Major 1 Flashcards
Major 1
5 properties of a synthetic fibre ropes
- Ability to absorb shock loads
- Ability to withstand repeated loads without failure
- Little swelling or immersion in water
- Can be stowed without degradation by rot or mildew
- Has good weight to strength ratio
What is the construction of the rope used by ACTF&R?
Synthetic polyamide kernmantleThe rope consist of kern/core of continuous extruded filaments. the core is covered (mantle) by a woven braided sheath for its protection
Name 10 offences under the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Discrimination principles
- Accept or offer a bribe2. Discrimination3. Harassment4. Accepting gifts5. Unhealthy, unsafe work practices6. Breaching privacy principles7. Unapproved outside work8. Misusing confidential information9. Unjustifiable absenteeism10. Inappropriate public comment11. Misusing government resources12. Using your position to further your own interests or the interests of friends or relatives13. Abuse of influence.14. Giving illegal or unreasonable directions to other employees15. Failure to obey lawful reasonable directionsSwearing16. Any behaviour that could reasonably be expected to bring the reputation of ACTF&R or its members into disrepute
Name the 6 Sections under the ACTFR Org Structure
- Training & Development2. Operations3. Community Safety4. Specialised Operations5. Capability Support6. Special Projects
What are the WHS responsibilities for employer and employee?
EMPLOYER - ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable: - the health and safety (H&S) of all workers while at work;- the H&S of other persons is not put at risk by work carried out;- provision and maintenance of safe systems of work, structures and a work environment without risks to H&S- safe use, handling, storage and transport of plant, structures and substances- adequate facilities in carrying out work for the business or undertaking- provision of any information, training, instruction or supervision necessary to protect all persons from risks to their H&S arising from work carried out- health of workers and conditions at the workplace are monitored for preventing illness or injury arising from work undertaking.EMPLOYEES:- take reasonable care for their H&S- take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the H&S of other persons- comply with any reasonable instruction that is given person conducting the business to allow the person to comply with the WHS Act; and- cooperate with person conducting the business or undertaking relating to H&S policy and procedures.
How long is the probation period?
A person appointed to ACTF&R as an FB1 will be on probation for the period of their initial training and a further period of three months after successful completion of their initial training.
What are the different levels of PPC?
Level A Fully encapsulated gas-tight suitLevel B Splash suit with BALevel C Splash suit with respiratorLevel D Structural PPC (BA)Level E Wildfire PPC (respirator / mask as required)
What do you wear for a Level A - Fully encapsulated gas-tight suit
Item—————————————————————-1. Undergarments - Disposable overalls (T-shirt optional), sock2. Fully encapsulated suit3. Helmet - Lightweight (if fitting allows)4. BA
What do you wear for a Level B Splash suit with BA
Item———————————————————–1. Undergarments - Disposable overalls (T-shirt optional), socks2. Boots - Chemical resistant gumboots3. Gloves - Chemical resistant4. Helmet - Not required unless overhead hazard5. Splash suit6. BA
What do you wear for a Level C - Splash suit with respirator
Item——————————————————–1. Undergarments - Disposable overalls (T-shirt optional), socks2. Boots - Chemical resistant gumboots3. Gloves - Chemical resistant4. Helmet - Not required unless overhead hazard5. Splash suit6. SE400 respirator
What do you wear for a Level D - Structural PPC (BA)
Item——————————————————–1. Boots - Structural2. Socks3. Trousers - Navy blue4. Belt5. Shirt Navy blue shirt or issue T-shirt (SO light blue)6. Jumper - as required7. Over pants - Structural8. Coat - Structural9. Flash hood10. Helmet - Structural11. Gloves - Structural12. BA - As required
What do you wear for a Level E - Wildfire PPC (respirator / mask as required)
Item————————————————————————-1. Boots - Structural2. Socks3. Trousers - Navy blue4. Belt5. Shirt Navy blue shirt or issue T-shirt (SO light blue)6. Jumper - as required7. Over pants - Structural, only as required8. Wildfire coat9. Flash hood10. Helmet - Structural or wildfire11. Goggles - Or safety glasses12. Head dress - baseball cap, wide brim or beanie (** Not to be worn on fire-ground – helmet required)
What do you wear for Station Level i.e. General station duties and all situations, not associated with an incident, where members are in public view.
