Maindeck_7448322 Flashcards
Child’s Pugh Score
Billirubin, Albumin, INR, Ascites, Encephalopathy
Criteria for transanal excision of adenocar
T0 or T1 (submucosa)< 3 cm< 30% circumferencePalpable on DRE (<8cm from anal verge)
Tx for gallstone ileus
Stable and healthy- stone removal and take down fistulaUnstable- stone removal only!
Tx of cholangiocarcinoma
- Upper 3rd- duct resection w/ partial hepatectomy2. Middle 3rd- bile duct resection + LADN3. Lower 3rd- Whipple*Locally advanced/unresectable- transplant
Orientation of portal triad
Bile duct lateralHepatic artery medialPortal vein posterior
Secretin vs. CCK
Both released by duoSecretin- duct cells –> bicarbCCK- acinar cells –> enzymes
Release from duo (I cells)Fxn: GB and Pancreatic contraction.Gastric relaxation
Replaced R/ and L hepatic
R- SMAL- left gastric
s/e of silver nitrate, silver sulfadiazene, mafenide
Silver nitrate- eletrolytes disturbace (no sulfa)Silver sulfadizene- neutropenia, sulfaMafenide- met acidosis, sulfa
Parkland formula
4 x weight x TBSA 1st 1/2 in 1st 8h2nd half next 16
Rule of 9s
Each arm 9Each leg 18Ant belly 9, Post belly 9Each hand 1Ant face 4.5, Post face 4.5Genitals 1
Cholangiocarcinoma types
1- below confluence2- at confluence3- R or L hep duct4- R and L hep duct5- multicentric
Inidications for neoadjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer
Stage 2 and aboveStage 2: at least t3 (crossing musc prop) or any n (stage 3)
Layers of colon/rectum
- mucosa2. sub-mucosa3. muscularis propria4. serosa
HNPCC inheritance
ADDefect in MLH/MSHBethesda criteria:
- 3x1d relative
- 2xgenerations
- 1x<50y
Most abundant bacteria in the colon
Bacteroides fragiles
CRC staging
stage 1- t1 to t2, n0stage 2- t3 to t4, n0stage 3- node involvementstage 4- m1
CRC T and N
t1- SMt2- MPt3- xMP/subserosat4- invaden1- 1-3, n2- >=4
ADPx- intestinal hamartomas, pigmented oral mucosaStart screening at 25; scope q2 years
Fuel for colonocytes
SCFA (acetate, butyrate, propionate)
Loc: throughoutPx: whipple’s triad
Loc: distalPx: dermatitis, DRH, DM, nec mig erythema
Loc: distalPx: watery DRH, hypoK, achlorhydria, inhibits gastrin
Loc: gastrinoma triangle (CBD, panic neck, 3D)Px: refractory PUD, gastrin > 200 on sec stim test
Loc: headPx: DM, gallstones, steatorrhea, block exo/endo pancreas
up regulation of vegfhyper vascular tumors
Li Fraumeni
p53 mutationbreast ca + soft tissue sarcoma
pten mutationbreast ca + thyroid ca + hamartomas
Tx of Zenkers
<2cm: circopharyngeal myotomy2-5 cm: myotomy +/- diverticulectomy>5cm: myotomy + diverticulectomy
Traction vs. Pulsion Diverticulum
traction- inflammation; all 3 layers; mid esopulsion- pressure; 2 layers; above circoph.
