act 1 scene 3 events and quotes Flashcards
What is the first thing that Macbeth says to the witches?
So foul and fair a day, I have not seen
Why is what Macbeth says to the witches important and ironic?
Macbeth uses the same words that the witches used- foul and fair and it shows how the witches and Macbeth are linked
What is Banquos initial reaction to the witches prophecies?
He is very positive about the prophecies
What is the quote that shows Banquo is positive about the witches prophecies?
Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear?
Are ye fantastical?
What does the quote “which outwardly ye show” mean?
Banquo and Macbeth are confused about the witches as they have beards, but they look like women which makes them realise that they are witches which is very supernatural and unnatural
What does Banquo say that shows he wants to know his fate/prophecies?
“Speak then to me”
What kind of outlook does Banquo have about the witches prophecies?
fantastical and supernatural
What quote shows that Banquo is happy without having the direct burden of being King?
“Not so happy, yet so much happier”
What reaction does Macbeth have to the witches prophecies?
he is curious, suspicious and also quite negative
Macbeth having a negative reaction to the witches prophecies foreshadows what?
his later negativity in the play
What quote shows that Macbeth is curious about the witches prophecies?
“Stay, you imperfect speakers, tell me more”
What does Macbeth say that shows he demands to know the witches prophecies?
“Speak, I charge you”
What two quotes show Banquo and Macbeth’s contrasting views on the prophecies?
“Whither are they vanish’d”- Banquo
“Would they had stay’d”-Macbeth
What does Ross say showing the dramatic irony of Macbeth being promoted to Thane?
“His wonders and his praises do contend”
“Thy praises in his kingdom’s great defence”
What does Banquo say that shows he thinks the prophecies will betray him?
“tis strange”
“to win us to our harm”
“the instruments of darkness”
What does Ross say when he promotes Macbeth to Thane Of Cawdor?
“And, for an earnest of a greater honour, He bade me, from him, call him thee thane of Cawdor, In which addition, hail, most worthy thane!”
What does Macbeth say that shows the prophecies are good for him?
“As happy prologues to the swelling act”
What do the words “happy” and “swelling” show when Macbeth is talking about his prophecies?
“happy”- killing King Duncan is a good thing for him as then he will become King, which is what his ultimate aim/ambition is
“swelling”- the desire to kill King Duncan is swelling- its prevalent and overmastering
What literary device does Shakespeare use to convey Macbeths feelings of the prophecies and what does this do for the audience?
soliloquy- presents his inner conflict and the thoughts and feelings he is experiencing (exposes his flaws- his tragic hero status and his hubris)
-creates fear and shock for the audience and they would be deeply concerned as the protagonist of the play is thinking about committing regicide!
What quote highlights Macbeths inner conflict and dilemma he is facing?
“Cannot be ill, cannot be good: if ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor”
What do the contrasting words “good” and “ill” show?
Becoming king is complex and confusing and the juxtaposing words highlight Macbeths weakness and confusion around becoming King
Becoming Thane of Cawdor is good or bad for Macbeth?
A good thing, however Macbeth feels wary/apprehensive of the situation as he thinks it cannot be 100% good, if it is also “ill”
What quote shows Macbeth is still sceptical of the witches prophecies?
“Commencing in a truth?”
What does the quote “Commencing in a truth?” convey?
Macbeth believes the prophecies cannot be true and he questions himself- his uncertainty
What quote highlights Macbeth’s indecisiveness to kill the king?
“Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, Against the use of nature? Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings.”
The quote “against the use of nature” highlights Macbeths indecisiveness, how?
Macbeth knows that committing regicide is wrong- he understands and acknowledges it is an inversion of the natural order
What literary device within the soliloquy does Shakespeare use to highlight Macbeth’s inner monologue?
Rhetorical questions
Macbeth’s indecisiveness links to what?
His tragic hero status- the constant attempts of trying to redeem himself from his fatal flaw
What is Macbeth excited about the witches prophecies?
How Banquo cannot be king- only his sons can and he is also excited by the prospect of being the Thane of Cawdor