1. Boots - station boots
2. Socks
3. Trousers - Navy blue
4. Belt
5. Shirt - Navy blue shirt (SO light blue)
6. T-shirt - Only worn under PPC or shirt **
7. Jumper / Fleece jacket - as required
8. Vest - Day workers and Comcen only
9. Epaulettes - On all shirts, jumpers or fleece jackets
10. Head dress - Issue baseball cap, wide brim or beanie
What are the PPC cleaning requirements
- Dirty PPC —————————————————– jackets/over pants/flash hood/neck flaps/structural and rescue gloves- Where PPC is generally soiled but not contaminated, the PPC can be included with the general dry cleaning which is picked up twice weekly from all stations.-2. Contaminated PPC ——————————————————- Where PPC has been contaminated, the PPC needs to be bagged up in dissolvable stitching plastic bags. Found on all ACTF&R appliances within the Drager kit. - The bagged PPC needs to be tagged using the ‘Contaminated’ tags and completing the details as required.- The bagged and tagged PPC can then be included with the usual dry cleaning service or arranged to be priority dry cleaned as required. - Dry cleaning will be returned to the station it was collected from.3. Contaminated PPC (Infectious Waste)————————————————————- When instructed to, PPC which has been contaminated with infectious waste, and cannot be dry cleaned, is to be placed into the infectious waste bags, tagged using the ‘contaminated’ tags and then collected by Logistics 35 (ACTF&R ute). Note: During business hours delivered to ACT Health in Mitchell for destruction. Outside of business hours taken to Fyshwick fire station and placed in the infectious waste bin. This will then be delivered to Mitchell during the next available opportunity.Infectious waste bags are found on all ACTF&R appliances within the Drager kitStructural Firefighting Boots- After an operational incident, hosed down with water to remove contaminants. Regular cleaning with boot polish will help to maintain the water resistance ability and the integrity of the leather.Helmets - Contaminated Structural and Lightweight helmets and incorporated visors need to be brushed down. If required this needs to be followed by washing down with warm soapy water. Do Not use solvents off any kind as they may permanently damage the helmet.
Definition of a Hazard and Risk
Hazard - source of danger. Anything which has the potential to cause injury, illness, damage or loss of property.Risk - Is the likelihood that a hazard will cause injury or ill health to a person or to damage property.
What are Hazards and Risk Controls?
Hierarchy of Risk Controla) Design or Reorganise to Eliminate the Hazard from the Workplaceb) Remove or Substitute the Hazardc) Enclose or Isolate the Hazard e.g. barriers, d) Minimise through Engineering Controls e.g. machine guards, effective ventilation systemse) Minimise the Risk by Adopting Administrative Controls e.g. appropriate procedures, safe work practices and trainingf) Personal Protective Equipment
What is Riskman?
RiskMan ——————————————————- reporting system for the online entry, notification and investigation of work health and safety incidents and accidents occurring in the ACT Public Service. - It is a responsibility of each member.- Reporting of accidents and incidents, including near misses should be done within 48hrs. - Form can be found on ACTF&R Intranet – Brigade Forms - HR General Procedure—————————————————– Person reporting accident or incident completes the report and forwards to their immediate supervisor.- The supervisor completes their part of the form and it is sent to the relevant Commander for review.- The Commander forwards report to the F&R HR Commander who will log the report onto the system.
What does RSVPS stand for in Communications?
