make up Flashcards
reasons for an fcf
acceptance, installation/reinstallation of eng, rotors, major fuel sys components, drivetrain, flight critical components
30 day no fly
96 hour for daily
operational necessity
combat and mx
operation commanders can defer mx requirements once
conditions where you should short haul
sea state >2
>25 yd between survivors
parachute and DD
shall not DD if still attached to parachute
when shall swimmer be deployed via hoist
discretion of PIC
when shall DD be used
when crew determines it is the safest method
2 items required for DD
trisar and quickstrop
DD and spinal injuries
not a great idea
do you need to use trail line with sar medevac litter
of chemlights on litter
4 2 head 2 foot
short hauling numbers
survivor should be no higher than 30 AGL at no faster than safe single eng
contents of sar curtain
chem lights, crewman safety belts, grip, chem straps, gloves, rescue litter sling, quick splice, pneumatic hand tool, trail line
min helo sar eqpt (17 items for us)
rescue hook rescue strop quick splice cable grip with its own belt rescue hand tool 3 crew safety belts 12 chem lights 6 norm 6 high intensity 3 chem light straps 1 pair of hoisting gloves 3 cranials 2 wool blankets sar curtain trail line assembly rescue litter sling assembly level a med kit rescue litter
helo sar over water additional eqpt
2xmk 58 and 4xmk 25 (or 6 mk58)
3 electric marine marker lights
1 electric datum marking device if available
3 life preservers
eng turnup but no rotors 122
ood notified, det access to firefighting equipment, clear unnecessary personnel
when can pilot impose more restrictive limits
nonstandard ship config
unusual factors affecting crew proficiency
use of common wind envelope due to a failure of some sort
who has opcon for 122
ship CO
what don’t polar plots account for
wave run up, wave wake interaction, sea spray, ship maneuvering
fly off rules (122)
shall not exceed 75% max range, shouldn’t be night imc
ship min speed for traversing
6 kt
reasons you can justifiable break EMCON
overdue a/c
unplanned PIM change
rapidly deteriorating wx
other safety of flight
fueling and arming simultaneously (122)
should not but CO can authorize mechanical latches only
prohibitions on fully blacked out decks
chock/chain fueling ordnance troop movement crew change aircraft movement vehicle movement
10 operational necessity in 122
night hifr loading ordnance on hangar deck (ship CO) night pax night xfer to subs overflight of ships with external load carrying LOX cold wx personnel transfers manual movement of a/c if not emergency operating with an uncertified ship
positive control shall be used (122)
Ceiling less than 500
vis less than 1 mi
night (1/2 hour definition)
when are 2 way comms necessary (122)
at night
low ceiling/vis
flight beyond visual range of ship
night/imc altitude before turning (122)
compulsory reports (like vacatersfew)
receipt of instruction entering holding alt or assignment change commencing approach iaf/faf ship sighted wave off at MAP
max recommend hoisted cargo weight
200 lb
max recommended sea state for sub xfer
gunnery target sleeves?
helicopters shall not be required to recover
vert rep winds
15-30 kt anything forward of 90’s
vert rep max recommended time
day 6-8 hour
night 2-3 hours
vertrep min load
4 wood pallets
6 metal pallets
when can you expect ship to turn to BRC in emergency day and night
3 mi day 4 mi night
hung ordnance
day vmc only
right seat only
left trap or clear deck
105 lost comm i’m going to divert
fly up stbd side rocking wings with lights steady
50’ 100 yards
climb to 400’ away from ship
when are flight plans required
flights that will terminate ashore
flights that will overfly land
flights penetrating and ADIZ
LSE responsible for
ensuring a/c are safely started, engaged, launched, recovered, and shutdown with tie downs removed and installed as appr
105 positive control shall be used
ceiling <500 vis< 1 nm night (CVN night) mandatory letdown in Tstorms other wx situations that warrant
(105) can we refuel and load/download simultaneously?
