M5. The HOST factors of disease. Flashcards
Host factors of disease includes?
- Age
- Sex
- Race
- Habits, customs, religions
- Exposure to agent
- Defense mechanism of the host
- the process of adaptive immunity manifested by the production of antibodies by B lymphocytes.
- ANTIBODIES directly from our bodies.
Antibodies binds to specific Antigens.
Humoral defense
nonspecific effector cells of the innate immune response.
innate immune responses are the first line of defense against invading pathogens.
sila agad yung umaatake sa microorganism na pumasok sa body natin. hindi siya sa specific na foreign substance lang umaatake. basta kapag may nakapasok, patayen agad.
Cellular defense
this is the total property of an individual to protect himself from an infectious agent
Two types of Immunity:
- Non-specific resistance
- Specific resistance
present at the time of birth or has developed during maturation
Non-specific resistance.
acquired as a result of prior exposure with a foreign substance
Specific resistance
Non-specific Defense Mechanisms
- Skin
- mucosal surface
- Tears
- Saliva
- acid pH of gastric juice
- phagocytes & macrophages
- Age, nutrition status, genetic factors
2 types of Specific Resitance.
- Natural acquired active immunity
- Artificially acquired active immunity
- Natural acquired passive immunity
- Artificially acquired passive immunity
what has been introduced to the individual is the ANTIGEN
Active Immunity
infective agent will gain entry to the body, act as stimulant for antibody formation because the organism acts as antigen.
naturally acquired infection helped produce antibodies.
Naturally acquired active immunity
when the antigen has been deliberately introduce like injecting vaccines, they act as antigen to stimulate antibody formation.
Artificially acquired active immunity
when what has been introduced to the body is already ANTIBODIES
Passive Immunity
exhibited by the transfer of antibodies from mother’s placenta to the fetus and transfer of antibodies from breast milk to the baby.
Naturally acquired passive immunity
Injection of artificially prepared substance like immune serum of gamma globulin. These two are antibodies preparation.
Artificially acquired passive immunity
- immunity of a group or a community
- “resistance” of a group to invasion and spread of an infectious agent based on the immunity of a high proportion of individual members of the group
important factor underlying the dynamics of?
Herd Immunity
propagated epidemics
4 community reactions to agent:
- Sporadic
- Endemic
- Epidemic [Outbreak]
- Pandemic
- intermittent presence of a disease
- occurrence of a few cases every now and then often without relationship to each other
constant presence of a disease within a geographical area
occurrence in a community of cases of an illness clearly in excess of normal expectancy
Epidemic [Outbreak]
- an outbreak of exceptional proportion spreading quickly from one area to another
- epidemic of worldwide proportion