- Rhythm- Speak naturally and with a normal rhythm.- Speak in complete phrases that make sense- Do not use speech fillers such as err, um, ah etc.2. Speed- Speak steadily.- speed should be constant- If your message is to be written down…pause between phrases.3. Volume- Talk slightly louder than in a normal conversation, but do not shout- Do not allow your voice to fade away at the end of a message- Hold the mike in a consistent position (reasonably close)- Speak across the microphone4. Pitch- slightly higher than normal.5. Sentences- Should be short. - Avoid words likely to cause confusion. - Where appropriate, use the phonetic alphabet to spell out words.- Use of pro words helps to keep transmissions brief.
Provide 6 Prowords given and explain meaning
Pro Word - Meaning—————————————-Affirmative - Yes or Correct————————————————–Correction - error in my last transmission—————————————————————Confirm - Please confirm info———————————————–Disregard - Delete last transmission/request———————————————————————–ETA - Est. Time of Arrival——————————————-Figures - Figures to follow——————————————–This is - person in the field——————————————-Grid - A grid reference follows——————————————————–How do you read? - R U receiving transmission clearly————————————————————————–I say again - repeating my last transmission—————————————————————–I spell - I shall spell the word phonetically————————————————————-More to follow - more to come————————————————Negative - No/incorrect/permission not granted————————————————————Out - complete/no reply expected——————————————————–Over - End transmission/response necessary———————————————————————Radio Check - signal strength &readability?——————————————————————Received - Received & understood—————————————————–Say again - Repeat—————————————Sitrep - Situation report—————————————–Standby - Wait——————————–Standing down - unit returned to station ————————————————————–Standing up - unit manned & operational
Name the phonetic alphabet?
Letter Spoken as————————————-A Alpha B Bravo C Charlie D Delta E Echo F Foxtrot G Golf H Hotel I India J Juliet K Kilo (keelo)L Lima (leema) M Mike N November O Oscar P Papa (pa-pah)Q Quebec (kyabek)R Romeo S Sierra T Tango U Uniform V Victor W Whiskey X X-ray Y YankeeZ Zooloo
Name the causes of deterioration of a rope
- Mechanical - External wear (Dragging line)- Internal wear (Repeated kinking/dragging, grit in fibres)- Local abrasion (rough edges, sharps)- Cuts, contusions - Overloading 2. Chemical- Chemical attack - Acids/alkali/bleaches/solvents - Mildew - Heat - Sunlight
5 uses of Ladders?
- Rescue - Retrieving people from 2 storey buildings etc 2. Access - Gain entry to structures above or below ground level 3. Ventilation - Gain access to roof and open to ventilate 4. Crawl-board - Use on unsteady ground or roof 5. Bridging - Bridge between structures, holes, caved in areas
Good Firemanship
Refers to the overall Attitude/Ethic and Work practices employed by a Firefighter at the station, emergency incidents and all public relation exercises (e.g. Fire Education presentations).Examples:- Respect – all members of ACTF&R, other government employees and visitors on station- Do not take shortcuts or an ‘it’ll be right’ attitude- If you can’t solve or fix it, report it to your SO- Take responsibility- The Station is a second home Treat it accordingly.- Use the correct tool for the task - Equipment – maintain all equipment to the operational standards- Correct disposal or cleaning of all contaminated items. Re-stow it if required.- Doing what is right even when no one is watching
Draeger Resuscitator Components
The Dräger Acute Pack 2000 Resuscitator has 6 main component parts:
1. Oxygen Cylinder
2. Pressure Reducer
3. Demand valve (Bag Refill Valve)
4. Soft Resus bag
5. Suction
6. Ancillary Equipment
Draeger Resuscitator Daily inspections
1. Open the cylinder and ensure the cylinder pressure is at least 100 bar
2. Check the function of the oxygen therapy outlet by rotating the recessed flow control valve on the pressure reducer
3. Connect the demand valve and resuscitator bag to the patient valve, squeeze the bag and as it is released, ensure the demand valve is operating to refill the bag
4. Check the suction device by pressing the operating button whilst covering the suction inlet with your finger. Air should come out of the suction tube
5. Close the cylinder
6. Release pressure by pressing button on suction
7. Check all inventory
Describe the O2 Cylinder
- Cylinders are all white with the letter “N” situated on the collar indicating that this is the new colour scheme
- The cylinder valve incorporates an On/Off wheel valve and is pin indexed.
