act 1 scene 7 events and quotes Flashcards
“He hath honour’d me of late….
and I have bought Golden opinions from all sorts of people”
Macbeth is enjoying being Thane?
Yes, as he is enjoying all of the “golden” opinions that come with it- enjoying the praise and the validation
How is Macbeth speaking of the King?
highly- he has proven his loyalty to Duncan and has been rewarded in exchange-he is in a good place and doesn’t want to ruin that by killing him
What tone is Macbeth using when speaking of himself and the validation/praise he is using?
A hopeful, proud tone
“Was the hope… (Lady Macbeth)
“And live a coward…
in thine own esteem”
What is ironic about what Lady Macbeth is saying about Macbeth?
Everyone else is calling him a man whereas she is making fun of his masculinity- reversal of gender roles- she is disobeying her husband
What does Lady Macbeth personify Macbeth as?
a cat- being less than a man
What does Macbeth say in defence of his manhood and having masculinity?
“I dare do all that may become a man; who dares do more is none”
What does Macbeth mean by “who dares do more is none”?
It means that if you kill the king and act upon this ambition and urge that Lady Macbeth has, you are not a man at all.
How does Macbeth feel about Lady Macbeth’s attack on his manhood?
He doesn’t want this attack on his manhood- he is already killing people in battle/war
What does the quote “Wherein you dress’d yourself? hath it slept since?” mean?
Has the hope of killing the king gone now?
Lady Macbeth is disappointed in him
What tone does Lady Macbeth use towards Macbeth?
a mocking tone- she is doing an impression of him and using lots of rhetorical questions to make Macbeth question himself and his own decisions
“I have given suck, and know How tender ‘tis….
to love the babe that milks me: I would, while it was smiling in my face, Have pluck’d my nipple from his boneless gums, And dash’d the brains out”
What type of imagery is used when Lady Macbeth is talking about how she has breastfed previously?
visceral and corporal imagery
What is the significance of Lady Macbeth talking about how she would kill her own baby?
She is saying that she would rather kill her own baby than abort a plan, like Macbeth has done- she is saying how shameful and disappointing it is that Macbeth has ruined their cunning plan