
Emotional Abuse & Neglect - Symptoms
Failure to thrive
> failure to grow to gain or maintain weight - Eating/feeding disorders
- Enuresis
- Sleep disorders
Physical Abuse
The non-accidental infliction of physical injury on child
Occurs in all socioeconomical, religious, cultural, racial, & ethnic groups
Emotional Abuse & Neglect - Suggestive Behaviors
Self-stimulatory behaviors
> biting, rocking, sucking - Lack of social smile or stranger anxiety in infant
- Unusual fearfulness
Antisocial behavior
> destructivenss, stealing, cruelty to animals/ppl -
Lower emotional & intellectual development
> speech & learning disorders are common - Attempts to harm self, including suicide
Physical Abuse - Signs/Symptoms
- Unexplained bruises, burns, or fractures
- Bald spots on scalp
- Apprehensive child
Extreme aggression
> typically boys -
Extreme withdrawal
> typically girls - Fear of parents
- Enuresis or nocturesis
- Lack of crying when approached by stranger
- Spiral fractures
- Poor performance in school
Parental Predisposing Factors
- Young
- Single-parent
- Substance abuse
- Isolated families
- Low self-esteem
- Parents w/out good example/similar expereinces
- Parent(s) also abused
Child Predisposing Factors
- Unwanted/not planned
- Disabled
- Hyper-active (ADHD)
Pre-mature birth
> issues w/ bonding
Situational Predisposing Factors
- Job loss
- Chronic stress
- Substance abuse
When is abuse most likely to occur?
1st yr
Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Physical abuse
- External signs of trauma usually absent
- Ophthalmoscopic examination reveals retinal hemorrhages
- Full bulging fontanels & head circumference greater than expected
The Shaken Baby Syndrome Triad
- Retinal hemorrhaging
- Brain swelling
- Subdural hematoma
Shaken Baby Presenting Symptoms
Similar to flu
> vomiting
> poor feeding
> listlessness -
Common in:
> 3 month olds
> colicy babies - Typical abuser is related male living in home, often no an isolated event
Severe Shaken Baby Syndrome Symptoms
- In/out consciousness
- Posteruring
- Seizures
- Bradycardia
- Death
Sexual Abuse
- When a child is forced or persuaded to engage in any form of sexual conduct or simulation
- Includes: rape, incest, molestation, exhibitionism, child pornography, child prostitution, human trafficking, pedophilia
Typical abuser: known male, employed w/ children, active in community
> play mind games, “keep it a secrete”, give gifts = grooming
Sexual Abuse - Findings
- Bruises, bleeding, lacerations, or irritiation of external genitalia, anus, mouth, or throat
- Torn, stained, or bloody underclothing
- Difficulty sitting or walking
- Recurrent UTIs
- Pain on urination
- Penile discharge
- STI, nonspecific vagnitits, or venereal warts
- Pregnancy in young adolescent
Sexual Abuse - Risk Factors
- Unavailability of parent
- Lack of emotional closeness
- Social isolation
- Emotional desperation
- Children w/ trouble communicating
Sexual Abuse - Behaviors
Sudden appearance of sexually related problems
> excessive/public masturbation, inappropriate sexual play, promiscuity - Withdrawn, excessive daydreaming
- Poor relationships w/ peers
Sudden changes
> anxiety, weight loss/gain, clinging behaviors -
Regressive behaviors
> bed wetting, thumb sucking -
New/sudden fears
> men, dark, certain locations - Running away from home
- Substance abuse
- Suicide attempts
- Rapid decline in school performance
Munchausen by Proxy - Red Flags
- Phsyical evidence
Conflicting stories
> or blaming others sibling/sitter - Injury tht isn’t consistent w/ hx
- Complaint tht is diff than the one associated w/ abuse
- Inappropriate response from caregivers
- Inappropriate response from child
- Previous reports of abuse in family
- Repeated ER visits
Maltreatment - Nurse’s Role
- Remove child from danger
- Mandatory reporter
> very thorough
> no opinions, no feelings; 5 senses - Eduate families on S/S & what is not okay
- Identify high risk kids
How to Talk to a Child
- Provide privacy
- Don’t rush
- Don’t promise not to tell
- Don’t express shock or criticize their family
- Use their vocab to discuss body parts
- Avoid using leading statements
- Reassure they have done the right thing
- Abuse is not their fault & did nothing wrong
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
Brain is stimulated by positive & negative events
> pathway analogy - Toxic stress & the developing drain