- The On/Off wheel valve must only be operated by hand.
Describe 10 Safe BA Work Practices
- BA Teams: 2 personnel minimum
- BA to be worn if there is any doubt for air quality and safety of working environment
- 260 bar minimum
- Carry out all pre-operational checks - donning checks in fresh air
- BA control is used
- Helmets are always to be worn
- Check pressure gauge frequently
- Allow exit time = entry time
- Create mental map /route taken
- Maintain verbal/physical contact
- When a warning whistle operates, exit with team
- Do not remove facemask in toxic atmosphere
- Do not remove face mask to help others in distress
- Should team become separated - call to each other, considering looking or below smoke for reflective strips, contact team and/or OIC by radio and exit via entry path
- BA wearing becomes lost or entrap - transmit msg with last known location, conditions, circumstances, air gauge and personnel to ECO and activate DSU. team remain together til assistance arrives
- Hear distress signal - report to BA control and respond to signal to render assistance
- If BA becomes dislodged, hold breath and reseal mask
- If BA malfunctions, withdrawal to BA control
Daily Checks on BA Set (21 points)
- Check all parts of set are clean and in good operational condition
- Remove face mask from cloth bag and attach to Demand Valve (DV)
- Ensure all shoulder straps, waist band and face mask straps are completely loosened
- Press First breath Mechanism reset button and check the by pass valve is turned off
- Open cylinder valve slowly but fully and allow 10 seconds to pressurise
- Check pressure gauge reading - must be above 260 - listen for leaks
- Close cylinder valve for 1 minute - if reading falls below 10 bar there is an unacceptable leak
- On duo set, vent the BA via DV bypass and repeat the test on 2nd cylinder
- If the system fails leak test, vent air via bypass and check pneumatic connections and repeat leak test
- Open main cylinder valve
- Put on face mask - tighten bottom, middle and top
- Inhale deeply and check DV first breath mechanism works
- Hold breath for 10 seconds and listen for leaks. If there is a leak, loosen straps and adjust mask
- When satisfied, hold breath and press DV reset and remove the mask
- Turn off cylinder
- Bleed down by opening bypass valve and ensure whistle operates at around 55 bar
- Turn off bypass
- Replace facemask in cover bag
- Test DSU
- Ensure BA is correctly secured in the bracket
- Attach tally tag to BA set DSU key
BA Control (3 stages) what are they?
Stage 1
- BA control Board
- BA control board on pumper
- 4 BA wearers
- Includes tally tag and timer
- ECO usually motor driver
Stage 2 BA Control
- Controlled by a dedicated ECO
- 4 to 12 BA wearers
- Brough out for protracted or large incidents
- At the discretion of the OIC of the incident
- At a confirmed multi storey incident
- At all HAZMAT incidents where full a decon zone is operating
- Stage 2 BA control boards are used
BA main control
- set up when more than one stage 2 BA control is operating
- BA control officer (BACO) appointed
- Used when multiple entry points
- Multiple crew inside
- Timers
- must check in before entry
- Must receive assignment
- PAR reports
Name some of the responsibilities of the BACO (Breathing Apparatus Control Officer)?
- Establishes BA Main Control for easy access and comms with all entry control points- Supervises the establishment and control of entry control points- Ensures strict control and adherence is maintained for BA Operations and BA SOPs- Comms between Entry control point and BA main Control. BACO primarily responsible for establishing means of comms.- Ensures Entry control point has necessary equipment- adequate reliefs breaks available- at least 2 BA wearers standing by for emergency purposes- supervising the recommissioning of BA and cylinder recharging- Ensure evacuation siren is ready and available
What’s the reset procedure for the Pump emergency shut down?