Tx of Barrett’s
low grade dysplasia: repeat scope/bx in 6mhigh grade dysplasia: endoscopic mucosal resection
Types of esophogectomy
Transhiatal- laparotomy and cervical incision/anastIvor Lewis- thoracic incisions/anast
high LES pressureincomplete relaxationno peristalsis
normal LES pressurenormal relaxationunorganized peristalisis
Nutcracker eso
high amplitude/long peristalsisnormal LES pressurenormal relaxation
Hormones that increase LES pressure
Superior laryngeal nerve
motor to cricothyroidinjury: high pitch
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
motor to larynx excluding circothryoidinjury: hoarsness, airway compromise
Free water deficit
TBW x [(Na-140)/140]TBW = weight x .6 (men) or .5 (women)
Tx for hyponatermia
Acute sxatic: hypertonic salineHypervolemia: hypertonic salineEuvolemic and asxatic: free water restrictionHypovolemic: volume resuscitate w/ LR or NS
fluid restrictiondemeclocycline
Parafollicular C cells Inhibits osteoclast resorptionIncreases Ph excretion
MOA: depolarizing muscle relaxantrapid on and off (RSI)s/e- hyperkalemia, can’t reverse, peaked t waves
Loop diuretics vs. Ca sparing diuretics
loop- furosemideCa sparing- thiazides
421 rule for mIVF
4 ml/kg/hr for 1st 10 kg+2 for next 10-20+1 for every kg above 20
tinglingchvostek/trousseau signEKG- qt prolongation and TWI
T staging for esophageal cancer
t1a- muscularis mucosat1b- SMt2- muscularis propriat3- adventitia*no serosa
Hypokalemia EKG
prolonged PR, TWI, qt prolongation
Hyperkalemia EKG
prolonged QRS, peaked T wave
2/2 hypoK, hypoCa, hypoMgall cause qt prolongation
Markers:Cancer Ca 125bHCGAFPInhibin
Ca 125- epithelialbHCG- choriocarcinomaAFP- germ cell/endodermal/yolk sacInhibin- granulosa/sex-cord
Cervical neoplasia
CIN1- tx infection, close f/upCIN2- cryo or leepCIN3- cryo or leep
McVay repair
Hernia repair without meshApproximates TAA to cooper’s ligament
Spigelian hernia
found along semilunar line lateral to rectusall should be repaired
Richter’s hernia
protrusion and/or strangulation of part of the intestine’s anti-mesenteric border
Somatostatin analogueInhibits exocrine function of pancreas and CCK releaseTx for chronic pancreatitis
long chain vs. medium chain TG
LC- absorbed by lymphaticsMC- absorbed into blood
encapsulatedlack epithelial lining>5cm requires drainage
Pancreas drainage procedures
Peustow- pancreaticojej (for large duct)Frey- pancreasticojej + core out headBerger- pancreatic head resection (for large head)
Atlanta classification pancreatits
- Interstitial:
* <4w- acute peripanc collection,
* >4w psuedocys
t2. Necrotic:
* <4w- acute necrotic collection
* >4w- walled of necrosis
Tx of psuedocyst
<6cm and <6w –> conservative>6cm and >6w –> drain if sxatic (perc cath, endoscopic methods, or surgery)
Pancreatic ducts
Wirsung- major, lies inferiorSantorini- minor, lies superior
Hereditary pancreatitis
PRSS1 trypsinogen mut’nADsmoking cessation is important
Ranson’s criteria on admission
“GA Law”age > 55Glu > 200LDH > 350AST > 250WBC > 16
Ranson’s criteria at 48 h
“C and Hobbs”Ca < 8HCT down > 10 ptsO2 < 60Base deficit > 4BUN > 5Sequestration of fluids > 6L
Blood supply of pancreas
Head: superior PD and inferior PDBody/tail: splenic
MOA reglan and erythromcyin
reglan: dopamine antagonisterythromycin: motlin receptor agonist causing SM contraction
Indications for neoadjuvant therapy for stomach cancer
Any T2 lesion or LN involvementT2: growth into the muscularis propria
T staging for gastric cancer
t1- SMt2- MPt3- xMP/subserosat4- invaden1: 1-2, n2: 3-6, n3: >7
Number of LN needed for gastric vs. CRC
gastric- 15CRC- 12
D cells in stomach, duo and pancShuts off insulin, glucagon, and gastrinStimulated by acid
Marginal ulcer vs. Cameron ulcer
Marginal- REYGB at GJ anastomosisCameron- on lesser curve of large hiatal hernia
Triple therapy
PP1 + 2 antibioticsabxs: amoxicillin, metronidazole, tetracycline, clarithromycin
Loss in excess weight for each surgery
REYGB- 75%SG- 60%Lap band- 50%
G cells of antrum signal EC cells –> His –> Parietal cell –> HClStimulated by ACh, beta ago, AA
Types of vagotomy
Highly selective: only removes innervation to lesser curvature- preserves pylorus → no drainage procedureTruncal vagotomy: removes lesser curve and pylorus nerves (upstream)- need pyloroplasty. high r/o dumping syndrome
