Lysak exam 3 material Flashcards
Cognitive Social Learning Perspective Major Assumptions (5 THINGS)
- Agreements with behaviorists:
a. personality is formed through interaction with the environment
b. also agree that behavior is situation specific
- Agreements with behaviorists:
- Include more elaborate descriptions of cognitive processes: instead of focusing on condition, focus more on cognitive processes and how we make sense of what is around us
- Argue that people differ in their thought processes
- Can change personality by changing your thought patterns
- Nomothetic approach: focuses more on groups
- Consistency paradox
a. Most people subscribe to trait and dispositional strategy to describe people
b. 2 types of consistency:
i. 1. Cross-situational consistency: consistency ACROSS situations and across time
1. ex: someone very consistent in generosity
ii. 2. Temporal consistency: refers to consistency WITHIN situations across time
1. ex: in a small class that involves a lot of discussion and there is one student who is consistently verbally aggressive
iii. ***problem is that Mischel believed that temporal consistency is often mislabeled as cross-situational consistency
1. ex: when you see the verbally aggressive kid outside of class you assume that he is going to be that way in many other settings
- Cognitive person variables
- Cognitive person variables
- Refers to qualities that influence how you process information about the environment and react to the environment
- 5 variables:
. Competencies
i. Refers to what a person knows and what a person can do (what we are capable of doing)
ii. Not static knowledge, but really active processes
iii. Set of skills
iv. Differences between different people reflect variation in their different competencies
v. Ex: people may act in introverted way because they lack the social skills to be extroverted
vi. Involve combination of 2 different types of knowledge:
1. 1. Declarative knowledge: knowledge that we can state in words
2. 2. Procedural knowledge: cognitive or behavioral capacities that you may have without being able to articulate the exact nature of the capacities
a. ex: might be good at cheering up a friend who is sad but you cant describe in words what you do that is successful at cheering someone up
vii. context specificity: some competencies are relative to some situations but irrelevant to others
1. ex: may have excellent study skills but that doesn’t help you get a date
o 2. Encoding strategies and personal constructs
- How we see things: people differ in how they group and label events and how they organize, store and transform information
- Encoding strategies can be changed→ which accounts for inconsistencies in behavior
o 3. Expectancies
• refers to what we think will happen
• our expectancies are often based on past experiences
• 3 different kinds of expectancies:
• 1. Stimulus-outcome expectancy: expectation about how events will develop in the world (anticipation that one environmental effect will be followed by another)
o ex: hear a siren that is followed by an emergency vehicle
• 2. Behavior-outcome expectancy: expectation about what will happen if you behave in a particular way
o link btw actions and consequences
• 3. Self-efficacy expectancy: your belief that you can perform a particular behavior
o you believe you can do well on the exam than that will help you on the exam
o 4. Subjective stimulus values
- refers to the preferences you have for certain objects or outcomes compared to others
- answer to the question: “what is worth having or doing?”
- ex: some people like going to review sessions and some don’t
o 5. Self-regulatory systems and plans
• refers to our need to make plans, to set goals
• how do we attain our goals
• refers to a certain amount of willpower because you are doing what you need to do to make that goal happen
o ex: putting all 5 variables together:
• Diane and Don are participating in softball game
• Diane is good at softball but Don is okay
• Don sees softball as having fun and having beers after but Diane is very serious
• Expectancies are same—both want a high five after home run
• Diane wants trophy but Don wants a beer
• Examples of therapies:
• Participant modeling
o When you treat phobias, Ex: if a kid is afraid of dogs, watches someone else play with a dog, so then they try it themselves
o Works better than just symbolic modeling
• Symbolic modeling
o Watch someone else engage in behavior, but do not do it yourself
o Exclusively vicarious learning
• General psychotherapy
o Offering encouragement, different suggestions, step by step instructions
o Verbal persuasion
• Relaxation exercises, biofeedback training
o Meditations
o Trying to change internal cues
o Utilizing emotional arousal
- Observational learning
o Occurs when one person performs an action and the other observes and the observer can repeat the behavior
• Allows people to pack huge amounts of information into their memories very quickly
• Occurs as early as the first year of life
• Very simple
o Three stages
• Being exposed to another person’s behavior, modeling cues
• 2. Acquisition
• Learn and remember the modeling cues
• Need to store the memory
• 3. Acceptance
• Whether the observer uses the modeling cues as a guide for his/her actions
• See friend do 21 shots for their birthday and almost die, for your 21st bday you may not want to do 21 shots
o Modeling and sex role acquisition
• Sex roles = behavioral qualities that people see as more desirable, or more appropriate in one sex than in the other
• Stereotypes in our society
• Knowledge or sex stereotypes is acquired very early in life
• Little kids know that car repaires are made by men, dishes by women
• Where do stereotypes come from?