To Reset: 1. Reset Emergency engine shut down button2. Return throttle to idle 3. Select neutral 4. Disengage main and high pressure pump 5. Turn ignition off and wait 10 secs 6. Restart engine 7. Engage pumps 8. Select drive 9. Recommence pumping
Describe the use of the pressure relief valve?
- Regulates the maximum delivery pressure from the main pump (does not regulate high-pressure pump)- Prevents excessive delivery pressure being transferred to other lines when a hose line is shut off or delivery valves are closed- The relief valve will only bleed off maximum of approximately 200kpa
Define TWA
Time-weighted average - Limit you can be exposed to in a working week. Average concentration a worker can be repeatedly exposed to based on an 8 hour working day over a 5 day working week without adverse effect
Define STEL
Short-Term Exposure Limit - is the concentration to which workers can be exposed for up to 15 minutes at a time, max 4 times per day with at least 1 hour break between exposures without adverse effect.
Define PLV
Peak Limitation Values - substances considered highly hazardous as they may induce acute toxic or irritant effects.If the value is exceeded, then the atmosphere is considered occupationally unacceptable.
Define IDHL
Immediate Danger to Life and Health ‘An atmospheric concentration of substance that poses immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects OR prevent the individual from escaping from the dangerous atmosphere.’
What is OT
Odour Threshold - Lowest concentration of that odour at which you can recognise
Define the hot, warm and cold zones
- HOT ZONE - identified as the area of isolation where contaminant levels are considered sufficiently high to threaten life and safety. Only PPE equipped personnel to enter2. WARM ZONE - immediate area surrounding the hot zone and is where decontamination commences. This area may still pose an exposure risk to unprotected personnel3. COLD ZONE - immediately surrounding the warm zone. It is a clean zone. Access is restricted to support agencies. Site control, casualty treatment and marshalling/assembly areas are generally established in this zone.
Micro Rae 4 Head Test Table
What it Unit of Low High measures measurement —————————————————————–O2 - Oxygen v/v% 19.5 23.5 __________________________________CO -Carbon Monoxide PPM 30 50 __________________________________H2S -Hydrogen Sulphide PPM 10 20 ___________________________________LEL -Flammability % of LEL 5% 10% ___________________________________
Method of bowling hoses
Objective: Carrying a rolled length of hose and bowling it, so it is ready for operational duties, connect one end to the Hydrant and one end to a branch.• Before rolling and bowling hose - consider safe working practices and manual handling techniques• Place the roll of hose on the ground with the couplings on top• Face the direction you wish to bowl the hose, ensure area is free from obstructions and will not be impede later operations• Releasing the strap, lay the couplings on the ground and roll out sufficient hose to allow the couplings to be lifted free from the coil• Grasp on the uncoiled section of hose, lift the coil to chest height, cradling the coil along the forearm• Take 1-2 steps forward and bowl the coil in the required direction (Try not to bowl uphill). Bend the knees and bowl the hose close to the ground• As the hose rolls out, flick the hose to add momentum to the coil and allow the hose to fully unwind
Name the supplementary pump cooling techniques
- Open an unused high-pressure hose onto ground2. Open and unused high pressure delivery into the tank filler3. Open Branches regularly4. Connect a Main delivery to the tank filler point5. Disengage the high pressure pump when not required6. Throttle back when high pressure are not requiredSupplementary pump cooling (‘P’ Series Varley) - Provides sufficient flow to prevent high pressure overheating. Switch activated
Things to consider when inspecting a rope?
Look and Feel - changes in diameter, discoloration, kinks, cuts, exposed fibres, stiffened fibres
Causes and indicators of cavitation
Causes - Lift too high for the volume of water and pressure being discharged - Hose diameter too small for volume of water being discharged - Restriction or partial collapse of suction line - Water temp being pumped is too high - over-running supply Indicators - Sound of gravel passing through pump - engine revs increase - Shows negative pressure or moving towards negative pressure - Collector hose goes soft - Decrease in delivery flow and pressure
5 Requirements of a knot?
- Serve purpose
- Easy to tie
- Easy to untie
- Not damage the line
- Be identifiable
Ladder Terminology
Inspecting the ladders, what to look for?