location of vagus nerve
LARPleft anterior, right posterior to esophagus
Tx of GIST
Resection w/ gross marginNo LN dissectionAdd imatinib (TK inhibitor) if >5m/50HPF
Fuel for SB and LB
SB- glutamineLB- SCFA
Specific to Crohn’s disease
CobblestoningGranulomasTransmural Fistulas
Kaposi’s sarcoma
HSV8Violet/brown papules
Cause: autoab to PLTSTx: steroids –> splenectomy (avoid PLTs)
Who needs stress dose steroids
> 20 mg of steroids for > 3 weeks
Encapsulate organisms
Strep pneumo (MC)NeisseriaHaemophilus
Carcinoid vs. GIST origin and tx
carcinoid- Kulchinsky cells (enterochromaffin-like)
* < 2cm –> appendectomy
* > 2cm –> R hemi
* chemo if unresectable GIST- cajal cells
* tx- resection
* imantinib
Localization studies pheo, aldo, gastronoma, PT
pheo- i131aldo- adrenal vein samplinggastrinoma- SS receptorPT- sestamini
Order of potency of steroids
- HC
- Pred
- Methylpred
- Dexameth
Products of anterior pituitary
TSH, ACTH, FSH/LH, GH, Proneurosecretory cell stimulates hypothalamus which lets go of releasing hormone
Products of posterior pituitary
“PAO in the POST”ADH, Oxytocin2/2 direct stem from neurosecretory cell
When to operate on adrenal mass
all functioning tumorsall > 6 cm –> open resection (no lap)if < 6cm with suspicious features (>10HU, slow w/out) –> open resection (no lap)if bilateral –> tx medically w/spironolactone
Imaging associated with benign adrenal mass
< 10HURapid washout< 4cm
Bethesda criteria for thyroid
10 mm is cutoff to get an FNA
- Non-diagnostic → repeat FNA
- Benign → follow-up
- Undetermined significance → repeat FNA
- Suspicious for follicular neoplasm → lobectomy, repeat FNA, or genetic testing (no core needle)
- Suspicious for malignancy → lobectomy vs. thyroidectomy
- Malignant → thyroidectomy
Staging adrenal cancer
s1- <5cms2- >5cms3- n1 or t3s4- mets
Origin of med thyroid cancer
4th pharyngeal arch NCC –> parafollicular C cells
Indications for radioiodine thereapy
2-4 cm massvascular invasionanti-Tg AbTG < 5
What is not suppressed by high dose dexa
Adrenal massEctopic mass (small cell cancer)
Sub-acute thyroiditis
Recent viral URItx- NSAIDs/steroids
Hot vs. cold nodules
Hot- surgery or iodine ablation –> unlikely cancerCold- FNA –> may be cancer
Drainage of gonadal veins
R- IVFL- L renal vein
MCCO cauti
- e. coli2. enterococcus3. candida
Tx of renal cell carcinoma
resistant to chemo/rads1st line is TK inhibitors (sunitinib)
Ureter injuries
proximal ⅓ → primary ureterourostomymiddle ⅓ → primary or tran uretero urosotomylower ⅓ → re-implanation +/- hitch
MOA: calcineurin inhibitor (binds fK)s/e- nephrotoxic
MOA: calcineurin inhibitors/e- 100x less potent then tacro, nephrotoxic
MOA: cell cycle inhibitor
MOA: IL2 inhibitor
MOA: mTOR inhibitors/e- lymphocele, wound complicationsbenefit- less nephrotoxic
Types of rejection
hyperacute- preformed IgG against donor; t2HSacute- T and B cell resposne to MHC; t4HSgraft vs. host- graft T-cells attach host; t4HS
Volume of the lung after normal tidal expiration
Order of contents in thoracic outlet
vein (SC)muscle (scalene)artery (SC)nerve (br plexus)
Acute cellular rejection
T cell mediatedpath: portal cellular infiltrate + endotheliitistx: pulse steroids → consider thymo
Milan criteria
indications for trx w/ HCC
* Single tumor < 5cm
* No more than 3 tumors each < 3 cm
5-year transplant pt survival is 65-90%
hypovolemic shock
low CI, high SVR, low wedge
septic shock
high CI, low SVR, +/- wedge
low CI, high SVR, high wedge
neurogenic shock
high CI, low SVR, low wedge
Grading of splenic injury
1- <1 cm,2- 1-5 cm,3- > 5cm,4- segment/hilar vessels,5- shatteredReturn to activity → injury grade + 2; so grade 2 would be 4 weeks
Post splenectomy ppx
“SHiN”PPV23 + haemophilus influenzae TYPE B + meningococcal polysaccharideElectively- 2 weeks beforeEmergently- PPV23 directly postop, other two given 2 w post op
GCS eye opening
4- spon3- to voice2- to pain1- none
GCS verbal
5- normal4- confused3- inappropriate words2- incomprehensible1- none
GCS motor
6- obeys commands5- localized4- w/draws3- flexion (decort)2- extension (decerebrate)1- none
Zone injuries
* zone 1-3 –> explore
* zone1 –> explore
