act 2 scene 3 events and quotes Flashcards
What does the start of the scene begin with?
the knocking of the porter
What is the significance of the knocking of the porter? (comedy)
comic relief- used for light relief- a welcome moment of humour in the very intense play
What is the other significance of the porter knocking on the door?
a link with older plays- in medieval plays, a porter admitted sinners to Hell- Shakespeare links Macbeth’s castle with Hell
What is significant about “Who’s there, in the other devil’s name?”
comic relief- quite ironic as he talks about Hell and death- 2 things Macbeth has just experienced
Is Macbeth speaking a lot in the beginning of the act?
not speaking a lot- shows his extreme nerves and paranoia of being caught out
What literary device does Shakespeare use to convey Macbeth’s paranoia?
short sentences- making him seem very suspicious
What does Lennox say about the night the king was murdered?
“the night has been unruly”
What does Lennox say about the noises he heard on the night Duncan was married?
“strange screams of death”
“And prophesying with…
accents terrible”
“Of dire combustion…
and confused events”
“Some say the earth was…
feverous and did shake”
Lennox’s description of the night is significant why?
pathetic fallacy- the night was unnatural- inversion of the natural order- nature knows a crime has been committed
What does Macbeth say in response to Lennox explaining that the night was unnatural?
“Twas a rough night”
What technique does Shakespeare use when Macbeth speaks?
dramatic irony- rough for Macbeth and also rough for the earth
“Approach the chamber…
and destroy your sight”
What is important about Macduff saying “approach the chamber and destroy your sight”?
shows his loyalty to the king- he is straight away trying to figure out what happened
-the attack was so brutal that you will be traumatised from seeing the king’s dead body
How does Shakespeare show calamity and chaos has erupted when the news of Duncan’s death is spread?
the use of short sentences-convey franticness
-the use of exclamation marks, exclamatory mode- shouting
What are Lady Macbeth and Macbeth’s reaction to Duncan being murdered?
Macbeth explains how he killed the guards
Lady Macbeth faints
Both act extremely shocked and surprised
“And our safest way…
is to avoid the aim”
What do Malcolm and Donaldbain do?
they flee the country- Donalbain to Ireland and Malcom to England
they are aware this makes them look like suspects but they fear they are in danger being in Scotland