F2. DESCRIPTIVE studies: Ecologic study. Flashcards
- amount or occurrence
- distribution
- identifying non-random variation
- 1st step in risk factor determination
- data lead to formulation of research hypothesis
Descriptive study.
they are routinely collected.
Descriptive study
examples: census, vital registries, clinical records, employment
health examination
3 uses of descriptive statistics:
- trend analysis.
- health care planning.
- hypothesis generation.
describe patterns of disease occurrenc
trend analysis.
- efficient allocation of resources
- health promotion and prevention programs for identified groups
health care planning.
- formulation of research questions & hypothesis
- 1st step in risk factor determination
hypothesis generation.
Types of descriptive studies?
- ecologic [correlational studies].
- case report/ case series.
- cross-sectional studies [prevalence studies].
ecologic studies is also known as?
correlational/ aggregate studies.
- measures the characteristics entire population
- comparison of groups
- describes disease in relation to a factor of interest
ecologic studies.
- group.
- average exposure and disease levels.
- secondary sources of data.
- prevalence, incidence, or mortality data.
types of Ecologic studies:
- multi-group design.
- time-trend design.
- mixed design.
- search for SPATIAL PATTERN.
- compare rate of diseases among DIFFERENT regions during SAME PERIOD.
multi-group design.
compare rate of disease OVER TIME in GEOGRAPHICALLY DEFINED population
one region only.
it is also known as?
time-trend design.
ecologic trend.
combination of multi-group & time-trend design.
mixed design.
advantages of ecologic studies:
- low cost & convenience.
- overcome MEASUREMENT & DESIGN limitations of individual level studies.
- ecological effects
- simplicity of analysis and presentation
disadvantages of ecologic studies:
- cannot link E w/ D at individual level.
- only AVERAGE exposure and disease levels.
- lack of ability to control for effects of potential confounding factors.
- graphical presentation of ecologic study?
- computations of ecologic study?
- linear regression analysis of ecologic study?
- scatter-plot.
- correlational coefficient (r) & coefficient of determination.
- Y = a + bX.