* zone 2-3 –> do not explore
Mattox maneuver
“L –> Mattox”move left structures to the rightexposure left sided vasculatreexplore aorta and L renal vein
Hard signs of vascular injury
shockexpanding hematomapulsatile bleedthrill/bruitabsent pulseischemia
TASC classifcation
TASC a and b usually get endovascular repairA- < 3cmB- 3-10 cm
Rule of 6s
flow > 600/mindiameter > 6mm (after placement)depth of 6mm
Indications to tx ICA stenosis
if Asx, only tx if > 60if sx, tx if > 50sxs- contralateral motor/sensory sxs, ipsi vision sxs
Central cord syndrome
loss of pain, temp, motormotor UE> LE loss (vs. anterior syndrome)
MC aortic infections
aneurysmal- staphnon-aneurysm- salmonella
Paget Von Schroetter syndrome
narrowing of SC/Ax vein 2/2 mech compressionpx- acute swellingTx- catheter directed thrombolysis (NOT open thrombectomy)
Indications for iHD
GFR 10-15 for sxaticGFR < 5 for asymptomaticSxs = AEIOU (acid, lytes, intox, olverload, uremia)
c/i to BCT
multicentricinflammatory cac/i to radiation
Modified radical mastectomy
mastectomy with ALND (level 1 and 2 only) w/ sparing of pectoralis
Gail model
ageage 1st periodage 1st birth1d relativeprevious bxrace
Tx of breast CA in preg
partial mastectomy + radiation after preg OR full mastectomytrastuzumab is c/i
Mondor disease
tender, “cord-like” structuretx- NSAIDs
Stage 3 breast CA
3a: 4-9 LNs3b: t4 disease (extension beyond breast)3c: 10+ LNs
Indications for neo-adjuvant therapy for breast CA
stage3+ or inflammatory breast
- CA 3a: 4-9 LNs
- 3b: t4 disease (extension beyond breast)
- 3c: 10+ LNs
long thoracic nerve vs. thoracodorsal nerve
LTN → serratus –> winged scapTD → LD –> difficult shoulder ADduction/Int rotation
Screening guidelines for breast ca
annual screening at age 40
Phyllodes tumor
“sarcoma of the breast”tx- en bloc resectionhematog spread- chemo/LN dissection unnneccesary
Benign lesions that require excisional bx
- Atypical DH
- Atypical LH
- radial scar
- papillary lesion
- any atypia
Intraductal papilloma
MCCO bloody nipple d/ctx w/ duct excisionno increased r/o ca
cyclical paindx- US guided core bxonly excise if discordance with biopsy!
Stewart-Treves syndrome
post mastectomy lymphangiosarcomarare and highly malignantTx- wide local excision w/ 3-6 cm margin
Tx preg with hormone positive breast CA
part mastectomy, SLNBx w/ radio tracer (not meth blue)RTx after birth
TRAM flap
SUPERIOR epigastric arterycan use ipsi or contra muscle
Normal values: CVP, WP, SVR, CI
CVP 2-6WP 4-12SVR 700-1500CI 2.5-4
ARDS ratio
- mild- 200 to 300
- moderate 100-200
- severe < 100
Arterial content
(1.34 x Hb x Sa02) + (.003 x PaO2)
PD inhibitorcontractility with vasodilationgreat for pulmonary hypertension
a1 agonist
Dopamine dosing
low- d1/2 ago (renal dose)medium- B agohigh- A ago
MC uni-microbial CO nec fasc
Clostridium perfringensgas gangreneanaerobic
Human bite tx
amox/clavulanateMC for human bites- eikenella
MCCO healthcare infection:
- central line infection
- GI infection
- HAP: staph
- central line infection- candida
- SSI- staph
- UTI- e. Coli
- GI infection- c. diff
vancomycinif vanc resistant then linezolid
Echinococcal cyst
hydatid diseasemultiple small cysts w/in big oneTx- total/partial splenectomy. can sterilize w/ EtOH injxn; spillage causes anaphylaxis (do not drain)
Staph epi
exo slime/biofilm from PIA capsuleblocks abx effect
Group A strep
strep pyogenessuspect if gas and bullae
Gram negative bacteria (Klebsiella) have outer lipopolysaccharide layer with LIPID A endotoxin → septic shock
PEAK- amountTROUGH- frequency
Primary lymphoid organ vs. secondary
Primary: generate cells i.e. liver, bone, thymusSecondary: maintain cells i.e. nodes, spleen, MALT
produced by macrophages
cell wall of GN bacteria endotoxinactivates complements cascade → sepsis
Wound healing order of entry
plts → PMNs → macrophages → fibroblast → keratinocytes
Fibrolamellar HCC
well circumscribed w/ central scar similar to FNHnormal AFP and elevated neurotensin (Vs. FNH)
hepatic adenoma
path- EARLY HETEROGENEOUS enhancement on A phase w/ rapid washouttx- stop OCP use. resect if > 5cm or sxatic
path- CENTRAL STELLATE SCAR!; bright on arterial phase homogenoustx- resect if sxatic. no malignant potential.
