M1-L12: Ax Participation Goal Setting Flashcards
What is the international classification of functioning disability and health?

What are the 4 “Activity” dimensions of participation?
- Learning and applying knowledge
- General tasks and demands
- Communication
- Mobility
What are the 4 “Participation” dimensions of participation?
- Self care
- Domestic life
- Interpersonal interactions and relationships
- Major life areas
- Community, social and civic life
What are the 3 dimensions of participation?
- Productivity
- e.g. Education, Occupation
- Self-ˇCare
- e.g. Bathing, Dressing, Eating
- Leisure
- e.g. Sports, Recreation

What is the measurement of participation?

What is the measures for children and youth?

What is the population-specific reviews for participation measures?

What is the purpose of the School Function Assessment?
Structured evaluation functional tasks & activities supporting participation in school. Facilitates collaborative program planning for students with disabilities
What are the ages of the School Function Assessment?
5 years (kindergarten) to 12 years (Grade 6)
What is the format of the School Function Assessment?
Three parts / scales
What is the respondent of the School Function Assessment?
Record form completed by school personnel familiar with the student’s typical performance
What is the measurement of the School Function Assessment?
Scale items written in measurable, behavioural terms that can be used in an individualised educational placement. Criterion cut-off scores are provided to help establish eligibility for special services.
What is the test time of the School Function Assessment?
5 to 10 minutes
What are the 3 parts of the School Function Assessment?
- Participation
- Task Supports
- Activity Performance
What is Part 1 of the Shcool Function Assessment?
Part I -Participation
- Rates participation in 6 school settings
- Regular/special education classroom
- Playground/recess
- Transportation
- Bathroom/toileting
- Transitions
- Mealtime
What is Part 2 of the Shcool Function Assessment?
Part II - Task Supports
- Rates assistance and adaptations currently provided to the student for both physical and cognitive/behavioural tasks
What is Part 3 of the Shcool Function Assessment?
Part III -ˇ Activity Performance
- Rates performance of specific school- related functional activities in each of the task areas assessed globally in Part II.
What are the 4 features (participations constructs assessed) of the School Function Assessment?
- Attendance
- Involvement
- Activity competence
- Environment

What is the assessment for self care?
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
What is the purpose (3) of PEDI?
evaluate and identify performance
- Capabilities: functional skills where competence demonstrated
- Functional disabilities / deficits
- Guides treatment planning, can evaluate progress
What are the 4 populations of PEDI?
- Intended population – children 6 months to 7 years
- Can use with older children with low functional abilities
- Standardized on a normative sample
- Standard and scaled performance scores
What are the 3 domains of capability and performance of PEDI?
- Self-care – 73 items
- Mobility – 59 items
- Social function – 65 items
What is the process structure for PEDI?

What is the assessment for leisure?
Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment & Preferences for Activities of Children
- What are they participating in and what they like?
What is the CAPE in CAPE-PAC?
Explore an individual’s day-to-day participation for the purpose of intervention planning or measuring outcomes
What is the PAC in CAPE-PAC?
assess an individual’s preference for activities.
What are 5 features of the CAPE-PAC?
- Used independently or together
- For children with or without disabilities
- Ages 6 to21 years
- Questionnaire or card sort options
- Completed by the client with caregiver
What are 5 activity types addressed in CAPE-PAC?
- Recreational
- Physical
- Social
- Skill-based
- Self-improvement
What are 5 domains for scoring addressed in CAPE-PAC?
- Diversity
- Intensity
- With whom
- Where
- Enjoyment
What is the assessment for multi-dimensional?
Assessment of Life Habits
What is the purpose of Life-H?
Assesses participants on 77 life habits from daily activities to social participation across 12 domains.
Based on perception of difficulty & assistance required.
What are 2 respondent of Life-H?
- Parent = V1 (0-ˇ4 years) and V2 (5-ˇ13 years)
- Client = V3 (Teenager/Adult/Seniors)
What are 2 main outcomes of Life-H?
perception of
- (A) Observed level of performance (accomplishment and assistance)
- (B) Satisfaction with level of performance
- Can incorporate goal setting into this
What is the benefit of Life-H?
An effective system of measuring the outcomes of therapy during pre-post intervention assessments
What does the scoring of Life-H look like?

What is the purpose of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)?
Assist therapists to use a family-ˇcentred approach by identifying & prioritising a child/family’s priorities. Therapy is then individualized and targeted to areas of greatest need
What is the respondent of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)?
parent report
What are the 2 main outcomes of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)?
parent perception of
- (A) Observed level of child’s performance
- (B) Satisfaction with level of child’s performance
What are the 4 steps of COPM?
- Step 1
- 1A: Self care
- 1B: Productivity
- IC: Leisure
- Step 2
- Step 3
- Step 4
What is step 1 of COMP? What are the 3 components?
Identify performance issues
- 1A: Self-ˇcare
- Personal care
- Functional mobility
- Community management
- 1B: Productivity
- Paid/unpaid work
- Household management
- Play/school
- 1C: Leisure
- Quiet recreation
- Active recreation
- Socialisation
What are the 2 purposes fo Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)?
- Individualized measure of change
- Goals relate to clients perceived needs
What are the 2 populations fo Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)?
- Any professional, with any patient, of any age, with any intervention goal – very useful in team approach
- Original paediatric research by Gillian King CanChild McMaster University
What are the 2 outcomes fo Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)?
- “Empty scale” – ICF level of goal depends on specific wording of that goal
- Specific goals can be set Body Functions & Structures, Activity or Participation levels
What are the 5 GAs goal levels?
- -2 Ability at time goal is set
- -1 Less than expected outcome, but making progress
- 0 Expected outcome after intervention, meets ST goal
- +1 Greater than expected outcome
- +2 Much greater than expected outcome, achieves LT goal

What is the recording of PT goals look like?

What is the recording of IPE goals look like?

What is a SMARTER goal?

What are the 2 types of goals?
- Participation
- Activity goals
What is an example of a participation goal, when looking at this ICF planning sheet?

Tom will improve involvement in soccer, which will be observed by keeping up with play and receiving the ball from a team mate 5 times during the match.
What is an example of an activity goal, when looking at this ICF planning sheet?

Tom will improve skills for soccer, which will be measured by being able to run 10m while dribbling a soccer ball without losing the ball on 8/10 attempts.
What is the treatment planing using GAS look like?

What are 3 important features of the subjective assessment?
- What were the child/family goals?
- Parent’s report of the perceived level of performance on the goal/s?
- Parent’s report of the level of satisfaction?
What are 3 important features of the objective assessment?
- No formal “Participation Ax” in these videos
- BUT -ˇ what ICF “Activity competence” items are related to the parents goals, perceived level of performance and satisfaction?
- THEN – what ICF “Body functions & structures” must be addressed to improve this “activity competence”?
What are 3 important features of the Summary/goal reporting/planning?
- Summarize issues AND “answer” any parent’s/doctor’s question/s
- Write goal sentences that link family goals to issues to be addressed
- Indicate additional information/actions needed (how will you ACT?)