Safe working procedures for ladder use
What is the system of vehicle control
A system or drill in which each function is considered, in sequence, by the driver at the approach to a hazard 1. Hazard - Identify the hazard Could be a roundabout, a turn etc 2. Course - Identify the path you will take 3. Mirrors and signals - Check your surroundings, indicate what your next move will be 4. Brakes - Apply breaks to safe speed to complete next move 5. Gears and mirrors - Select appropriate gear and check mirrors again 6. Evasive action - Decide to proceed if safe, Stop or slow if not safe 7. Acceleration points - Accelerate to complete course. e.g. continue out of roundabout or turn
List components of the SCBA
- Harness & backplate2. cylinder3. cylinder band/clamp3. cylinder connector4. pressure reducer5. demand valve6. facemask7. pressure gauge & warning whistle8. rescue second mask connector
Name and describe the 3 Mains
A main is an access point to a reticulated supply of water 1. Trunk main - 600mm to 3000mm- Delivers water from source to treatment plants then onto reservoirs 2. Service mains - 100mm residential areas - 150-600mm in industrial areas- laid underground, consumers draw their water from them by smaller pipes - Hydrants often placed alongside the road approx. 90m apart 3. Ring mains - High risk/priority areas e.g. schools, hospitals, fuel depots- water travels both ways around the loop.- if one loop impacted, water still available on the other loop- shut off valves can also be fitted
What is water hammer and how can it be prevented
- Occurs when water flow is suddenly shut off.
- The pressure of water must then be absorbed by the pipes and fittings
- This can rupture hose joints, hydrants, water mains or pump casings
To avoid water hammer:
- shut off branches smoothly and steadily
- shut off hydrants smoothly and steadily
- shut off deliveries and collectors at the pump smoothly and steadily
- If driving over a hose that is charged it should be done slowly
Safe work practices when conducting search procedures and rescue
Fault Reporting (5 R’s)
- Report - Report to SO 2. Rectify - Fix it at station (if possible) 3. Replace - Replace or exchange 4. Repair - Talk to TOSS or brigade workshops to arrange repair 5. Re-stow - May be necessary depending on the situation
Describe flow and pressure and provide 3 examples of what can affect each
- Flow - quantity of water at a given time Affected by; - Diameter of main - the condition if the internal surface of the main e.g. corrosion or tuberculation which affects smoothness- Pressure the main is working2. Pressure - Force at which water is delivered. It pushes water through the lines and equipment.Affected by; - the length of the main between the pipe or other pressure source such as reservoir and the hydrant - How many people are using it (quantity) - How many and size of hoses or appliances attached to the main - whether there are pumping stations/boosters in the system
What is the first aid procedure for someone unconscious and not breathing?
D - Danger R - Response S- Send for Help A- Airway B - Breathing C - CPR D - Defibrillation
List 3 daily checks done on the radio?
- Identify the radio appropriate to your rostered duty2. Switch on radio3. Check the battery charge level - Switch off & replace battery if below 80%4. Check that aerial and mike attachments (if applicable) are firm5. Ensure Zone A: Ch 1OPS1 on the Front Screen6. Listen for the “OPS ONE” announcement7. Ensure Channel Knob is reset to position 1 and Group Selector is reset at Group A8. Switch the radio off and place it on the truck in a secure position.
What are the colour coded prefaces on the radio?
YELLOW - General/routine checks, non urgent communication, Reporting inventory etc GREEN - S.O. Responsibility, Given at the end of an incident BLUE - Relating to an active incident WHITE - Priority. Report new incident whilst mobile RED - Urgent, Takes priority over anything else