macbeth character quotes Flashcards
“For brave… (act 1)
Macbeth- well he deserves that name”
“O valiant…. (act 1)
cousin! worthy gentleman” (Duncan)
“what he hath lost… (act 1)
noble Macbeth hath won” (Duncan)
“so foul and fair… (act 1)
a day I have not seen” (Macbeth)
Stay, you imperfect… (act 1)
speakers, tell me more” (Macbeth)
“whose horrid image… (act 1)
doth unfix my hair” (Macbeth)
“and make my seated heart… (act 1)
knock at my ribs, against the use of nature? present fears are less than horrible imaginings” (Macbeth)
“whose murder yet is… (act 1)
fantastical” (Macbeth)
“the service and the loyalty… (act 1)
in doing it pays itself (Macbeth)
“stars, hide your fires… (act 1)
let not light see my black and deep desires” (Macbeth)
“the eye wink at the hand… (act 1)
yet let that be, which the eye fears, when it is done, to see” (Macbeth)
“shall blow the horrid… (act 1)
deed in every eye, that tears shall drown the wind” (Macbeth)
“He hath honoured me…. (act 1)
of late and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people” (Macbeth)
“I dare do all that may become a man… (act 1)
who dares do more is none” (Macbeth)
“Is this a dagger… (act 2)
which I see before me, the handle toward my hand?” (Macbeth)
“a dagger of the mind.. (act 2)
a false creation, proceeding from the heat- oppressed brain” (Macbeth)
“bloody business… (act 2)
- “nature seems dead”
- “wicked dreams abuse” (Macbeth)
“the curtain’d… (act 2)
sleep; witchcraft celebrates” (Macbeth)
“whose howl’s his watch… (act 2)
thus with his stealthy pace. With Tarquin’s ravishing strides, towards his design Moves like a ghost” (Macbeth)
“I go and it is done… (act 2)
the bell invites me. Hear it not Duncan; for it is a knell That summons thee to heaven or to hell” (Macbeth)
“I have done the deed…” (act 2)
Didst thou not hear a noise?” (Macbeth)
“This is a sorry…
“But wherefore could not I pronounce… (act 2)
Amen?” (Macbeth)
“I am afraid to think… (act 2)
what I have done; look on’t again I dare not” (Macbeth)
“Will all great Neptune’s…. (act 2)
ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” (Macbeth)
“No, this my hand will rather… (act 2)
The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, making the green one red” (Macbeth)
“to be thus is… (act 3)
nothing: but to be safely thus” (Macbeth)
“Banquo, thy soul’s flight… (act 3)
If it find Heaven, must find it out to-night” (Macbeth)
“better be with the dead…. (act 3)
whom we, to gain our peace, have sent to peace” (Macbeth)
than on the torture… (act 3)
of the mind to lie in restless ecstasy” (Macbeth)
“and make our faces… (act 3)
vizards to our hearts, disguising what they are” (Macbeth)
“O, full of scorpions… (act 3)
is my mind, dear wife!” (Macbeth)
“Be innocent of the knowledge… (act 3)
dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed” (Macbeth)
“thy bones… (act 3)
are marrowless, thy blood is cold” (Macbeth)
“never shake…. (act 3)
thy gory locks at me” (Macbeth)
“we are yet… (act 3)
but young in deed” (Macbeth)
“yet my heart throbs to know one thing… (act 4)
tell me, if your art can tell so much: shall Banquo’s issue ever reign in this kingdom?” (Macbeth)
“I will be satisfied: deny me this… (act 4)
and an eternal curse fall on you!” (Macbeth)
“Time, thou… (act 4)
anticipatest my dread exploits” (Macbeth)
“The castle of Macduff…. (act 4)
I will surprise” (Macbeth)
“Seize upon Fife… (act 4)
give to the edge of the sword His wife, his babes and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line” (Macbeth)