bile salt circulation
- conjugate in hepatocytes into gly/taurine
- secreted into bile
- 80% reabsorbed in ileuim ACTIVELY
- 20% DECONJUGATED by bacteria
- deconjugated salts absorbed in colon PASSIVELY
- 5% is excreted
path- PERIPHERAL ENHANCEMENTtx- if rupture, size change, or KM syndrome
Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome:
hemangioma + thrombocytopeniausually infantsresect!
Entamoeba histo
MExicotx with MEtronidazole (no OR!)NO rim enhancement (vs. amoebic abscess)dx- EIA (assay)
Hydatid cysttx w/ mebendazole
Pyogenic abscess
e. Coli and klebtx- perc drainage is 1st line!
MCCO of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
E. Coli
Hepatitis seromarkers
Vaccinated: surface Ab POSITIVEResolved Hb infection: surface Ab POSITIVE and core Ab POSITIVEActive infection: surface Ag, surface Ab, and core Ab ALL POSITIVE
Liver lesions on arterial phase:
- Mets
- Adenoma
- Hemangioma
- HCC- Homogeneous enhancement
- Mets- Hypoattenuation
- Adenoma- Heterogeneous enhancement
- Hemangioma- Periph enhancing
- FNH- Centrifugal enhancing
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
MC malignant H/N tumor
Pleomorphic adenoma
MC benign H/N tumormiddle aged womanslow growing; t2 brightTx: superficial parotidectomy even if asx
Adenoid cystic carcinoma
MC minor salivary gland tumor (SM gland)propensity for perineural invasionRemains quiescent for years then metastasizes aggressively
Warthin tumor/Papillary cystadenoma
benign tumor of salivary glandoften BILATERAL and 2/2 smokingTx- complete resection with uninvolved margins even if ASx
spinal accessory nerveexit jugulars forameninnervates SCM and trapezius goes along post triangle
Contents of post triangle
CN 11 subclavian arteryEJVbrachial plexus trunks
Contents of ant triangle
carotid sheath, anca cervicalis, CN 12Contents of carotid sheath: CN10 (vagus), CCA, ICA
Frey syndrome
gustatory sweating s/p parotidectomy
Felty syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis,splenomegaly, granulocytopenia
LeFort fxs
I- palateII- nose and palateIII- entire face
Pyoderma gangrenosum
associated w/ IBDRESOLVES after resectionpre-tibialtx- steroids
Merkel cell ca
rare neuroendocrine tumor of the skinlooks like BCC w/out rolled edgeshighly radiosensitiveTx- surgical excision + SLNBx + XRT
SLNBx for melanoma
< .75 mm none> .75 to 1 mm w/ ulceration, mitosis, invasion
Stage 1 melanoma
1A: .76-1mm w/ no ulceration, no mitosis1B: mitosis, invasion, ulceration
Breslow depth
t1: < 1mm → .5-1 cm margint2: 1-2 mm → 1-2 cm margint3: > 2 mm → 2 cm margin
Vitamin C
hydroxylation of lysine and prolinetype 3 collagen cross-linking
Gardner’s Syndrome
ADpolyposis, osteomas, multiple epidermal cysts
Minimum negative margin for BCC
4 mm for unaggressive8 mm for aggressive tumors
Melanoma types
superficial spreading- MClentigo- sun exposed, best prognodular- worst prog
MS vs. ED
MS- Fibrillin defect (elastin); AD, tall, aortic root dilation, lens defect, arachnodactylyED- t1, t3 , t5 collagen defect; hyper elastic skin, hypermobile joints
irreversible inhibitor of PG metabolism in PLTs2/2 cox acetylation7-days of PLT dysfunction
VW disease
1- low quantity. tx- desmo and cryo2- low quality: tx- only cryo3- complete absence: tx- cryo and desmo dx- ristocetin test or measure vWF level
accelerates AT3 activity and INDIRECTLY inhibits thrombin
Mechanical valve periop
restart coumadin in 12-24h and bridge w/ heparin or lovenox
px- petechiae and megakaryotcytestx-steroids (IVIG 2nd line)
* do not tx unless PLT < 30k or 20k in low risk
path- def in ADAMtS13px- TCP purpura, neuro sx, kidney dz, hemo anemia, fevertx- plasmapheresis → splenectomy if failed
F11 def
r/o bleeding w/ surgerytx- FFP (not f11 concentrate!)
