act 4 scene 3 events and quotes Flashcards
“each new morn…(Macduff)
New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows”
what does the quote “new widows howl, new orphans cry…” mean?
- Scotland is experiencing lots of pain & suffering- the country is feeling the effect of pain & suffering- slowly bleeding to death
“Bleed, bleed… (Macduff)
poor country!”
what does the quote “Bleed, bleed poor country mean?”
- shows the extent of Macbeth’s tyrannical rule- extremely hyperbolic language
- an inversion of the natural order- the country is “bleeding”
“Bleed, bleed, poor country” does what to Scotland?
personifies it
“Bleed, bleed, poor country” links to what context?
- King James 1st- the divine right of kings- extremely flattering to King James as under King James’ rule, Scotland was thriving
- if there is a wrong King, the country can turn into a bad way
“The title is affeer’d” means what? (Macduff)
Scotland is in danger
what quote shows Macduff’s strong moral compass and his loyalty to his country?
“I would not be the villain that thou think’st For the whole space that’s in the tyrant’s grasp”
what does the quote that Macduff says about not being the villain in the tyrant’s grasp show about his character?
- he would not just not get involved in the battle & let Macbeth have Scotland in his grasp- “tyrant’s grasp”
- he is selfless- gives up his land and his family- he has lots of integrity
“I think our country… (Malcolm)
sinks beneath the yoke”
“It weeps, it bleeds… (Malcolm)
and each day a gash is added to her wounds”
“That when they shall be open’d black Macbeth..(Malcolm)
will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state esteem him as a lamb”
what does the quote mean “black Macbeth will seem as pure as snow”…?
Malcolm is saying that when he tells Macduff about his own flaws, they will make Macbeth seem innocent- inversion- lies & deceit
“In my voluptuousness: your wives, your daughters….(Malcolm)
your matrons and your maids could not fill up the cistern of my lust”
why is Malcolm telling Macduff he is a crazed sex addict?
he is testing Macduff to see if he is virtuous
what else is Malcolm telling Macduff to see if he will pass the test?
“I should cut off the nobles for their lands”
what tone does Macduff use when he finally gets angry at Malcolm?
a sarcastic tone
“thy royal father was a most sainted king… (Macduff)
the queen that bore thee, oftener upon her knees than on her feet”
what does the quote mean “thy royal father was a most sainted king…”
Macduff is reminicising on the old King and Queen of Scotland- highlights his patriotism
“O my breast… (Macduff)
Thy hope ends here!”
Malcom compares Macbeth to what?
he calls him “Devillish Macbeth”- comparing him to the Devil- shows how tyrannical & corrupt he is
“I am yet unknown to woman…. no less in truth than life: my first false speaking” (Malcolm) shows what?
- he is a virgin, has never lied, never betrayed his faith
- listing his virtuous traits- he is the rightful heir to the throne & he should be King, not Macbeth
what imagery is used a lot in this scene?
bird imagery- birds of prey
what quote shows the expectations of men to be masculine and “manly”?
“Dispute it like a man”
“But I must also feel it as a man”
“let grief convert to anger…(Malcolm)
blunt not the heart, enrage it”- Malcolm tells him to man up essentially
what quote shows that Macduff is fed up now & he is going to take action & kill Macbeth?
“Cut short all this intermission; front to front
Bring forth this fiend of Scotland & myself