• Observational learning
o Boys watch dad change oil encode that
o Girls watch mom do laundry
• Same-sex vs. opposite-sex models
• Kids encode more from same-sex models than opposite sex models
• Like and identify more with same sex parent (more likely to pay attention to them)
• Still learn a great deal of opposite sex role behavior, but they don’t engage in behavior, which goes back to the acquisition vs acceptance conditions
- Modeling and delay of gratification
o Study by Bandura and Mischel (1965)
o 4th and 5th graders took a pretest, grouped into high delay of reward or low delay of reward
• If you could have an ok reward now or a great reward if you wait
o Three conditions
• 1. Child watched adult model making choices opposite of child’s preferences
• If kids was in low delay category, child watched adult making high delay choices
• 2. Child didn’t watch the adult, child just read about adult models choices, which were the opposite of the child’s
• 3. Control group, no modeling, no reading
o Results
• Exposure to model who chose immediate reward increased the tendency of delay referring children to choose immediate reward too
• The opposite was true too
• Kids who watched model, the kids changed their minds significantly more than kids who just read about it
• Tendencies→ changes were maintained a month later
o Effect of vicarious reinforcement
• During study, the model verbalized why they were making the choice, explained why it was reinforcing to them
- People as scientists
o The best way to understand personality is to understand that we are scientists- we all have a need to understand what takes place around us
o Fundamental postulate: people’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings are determined by the constructs they use to anticipate or predict events
o Kelly believed that humans are very active organisms—his theory is concerned with active processes and how we think about things and the constructs we create (not interested in static personality structures)
- Personal construct theory
o A construct is an interpretation of an event—really a unique personal perspective on how the world works and how to make sense of the world
o “event”= anything in your experience; broad definition
• can refer to objects, people, experiences, feelings, etc
o idea is that you are generating a set of personal constructs in your mind and you impose your own unique perspective or reality on the world around you (reality)
o all events in life are open to multiple interpretations→ “constructive alternativism”
• ex: student who rarely goes out on Friday night but would rather study—one student might look at him and say, “what a nerd”, or “what a loser” but someone else might say, “wow he is going to get the best job offer”
o personal constructs are always unique to the individual; however, the labels that we use for the constructs are NOT unique (2 constructs with the same label used by 2 different people may not necessarily have the same meaning
• the unique constructs is what makes your unique personality**
o sometimes constructs are valid and sometimes they aren’t→ “predictive efficiency”- how well does my construct anticipate events
• if a construct does not effectively anticipate events, then your construct is not valid
• if it doesn’t have good predictive efficiency, you can either change it or get rid of it
o 1. Dichotomy
- we have a limited number of constructs and they are dichotomous
- a construct consists of a pair of opposing characteristics (friendly person vs. unfriendly, polite vs. rude, etc
- emergent pole vs. implicit pole:
- emergent pole: pole you are applying to the event that you are construing
- implicit pole: the pole that is not actively being applied
- ex: emergent pole is sexy for Harrison Ford and not sexy is the implicit pole
- **very impt that you apply the opposite pole in every situation (need to understand the meaning of the opposite pole)
- two poles are mutually exclusive (no middle ground, and no continuum)
- poles are determined by individuals (whatever the person views them to be which is part of what makes each persons constructs unique)
- also the opposite poles may be different than what most people think (opposite of beautiful for one person can be ugly but for another person it could be mean)
- “slot movement”: refers to an abrupt change from one pole of a construct to its opposite; often precipitated from stress
- ex: Heroin addict who makes a huge change in his life for the better
o 2. Construction
- “a person anticipates events by construing their replications”→ means that you anticipate events by your interpretation of prior events; notice similarities and differences among different events and how it relates to the current event that you are trying to make sense of
- constructs reflect qualities that recur and show up repeatedly
- rare for a construct to emerge from a single event—life would be chaotic if we weren’t able to identify events that remain relatively stable
o 3. Choice
• when presented with events, we need to make 2 decisions:
• 1. Choose which construct to use to make sense of event
• 2. Choose which pole of that construct to use (emergent or implicit pole)
• when you are making this choice, you can either be safe or take a risk:
• 1. Definition: occurs during ordinary use of a construct: applying a construct in a very familiar way to an event that it is very likely to fit
• 2. Extension: little more risky—involves using a construct to predict an event for which it has been used before
o greater potential for predictive error; however, if you use extension and a construct predicts well in unfamiliar territory, then the construct worked well for you and is more valuable
• constructs that are permeable can be easily applied to new events—more capable of being modified to new extensions
• both definition and extension are helpful and useful and necessary
• what choice do you make?