Rapid coumadin reversal
binds GP1b on PLTs and attaches them to endothelium
release txa2 → PLT aggregation
vasoconstrictorsreleased by PLTs
binds gp2b/3a receptors to link PLTs together
converts fibrinogen to fibrin
stimulated by HYPOXIA produced by kidney fibroblastsLiver is major producer of EPO in fetus
Hemophilia A
f8 DEFICIENCY SLRMC inherited disordertx- DESMOPRESSIN (mild), f8 concentrate (severe)
F5 Leiden
resistance to protein C and Sacts w/ Xa to converts fibrinogen to fibrin
Felty Syndrome
RA + neutropenia + splenomegaly
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome
X-linkedTCPenia + combined b/t cell def + eczema
AT3 def
ADnon-vit K dependent protease for 10a potentiated by heparintx- FFP
febrile transfusion rxn
RECIPIENTS Ab attack DONOR leukocytes
degrades fibrin and fibrinogenactivated by urokinase and streptokinase
Uremic PLT dysfunction
2/2 renal diseasereversible dysfunctiontx- desmopressin, cryo, conj estrogen, EPO, or blood DO NOT give PLTs
MALT lymphoma
associated w/ h. Pylori. Tx:
- Low grade: triple therapy
- High grade: chemo and XRT (CHOP) +/- rituximab
Interleukins 1, 2, 4
IL1: feverIL2: T cell prolif and Ig productionIL4: T/B cell maturation
Sarcoma T and N staging
T1- <5 cmT2- > 5cmN1- regional nodes
Ovarian tumor markers:AFPCEAHCGLDHCa 125Inhibin
AFP: yolk sac tumor, endodermal sinusCEA: mucinous ovarian tumorHCG: ovarian choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinomaLDH: dysgerminomaCa 125: epithelial ovarian tumorsInhibin: granulosa cell tumor
EBV associated with
Burkitt lymphomaB cell lymphoman/ph cancer
competitive inhibitor of TKtx for GIST
T staging for HCC
T1: any size without vascular invasionT2: < 5 cm with vascular invasionT3: > 5 cm with vascular invasionT4: invade adjacent organs
Origins of medullary thyroid cancer
4th pharyngeal arch releases NCC which form parafollicular C cells
Indications for post op radio-iodine
2-4 cmvascular invasionanti-Tg AbTG<5
hot vs cold nodules
hot- surgery or iodine ablationcold- FNA
neoadjuvant tx for RCC
TK inhibitors are 1st line (sunitinib)Resistant to chemo/rads
MOA of tacro, cyclosporine, sirolimus, mmf, basiliximab
tacro- calcineurin inhibitorcyclosporine- calcineurin inhibitorsirolimus- mTor inhibitormmf- cell cycle inhibitorbasilixamab- il2 inhibitor
TOF anomalies
- Over-riding aorta
- RV hypertrophy
- RV obstruction
Beckwith Wiedmann Syndrome
3m-2yAssociated with hepatoblastoma and wilm’s tumor
5Ts of cyanosis
- Transposition of GVs
- Truncus art
- Tricuspid atresia
type 1 choledochocal cyst
fusiform dilationtx- excision w/ REY H-J
type 2 choledochocal cyst
cystic diverticulatx- excision w/ primary closure (NOT a REY)
type 3 choledochocal cyst
choledochoceletx- transduodenal marsupialization or excision
type 4 choledochocal cyst
extra/intra dilationstx- excision w/ REH H-J
GastRoschisis to the Right of midline rare defectsEXCEPTION- instestinal atresia
2/2 failure of umbo ring closure 11th week gut returns to abdominal cavitynormal bowel (protected)Other congenital defect are more common
Non-cyanotic heart defects
Thoracic duct course
originates at L1-L2 @ c. chyli → aortic hiatus → cross from R to L at T4-5 → empties into L SC/IJ jxn
PFTs for lung resection
FEV1 > .8LDLCO > 40%FVC > 1.5LVO2 > 10 ml/min/kg
Mediastinal tumors
Anterior: lymphoma MC in children, thymoma MC in adultsMiddle: lymphoma MCPosterior: neurologic MC
