2nd Class PCT Flashcards
What defines our role and power?
These powers are located in which part and section of the document
Emergencies Act 2004
Chapter 3 Part 3.2 Section 34
Name the Powers of the Chief Officer
● With necessary assistance or force enter land.
● Close a street or road to traffic.
● Bring equipment onto land or into a structure or vehicle.
● Open a container or dismantle equipment.
● With any reasonable force, remove dismantle, demolish or destroy a structure or vehicle.
● Contain a substance or animal.
● Remove or destroy an animal, substance or vegetation.
● Turn off, disconnect or shut down a motor vehicle or equipment.
● Control, shut off or disconnect a supply of fuel, gas, electricity, water or anything else.
● Use a water supply without charge.
● Give directions to regulate or prohibit the movement of people, animals or vehicles.
● Evacuate people or animals from an area to another place.
● Require a person to give reasonable assistance to a member or an emergency service.
What is are the main function of the fire and rescue service?
Some of the others include?
To protect and preserve life, property and the environment from fire in built-up areas
Fire and rescue’s other functions:
● respond to and deal with hazardous material incidents.
● respond to rescue incidents.
● respond to chemical, biological and radiological incidents
● support other entities in the exercise of their functions under this Act;
Other responsibilities include; operational planning, fire preparedness, fire response and recovery support.
Function of Community Fire Units?
These powers are located in which part and section of the document
CFU’s are established by Chief Officer, can be done at any time, where needed.
Objective: Their function is to conduct prevention, response and recovery. Assist in defending property, use equipment for prevention work and firefighting.
CFU can only function in the area they are established, to ACTF&R standards and protocols and under the direction of Chief officer. (Cannot self-activate on Catastrophic FR)
CFU Function are located in which part and section of the document
Chapter 4 Part 4.2 Division 4.2.2 Section 49 Function of Community Fire Units.
Total Fire Bans are located in which part and section of the document
Chapter 5 Part 5.6 Division 5.6.1 Section 114 Total Fire Bans
Discuss Total Fire Bans
The Commissioner can declare a total fire ban for part or all of ACT, considerations are severe weather, conditions, number or location of existing fires.
Public notice of declaration takes immediate effect (public notification is not mandatory) and will last for period declared. TV, Radio, Print, online are avenues for issuing TOBAN.
Prohibited activities include: Fireworks, open air fires for cooking, warmth or celebration/ceremonial. High risk activities such as open-air gas cutting, welding, grinding, soldering.
Permits may be applied for from Commissioner; MUST STATE; time, date, location, purpose and safety measures. (BBQ’s gas and electric ok, min 3m from flammable structure, need water nearby tap or hose or and must be supervised by responsible adult at all times.)
Can be sectorised around the district
Discuss Fatigue management. what document, part and section
Enterprise agreement 2020-2024 Fatigue management section S5
All employees must report to management if they have not received adequate break between rostered shifts (due to secondary employment or otherwise).
Adequate break time is 9hrs including travel. No employee shall work more than 2x24hr shifts over an 8-day cycle. Speak up if fatigued, you are legally responsible for care of yourself, crew and others.
Discuss Exchange of shift (COS). what Section is it in
Exchange of shift (COS) Section D6.
An employee may request to exchange a rostered shift with another employee of the same level or classification. This is subject to written approval by Head of Service taking into consideration rest period and skills mix for the district. If the person who has agreed and is rostered as a replacement does not report for duty or takes personal leave, that person’s leave is deducted.
3 types of relay pumping?
- Water Tanker Relay
- Open circuit
- Closed circuit
1. Tanker Water is driven to appliance by water truck and tank can be backfilled. Used when no/distant mains supply, usually areas only accessible by light units.
2. Open Circuit Base pump takes water from source and pumps through line into reservoir. Pump draughts from this water and repeats process till discharge point. Equipment intensive process with only real benefit is visual signs of overrunning supply can be seen and compensated for. Good for inexperienced pump operators.
3. Closed Circuit Water from source is draughted and pumped through hose in relay to other pumps collector till the delivery point.
What is the AFA process?
- When an alarm system reaches activation conditions, a signal is sent back to the Fire Indication Panel, this triggers the Automatic Signaling Equipment and notifies the third-party provider of the fire safety system.
- They notify ACTF&R Comcen. Then with the information provided the nearest resource is dispatched via CAD. (Mobile available or station proximity to FIP).
- Indicators of building alarm are, strobe flashing, automatic lighting activating, fire doors release, alarm gong sounding, evacuation tone or message, pressurization of stairs, smoke curtains, extractor fans and unlocking of electronic doors.
- Upon arrival SO’s can confirm this and send arrival to Comms, crew in PPE can check panel and locate activated zone or system and gather information from residents or occupants/warden. Following the block plan and system maps they can inspect the area, locate detector and determine cause and actions required. Ensure you find the head!
Critical Incident Stress Management and Peer Support… What is CISM/peer Support and who can access it
CISM is offered to staff as mental health support and crisis intervention. Incidents are logged and recorded, staff go through debrief operationally on scene and can request defuse session with professional as a group.
Staff and their families are also able to contact peer support 24/7 who are trained colleagues offering confidential one on one assistance. They act as a conduit between ACTF&R members and EAP provider (Converge).
- Peer supporters are a group of trained work colleagues
- Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- Act as the conduit between Brigade personnel and professional services
through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Focus on crisis intervention for employees and their families
- “Defusing Sessions” after a ‘critical event’ involving a psychologist group chat and
followed by a “one on one” welfare check
Discuss WH&S
Work Health and Safety Act 2011(the Act).
This policy applies to all ACTF&R workers and worksites. A worker is any person who carries out work for ACTF&R and includes employees, contractors and sub-contractors, employees of contractors or sub-contractors, employees of labour hire companies, Community Fire Unit members and volunteers as defined under the Certified Agreement. ACTF&R will meet its legislative obligations by complying with the following:
● Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
● Public Service Management Act 1994.
● ACT Public Service Work Safety & Injury Management Policies.
All staff must take reasonable care for their own health and safety, must take reasonable care that any action or omission does not impact on any other persons’ health or safety. Comply with any reasonable instruction to comply with the Act. Follow any reasonable policy or procedure. Report any safety incident immediately to supervisor and record (RiskMan).
What is the Hierarchy of control
Elimination, Substitution, Isolation, Engineering Control, Administrative Control, PPE. (ESIEAP)
Hazard is anything that can cause harm to life, property or health. Risk is likely hood of that harm being done. ACTF&R work in inherently dangerous environments such as structurally compromised buildings, vehicles and exposure to harmful substances. Dynamic risk assessments are used to identify hazards and risk and work to minimize or eliminate them to continue to achieve the result sought.
Discuss Equal Employment Opportunity EEO
Equal Employment Opportunity EEO policy: This targets:
- Women
- Aboriginals and Torres Straight Islanders
- people with a Disability
- Non-English speaking backgrounds.
Discuss Industrial Democracy
Industrial Democracy: This is the shared authority in decision making process and organisational running. Having the opportunity to contribute at any level with your opinion heard and considered.
This can include uniform committee, WHS and Vehicle/station committees