• Individual differences→ some people are chronically more likely than others to conceptualize things in a new way (more likely to engage in extension)
o other people are concerned with security and stability (more likely to engage in definition)
• temporary situational factors→ if you are really stressed out or fearful, you are more likely to engage in definition
o or if you are really bored, then you may be more willing to engage in extension
o 4. Range
- each construct is only applicable to a limited range of events
- sometimes we counter events for which we don’t have a personal construct
- range of convenience: refers to a set of events for which a construct is useful
- if you try to apply a construct that is outside the range of convenience then your predictability goes down
- focus of convenience: refers to a set of events for which a construct is most predictive
o 5. Modulation
- how easily can a persons constructs be applied to new experiences
- permeability: refers to the degree to which a constructs range of convenience can be altered to include new events
- if a construct is permeable, then you are more likely to be open minded
o 6. Organization
- There are ordinal relationships between constructs
- They are interrelated in an organized, coherent fashion
- Constructs are arranged in hierarchy
- Super-ordinate level of good vs bad then below that, generous vs. stingy and broken vs. unbroken
- Hierarchical arrangement is not permanently fixed—only preserved if it has good predictive efficiency
- One way you can alter constructs to increase predictive efficiency is to rearrange the hierarchy
- Different organization of constructs leads to individual differences—might have same constructs but different organizations (leads to unique personality)
o 7. Individuality
- Each individual creates his or her own unique understanding of reality independent of everyone else’s
- Important to realize that words don’t mean the same thing to one person as they do to another
- How do we communicate if we each have independent understanding of world around us?
- People’s constructs aren’t TOTALLY divergent from those of others
- Constructs probably have enough similarity that you can communicate
- Reason why constructs have some similarity is because that way they tend to have better predictive efficiency
- how do we get to know others—really a matter of testing your constructs against theirs (if you both think idea of fun Saturday night is staying in studying, you’ll get along well)
- Assessment of personal constructs
o Tough—cant observe and people have difficulty describing their constructs
• Not easy to label—know instinctually but can’t put into words
• Or if you can put it into words, you’re not good at communicating what its actually about
• Construct labels are often too general too—don’t get a lot of specific meaning and others might not actually understand
o Role Construct Repertory Test (Rep Test)—devised to get people to display their constructs
• Widely used; variable
• Limitations:
• Still need to provide labels for constructs in the grid
• Easily verbalized constructs are more likely to be reported
- Personality change
o Personal constructs and psychological distress
• Normal vs. abnormal functioning—when constructs you have aren’t working, that’s when you get abnormal functioning
• Why would we have difficulty predicting or interpreting events?
• You may confront events that are very different from any previously experienced events—don’t have any relevant constructs to use (people who win lottery have NO idea how to handle money—go bankrupt in a couple of years)
• You may be trying to construe the event with a construct that has poor predictive efficiency
• Anxiety vs. threat
• Anxiety is when you realize you don’t have adequate constructs so you feel helpless
• When you realize that aspects of your constructs are completely invalid and that you have to change things to relate to the world, that is threat—this is more serious than anxiety
• To alleviate either—create a new construct or modify an existing construct
• Therapy is all about helping people modify their construct system to improve its predictive efficiency—if you’re able to use your constructs to predict events well, you will have reduced anxiety, stress, etc.
o CPC and creativity cycles
- CPC cycle is a process by which you cope with situations and experiences in a propositional way; generate “if then” alternatives
- If—construct
- Then–outcome
- 3 phases of CPC cycle:
- Circumspection phase—using propositional constructs to generate several possible alternatives for a situation as its perceived by person (“if my boss is in a good mood, I’ll take a direct approach to get a raise”)
- Preemption phase—cant go on considering alternatives forever; choose one course of action to follow
- Control phase—you’ve already made a decision, so now you’re going to implement that; involve some specific course of action
- At end of CPC cycle, you evaluate the outcome—how well did my choice work for me in achieving my goal?
- Being able to recognize when something works and when something doesn’t work so well—cornerstone of healthy personality (make adjustments if you’re course of action did not work!)