Cutoff for low risk lung nodules not requiring follow-up
Number of lung segments
Lung fissures
Oblique fissure: aka major fissure; separates upper lobe from lower lobe +/- middleHorizontal fissure: aka minor fissure; only on the R; separates upper lobe from middle lobe
Accessible nodal stations w/ EBUS
2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12
Thyroid ima
supplies medial aspect of both lobes of the thyroidcome off the innominate/brachiocephalic
non-depolarizingcleared by Hoffman degradationuse in pts w/ renal and hepatic disease
non-depoleliminated by kidney and liver
non-depoleliminated by kidney and liver
non-depolrapid onset; best for short procedureseliminated by liver only
ONLY depolarizingshort half life and rapid onset (RSI)degraded by plasma CEs/e: rhabdo, ocular HTN, malig hyperthermia, hyperKc/i: spinal cord injury, renal failure, large burns
Tx for beta blocker overdose
Steps of rapid sequence intubation
c-spine stabilize → preO2 → fentanyl → etomidate → succinylcholine
competitive inhibitor of ACh at muscarinic receptor liver metabolism
reversal of non-depol muscle relaxantsAChE inhibitor
little myocardial depressionrapid uptake and eliminationnot strong enough as single agent
cheapesteffective at low concentrations/e- ventricular arrhythmia, hepatic necrosis
rapid inductions/e- expensive, liver metabolism
strong vasodilatorless myocardial depression (still more than NO)
Latent error
2/2 condition of system being removed; evident after a “perfect storm”
SCIP guidelines
- Ppx abx 1 hour before incision (vanc can be 2hr)
- DC abx 24h after end time
- 48h for cardiac surgery
- Cardiac pt should have glucose should be < 200 on POD1 and 2
- Shaving is inappropriate; should clip hair
- Remove foley on POD1 or 2
- Maintain normothermia (=> than 36)
- Recieve BB 1 day prior to surgery through POD2
- VTE prophy within 24h of end time
Periop DM management
Oral agents:
* hold ON THE MORNING of surgery.
* Resume after surgery (EXCEPT for metformin)
Rapid IV agents:
* withhold while NPO and use with a sliding scale
Intermediate/Long acting:
* give normal dose the night before
* Give ½ dose the morning of surgery
Pump: keep a basal insulin infusion on the day of surgery - use pump to correct levels as needed
Peri-op anti-PLT agents
Clopidogrel (plavix): hold 5-7 days before elective surgeryASA: continue through the surgery
Epidural hematoma
BiconvexMMADOES NOT suture lines
Vitamin K
gamma CARBOXYLATION (not decarb) ofGLUTAMATE on 2, 7, 9, 10, c, s
competitive inhibitor of epoxide reductase (vit K activator)
Kcal per macronutrient
protein = 4 kcal/gdextrose = 3 kcal/glipid = 4 kcal/gcarb = 4 kcal/g
stores depleted after 24-48h of starvationMOST found in skeletal muscle, rest in the liver
Zinc def
skin rash, impaired wound healing, testicular atrophy
Selenium def
cardiomyopathy, hypothyroid
hyperglycemia, confusion, neuropathy
Copper def
pancytopenia, myelopathy, pigmentation change
Iron def
anemia, glossitis, brittle nails, cardiomegaly
B12 def
megalo anemia, neuropathy
Respiratory quotient
CO2 produced / O2 consumed>1 → carb is major nutrient.7 → lipids major nutrient
preA vs. Albumin
Prealbumin: t1/2 is 1-2 days; best marker for short-term nutritional statusAlbumin: t1/2 is 21 days; biomarker of long term nutrition; pre op assessment
Silvadene, mafenide, silver nitrate s/e
