act 1 scene 5 events and quotes Flashcards
“Yet do I fear….
thy nature; It is too full o’ the milk of human kindness”
What is symbolic about the milk quote by Lady Macbeth?
“milk of human kindness”- referring to a woman’s breast milk- the most innocent and pure form of love that a mother can give- juxtaposes Lady Macbeth’s morals and actions
What does “the milk of human kindness” show about Macbeth and also Lady Macbeth?
shows Macbeth’s loving and kind nature- he is not inherently evil
Lady Macbeth fears his goodness and she believes he is too full of kindness- inversion of the natural order as in Jacobean times, the woman was supposed to be nurturing and kind etc but Macbeth is
Why does Lady Macbeth believe that Macbeth being the Thane is too good to be true?
She knows Macbeth is not capable of completing such a demanding task
What does Lady Macbeth believe Macbeth lacks?
Lacks the cruelty needed to kill Duncan and also the masculinity
The milk conveys the colour symbolism of what?
White- purity, innocence- what Macbeth has qualities/ traits of
Who is inherently evil- Lady Macbeth or Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth
What does Lady Macbeth say that subverts typical gender roles/ expectations?
“Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty!”
What imperative verbs does Lady Macbeth use and what effect does this have?
“fill” and “unsex”
-shows how she holds lots of power in the relationship
Why does Lady Macbeth want to be “unsexed?”
She wants all of her feminine traits to be removed as she desires masculine traits- she wants to feel like a man and have the same power as a man- feeling cruel and dominant
The adjective “direst” conveys what?
She wants all of the power- royalty
-she wants the most and sheerest form of evil
what type of language does Lady Macbeth use?
How does Shakespeare convey the couple reversing typical gender roles?
Macbeth is more feminine whereas Lady Macbeth is more masculine
What were relationships between men and women like in Jacobean times?
Women weren’t allowed to give orders- only meant to obey men- Lady Macbeth and Macbeth reverse these roles
“Come to my woman’s….
breasts, And take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers”
What does gall mean?
What does Lady Macbeth desire to do?
Transform herself- poison her virtue
“Take my milk for gall” is very…
unnatural and unmaternal- Lady Macbeth had a child- she knew the feeling of breastfeeding- that’s what makes this quote even more disturbing and alarming
“Bear welcome in the eye…
Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t”
What does “Bear welcome in the eye” mean?
be welcoming, innocent and kind when Duncan arrives
What does “Your hand, your tongue: look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under’t” mean?
Put on a facade in front of Duncan and then when he leaves, become a “serpent”- be cunning, cruel and sly
Lady Macbeth ordering Macbeth around and instructing him on how to behave again adds onto what?
The untypical gender roles the pair have- she is extremely dominant
What is the symbolism of the word “serpent”?
Adam and Eve- temptation- evil- original sin
Lady Macbeth is the serpent or the innocent flower?
Lady Macbeth- serpent
Macbeth-innocent flower
unusual and unnatural at the time
“Only look up clear…
To alter favour is ever to fear:
Leave all the rest to me”
Does Macbeth have a good poker face?
No- he is not skilled in the art of deception, Lady Macbeth is
What theme is explored through Lady Macbeth being the perfect hostess on the surface?
appearance vs reality