- Creativity cycle—refers to “loosening up” your constructs to include new alternatives
- Involves “what if” logic instead of “if then” logic
o Fixed role therapy
- Is there a perfect construct system? NO
- Its important to find one that works for YOU
- If you behave differently, then you will think about things differently—YOU NEED TO BEHAVE FIRST
- Behavior change→new or modified constructs
- Assessment is start of process (lots of questionnaires and self description); this leads to development of role
- Role generally comprised of current characteristics they’re pleased with and new characteristics they wish to be
- Next client is asked to play the role for set time period then we’ll re-evaluate and talk about it and if parts are not working well, will modify
- Minimal risks in trying this out
- Certain amount of acting involved (I think I’m really kind but I wish I was more outgoing so tell person to act more outgoing for the next couple of weeks)—this is where Kelly’s first teaching job as a drama coach comes in
- Aimed at creating minor personality changes—not doing a complete and total overhaul
- “pretty effective”—like what the fuck does that even mean, Norden.
- Social learning theory
o Personality represents an interaction of the individual with his/her environment
o Developed equation of how people respond
o BP=f (E &RV)
• Means that behavior potential is a function of expectancy and reinforcement value
o Behavioral potential
- Likelihood that you will engage in a particular behavior to obtain a particular outcome
- For each behavior, there is a behavior potential and individual will engage in behavior that has the highest potential
o Reinforcement value
- Refers to your preference for a particular outcome relative to other possible outcomes
- Things that we want to happen or things that we are attracted to have a high reinforcement value
- Things that we don’t want to happen or things we want to avoid have a low reinforcement value
- Depends on individual preferences (everyone is unique and we each have preferences about what is reinforcing)
o Expectancy
• Refers to the probability that a particular behavior will result in a specific reinforcer
• Very subjective probability
• If you have strong expectancies, then you are confident that the behavior will result in the outcome
• If you have low expectancies, then you believe that it is unlikely that your behavior will result in a positive reinforcing outcome
• If the outcomes are equally desirable, you will engage in behavior that has the highest expectancy and will pay off the most
• Expectancies are formed based on past experience
• Types of expectancies:
• 1. Specific: belief that a certain behavior at certain time in a certain situation will lead to a desired outcome
• 2. Generalized: belief that can be applied to a variety of situations; beliefs that if you behave in a certain way then it will work in a bunch of situations
o ex: you really want to go to high school prom
• behavior potential of asking someone to go to prom with you is very high
• really want to go with Susan because she is cheerleader and hot and you would get attention
• however even though Susan has high reinforcement value, the expectancy of her going with you is low
• Mary is your neighbor who is nice and fun but is just a friend—would still have a good time→ she has lower reinforcement value but higher expectancy that she will say yes
• So eventually ask mary to prom
- Personality adjustment
o Formula is designed to predict behavior in specific situations, not looking at behavioral responses in general
o Personality processes that are associated with successful and unsuccessful personality adjustment:
• Freedom of movement and need value
• Freedom of movement refers to the degree of expectancy that a certain behavior will bring a given reinforcement
o Ex: have a high need of recognition; how can you satisfy this need? → get really good grades, become really good at sport, get a really good job
o Low level of expectancy= low freedom of movement
o A person with high freedom of movement anticipates success in achieving goals
o A person with low freedom of movement anticipates failure and that what they are doing wont actually help
• Need value is the average value you place on this group of related reinforcements
• Successful personality adjustment→ you have the skills necessary (high FOM) to obtain the things you want (need value)
• Unsuccessful personality adjustment→ not having the required skills (low FOM) or need values that are too high or too low
• Bottom line: freedom of movement and need value involve having what it takes to get what you want
• Minimal goal level
• Refers to the lowest level within a category of reinforcements you will consider as being reinforcing
• There is a continuum→ highly desirable to low desirable
• Minimal goal level is when it is not reinforcing anymore
• It is a very relative term
• It can affect our emotional health because if you set your minimal goal level too high then it can make you sad and depressed
o And if you set your MGL too low, then you are cheating yourself
• Person who has high MGL and does not achieve it, then they have low FOM
• Person who has low MGL and cheating themselves, then high FOM
• Successful personality adjustment→ high FOM + realistic MGL (not too low or too high)
• Unsuccessful personality adjustment→ low FOM + too high or too low MGL
• Psychological situation
efers to the combination of internal and external factors that influences our perception of and response to a stimulus
• relationship to prediction: behavior is predictable when you know the psychological situation
• our behavior varies with our perception of each situation
o Interpersonal trust
- Refers to the degree of expectancy that a given person is trustworthy
- Most people do what they say they are going to do→ if you agree, then you have high interpersonal trust and if you don’t agree, then you have low interpersonal trust