yes but no electrical connections
lightning and ordnance
nothing other than downloading forward firing ordnance
(105) what ordnance can we load on hangar deck with CO operational necessity
smokes and torp
do we leave cockpit with hung ordnace
not unless we are sure it is safe
can we do mx on a/c with weapons
only light servicing and minor mx
5 things LSE shall ensure before launching
all tie downs removed
area affected by downwash is clear of unnecessary personnel and area we will fly over is clear
airborne a/c are clear
confirm launching signal from prifly
sufficient clearance exists if doing post mx hover checks
do you use call sign with tower
no side number only
how to depart carrier in case I or II
how tower tells you
how to depart carrier case III
if possible stay under clouds, if not go to prebriefed departure fix by
- take off
- fly straight climb to 150-300 aided 200-300 unaided or as assigned
- arc within 3 to departure radial
- climb once outside 12nm
only time PG should be in STBD D
carrier quals
weapons and PG
weapons shall not prevent an otherwise sar capable helo from being PG
CVN flt deck elev
MAP on carrier
climb straight ahead to 300 proceed to 4nm or 2 min attempt contact turn downwind report abeam if nothing heard, proceed to 3 nm FAF at 500'?
gau-21 and SAR
gau and swing arm should be removed
gau21 and pax
shall be removed
can you do other stuff when PG
does keyhole apply to screen delta
RS in open ocean environment
shall not enter open ocean @ night/imc for simulated rescue ops
what to expect if you are a transient helo in case III
marshall should send you to marshal or stbd D
if no instruction put yourself in a good spot to expedite recovery
which a/c is no 1 aircraft in stbd d
furthest inbound on 110 radial but not turned to brc
what do do on a case III recovery
expect to be vectored or marshal to OLS visual approach call the ball receive landing clearance approach to fan tail slide over fly up and slide in
at night nav lights steady brt until on final bearing then steady dim
who to talk to if you W/O case III
can we air taxi to our spot
if HCO or air officer authorizes we can terminate approach this way
on Non precision approach what do you do after hitting 3 nm 500 FAF
continue descent to 300’
AIMD jet engine test block and spot 9
shall not be launched from spot 9 if in use
when can we do a visual approach to a spot instead of CCA stuff
aided, not imc, precoordinated, good vis/illum
don’t have to do slide in, can just fly up centerline after last fixed wing
EMCON at night (105)
go to holding pattern and go flashing bright
after last fixed wing or when cleared accel to 90 kias
right hand abeam maneuver to hit optical glide slope at 1 nm 400’
if at 45 position you see green slight, acknowledge by going steady dim
if red light wave off and re enter holding
(106) spot lights
2 white or red lights
what is your mode 2 squawk around lha/lhd
side number
pos control requirements for 106
same as 105 but not required for DLQ
Who/what is green crown
entity responsible for detection and identification in ESG
contact must be made asa practicable with call sign, mission number, position and alt
who/what is icepack
entity responsible for mission control of airspace assigned to ESG maxing at 50 nm radius
they take care of radar control, procedural deconfliction, and admin accounting of ESG a/c
assignable training sectors
5-50 nm 1 NE 2 SE 3 SW 4 NW
side number of mission number with tower/aatc
JANAP side number
can any mx or preflight occur on parts of a/c over deck edge (106)
(106) ready to launch
give LSE thumbs up tell tower status fuel state and souls
landing behind another tail rotor a/c (106)
shall not be cross cockpit
EMCON night wx mins
500’ above delta and 3 mi with horizon
arriving a/c should/shall switch to AATC in control area
(106) smokelight alt
(106) smokelight requirement
ship co, embarked squadron co/oic, and pilot agree on it
right seat landings to spot 1
not recommended
EMCON recovery (106)
get to delta prior to scheduled recovery time
switch up with prifly when you see ship
smack on pos light on brt within 10 nm
once in the delta set lights flashing
once you see flashing green at the abeam, switch steady
go to charlie pattern
at abeam position in charlie, if you see a steady light proceed as normal
(106) can you spread blades while being towed
radio frequency changes departing 106
not before 200’
when to turn on smacks on 106
ready to lift
also at night pos lights dim until ready for take off then stdy brt
leaving case 1 (106)
depart @ or below 300 or as directed
leaving case 2 (106)