Silvadene: s/e- neutropenia, hypersensitivity, kernicterus (avoid in preg)Mafenide: s/e- met acidosisSilver Nitrate: s/e- hypoNatremia
MOA: increased PS activity (AChE-I)tx for ogilvie’sMONITORED SETTING w/ atropine b/c high r/o BRADYCARDIAb4 r/o mech obsxn 1st or r/o perf b/c of enhanced motility and pressure
- BB
- Tylenol
- Benzos
- CN/Nitroprusside
- Vecuronium/Rocuronium
- Ethylene glycol
- Methemoglobinemia
- BB overdose: fluids/atropine → glucagon
- Tylenol: NAC
- Benzos: fluamzenil
- CN/Nitroprusside: sodium thiosulfate, amyl nitrite
- Vecuronium/Rocuronium: sugammadex
- Ethylene glycol: femopizole and bicarb OR ethanol; iHD
- Methemoglobinemia: methylene blue
Ethylene glycol toxicity
metabolized in the liveroxalate stones → renal failureanion gap met acid
1, 2, and 3 SD = 67%, 95%, and 99.7% of the data
Se, Sp
Sensitivity = of the people who have the disease how many test positiveSpecific = of the people who don’t have the disease how many test negative
PPV = of the people who test positive how many have the diseaseNPV = of the people who test negative how many do not have the disease
NNT = 1/absolute risk reduction (ARR)ARR = event rate in intervention group - rate in null group
type 1 vs. type 2 error
type 1: false positivetype 2 false negative
T and N staging eso cancer
- t1a- LP and MM
- t1b- SM
- t2- MP
- t3- adventitia
- t4a- resectable structures
- t4b- unresectable structures
n1: 1-2 nodesn2: 3-6 nodesn3: 7+
Indications for neoadjuvant therapy eso cancer
t1b and above ORany nodal involvement
tx of eso cancer by t stage
t1a- mucosal resectiont1b- esophagectomyt2- esophagectomyt3- esophagectomyt4a- esophagectomyt4b- chemo/radscervical- chemo/rads
layers of the eso
Mucosa * epithelium * LP * MM * Sub-mucosa (lots of lyphatics!) * MP * Adventitia NO serosa!
T staging indications for neoadjuvant- eso- stomach- colon- rectal
- eso: t1b (SM)- stomach: t2 (MP)- colon: t4b (adjacent organs)- rectal: t3 (through MP)
Tx of liver lesions
- Hemangioma: only if sxatic FNH: NTD
* Adenoma: if > 4cm or < 4cm w/out OCP reponse
Liver collection tx
Pyogenic- drain and abxAmoebic- metronidazoleEchinococcal- albendazole and resect
- Bili
- Creatinine
Enzymes secreted in their active form from pancreas
Stage 3 breast cancer
3a- 4 to 9 nodes3b- chest wall or breast skin3c- supra clavicular nodes
Howship-Romburg Sign
Pain in medial thigh with internal rotation and extensionSuggests an obtruator hernia
dx of colovag and colovesic fistula
colovag: tampon testcolovesic: CT scan
Scope schedule after Crohn’s dx
10 years after dx then every year to r/o dysplasia
Paget-Schroetter syndrome
Exercose induced thrombosis of subclavian/axillary VEINTx- catheter directed thrombolysis
Generic nitrogen need
1g of nitrogen for every 150 kcal
GPRMC CO emphysematous cholecystitis
Treatment of Merkel Cell
excisionhighly radiosensitive. radiate if > 2cmSLNBx
Gardner syndrome
epidermal cysts, GI polyposis, osteomas
Hyperacute rejection mechanism
Host IgG towards class 1 MHC
Cause of:gravesTMNHashimoto’sDeQuervains
graves- IgG against TSHrTMN- hyperplasia 2/2 low grade TSH stimulationHashimoto’s- antiTG abs (cell-med and humoral)DeQuervains- viral URI
Specific to UC
Crypt abscessPsuedopolyps
Specific to Crohn’s
Creeping fatSkip lesionsTransmural
Polyps that require surgery instead of endoscopic resection
Submucosal invasion > 1mmPoorly differentiated<1 mm marginLymphovascular invasionTumor budding