same as case 1 if possible otherwise do case 3
leaving case 3 (106)
climb straight ahead to 500' arc at 3 turn out on assigned radial climb to assigned alt launch on departure freq not lima lima
case I recovery (106)
check in with AATC report ship in sight should be switched over to prifly by 5 go to overhead delta plan descent and break to meet recovery time maintain orderly flow into charlie
overhead delta parameters
left handed pattern close aboard starboard side
1000’ 80 kts
stbd d parameters
045 -110 1-3 nm right handed pattern at 300’ 80 kias
port delta parameters
225-315 3-5 nm 300’ 80kias
if have to extend charlie, extend upwind or downwind
recovering night “case 1” (106)
extend charlie downwind to complete turn to final so as to allow time for a descent and then straight in
landing at a spot in front of another helo (106)
terminate abeam then slide in
(106) can you do charlie and other approaches
no either or
(106) if coming straight in at night and nothing is in the way of your spot what do you do
fly up flight deck otherwise slide over and up side
can you do case 2 recoveries with case 3 departures
case 2 recovery (106)
positive control until ship in sight
(106) case 3 recovery
positive control from AATCC from let down to final
until we call ship in sight and request to proceed visually
no form recoveries except in emergency
no dissimilar formations except extreme circumstances
all case III recoveries shall terminate in a straight in single freq approach
MAP from radar approach (106)
turn to 90 outbound climb to 1000’
(106) wx mins
precision (200-1/2)
non precision 400-3/4
LHA/LHD flight deck elevation
lost comm triangle directions (106)
right i can receive
left nothing
106 move crew
tractor driver brake rider 2 safety observers a/c director 2 plane handlers
(106) can we simultaneously fuel and load/download
when are we armed on (106)
after t/o signal given
(106) can aided and unaided aircraft be in control zone togethor
yes, but not in ldg pattern
our NATOPS purpose
to improve aviation safety and readiness throughout the navy and marine corps
overall turning length of helo
helo height
main rotor diameter
tail rotor diameter
clearance required for a 180 degree turn
max number of seats that can be occupied
seat restrictions for SO seat
can’t use left rear or center reat
instructor seat and GAU
shall not be occupied if in inboard stow
center seat and rast
no center seat if rast
vertrep and center seat
no vertrep with pax in center seat
what number of G’s will autolock the inertial reels
3 gs
ext power requirements
115-200 V 3 phase 400 hz ac
when are hvy wx chains required
sfc wind>=35 kt sea>=8' wind over deck>=60kt pitch>4 roll>12
max rate of descent with ext load
1000 fpm
gouge numbers for ext load
10 AOB until 40 kias
20 AOB until 80 kias
then 10 AOB
what does natops consider a pilot
current natops x
current instr rating
satisfy night and instr mins
min crew for tactical/fam flights
2 H2P or 1 hac and one QO
min crew for FCF
1 FCP 1 QO 1 AW
min crew for orientation flight
1 HAC 1 QO 1 AW
min crew for utility missions (pax, cargo, transport)
1 AW
Min crew for sAR
1 AW
min crew for ASW or SUW missions
min crew for flights from air capable ships
2 2Ps
1 AW
or 1 hac, 1 QO, 1 AW
min crew for night imc
min crew for inst flight
naval aviator
2 2P
all instr rated except naval aviator
Ng shutdown
<90% for 2 min before shut down
which limits should be used for power checks
to max extent possible
continuous torque and Ng limits
when should we do hit checks on deck
icing conditions
max speed for hellfire shots
90 kts
stokes litter and ASW/SUW config
doesn’t fit in cabin
ALFS and rescue basket
not recommended
sea state DD is recommended
greater than 3
NATOPS vertrep power margin
6 % between continuous Q or TGT limit and max power required
can you pick up stuff on vertrep if lost ics
where can GAU be for T/O ldg and fwd flight
inboard stow or firing position
autorotative regions
stall - 25%
auto region - 45%
prop region - 30%
The following should be performed for all emergencies
maintain control of a/c
alert crew
determine precise nature of the problem
complete applicable EP or take action appropriate for the problem
determine landing criteria and land as required
eng hi side indic
Q 10% greater
Ng 5% greater
Np within 5%
Nr @ or above 103%
eng low side indic
Q 10% lower
Ng 5% lower
Np at or below 98%
Nr less than or equal to 97%
vibe minimizing airspeed
80 kias
loss of either EGI will cause
loss of coupler
Why is EGI 2 so important
provides heading and velocity info to AFCS
how much does ECS hot add to fuel burn
45 lb/hr
with a 5 % per eng loss in torque