- Research shows that people with high trust scores are less likely to cheat, lie, and steal; more likely to give people a second chance, more likely to respect the rights of others, and more likely to be sought out for as friends
- Some critics argue that people high in interpersonal trust are more gullible? But this is not true→ they are just more likely to be trusting (not more easily fooled but just have a positive view of human nature)
o Locus of control
• Locus means place; refers to our view of the source of our outcomes
• Locus of control– It is a continuous dimension but we tend to talk about people on the endpoint
o Internals see outcomes as controlled from within
o Externals see outcomes as controlled by something outside themselves
o Calling someone an internal or external is not a reference to a trait or type—it has little generality across circumstances (can be internal in one situation and external in another)
• Origins of locus of control
• Research suggests that parents of internals tend to be internals and parents of externals tend to be externals
• Description of internal parents= very consistent in discipline and if they are consistent then their children know what to expect so therefore children feel they have some control over environment
o Also tend to be warm, nurturing, and supportive especially when kids are young
o Also parents tend to encourage kids to be as independent as possible
• Description of external parents= more inconsistent in discipline and rules often change and punishment tends to be more excessive
o Tend to be more overprotective and more controlling (not allowing kids to be independent)
o So kids tend to have trouble developing a sense of competence (don’t feel capable of solving own problems)
o Parents can be more emotionally distant, rejecting or neglectful
o Parents tend to have higher levels of conflict in marriage
Humanistic Perspective
Major Assumptions
• 1. Focuses on higher, healthier, more developed aspects of personality- things like spirituality, creativity, etc
• 2. Values the subjective experience of the individual, aka the phenomenological approach
• 3. Focus on the present, especially “here and now”
o past is only important if it affects your “here and now” perceptions
• 4. Active approach—people have to determine for themselves what their lives are going to be like-we are responsible for our outcomes because we are dynamic people and constantly changing
o don’t focus on constant stable personality traits
• 5. We are intrinsically good and self-perfecting
o humans are naturally good
• ***focus is on possibilities and potentials
- General actualizing tendency
o Defined as an “inherent tendency of the organism to develop all its capacities in ways to which serve to maintain or enhance the organism”
o All living things display this
o For humans, it is the central source of energy or motivation
o 4 characteristics of GAT
• 1. Organismic
• Natural, biological, inborn predisposition
• 2. Active process
• “Always up to something”
o Seeking food, sex, activity, exploring, play, etc…
• 3. Directional
• Inclines every form of life towards growth, fulfillment, independence from outside control, reproduction, etc…
• Not random→ not reactive
• 4. Selective
• Not all of organisms potentialities are necessarily developed
o Humans: the ability to bear pain
• Not everyone can bear pain the same way
• Illustration→ family stored potatoes in basement, he noticed that they grew none-the-less → they were striving to reach their potential, even if they could not flourish
- Self-actualization
o Life long process of realizing your potential
• “to be that self which one truly is”
o Only humans experience this
o Leads to enhanced functioning in three areas
• 1. Openness to experience
• Open to emotions, thoughts, perceptions
• Aware of, and listens to inner feelings, open to trying new things
• Not just behaviors → emotions/thoughts/perceptions
• 2. Living Existentially
• Flow spontaneously w/ each moment of life and participate fully in it
• Don’t have rigid preconception of how things should be
• Don’t feel a need to control the things are supposed to be in the future
• 3. Focus on trust and intuition
• Trusts in “gut” and intuition
• Not relying on the past or social conventions when making decisions
• Importance of “free will”
o Must make choices that are best for you
o You need to trust that you know what’s best for you
- Self
- Actual Self
- What you think you are really like as a person right now
- Ideal self
- The image of the kind of person you want to be
- You may always want to be on time, patient, doesn’t procrastinate → things you may be working on
- As self-actualization takes place, you should have closer correspondence between the two aspects of the self
- The closer the correspondence, the greater the self-acceptance and the happier you will be → well adjusted person
- Issue of congruence
- Want congruence between actual and ideal self, and actual self and experience
- Personality development: favorable conditions
o What determines whether a person’s self-concept becomes congruent w/ experience? External circumstance
• Either have personal growth that is facilitated:
• Supportive parents, teachers, etc…
• Or blocked:
• Bad parents, bad teachers mean coach
o Unconditional positive regard
• Positive regard:
• Warmth, liking, respect, acceptance, caring, trust
• Crucial to healthy development of the self
• Unconditional positive regard
• When people communicate w/ no strings attached, that you are accepted, valued, worth while
o That you are accepted for who you are
• Acceptance is experienced without feeling that you have to do right thing or behaving in certain way
• Conditions of worth:
• “I will love you if…” → many parents raise kids like this
o If I go against what my parents want, they will not accept me
• when raised w/ conditions of worth: it creates incongruence between who you really are and how people perceive you
• blocks a person’s self-actualization
• Does not mean you are giving acceptance for all behaviors!!
• Still put limits on behaviors
• Your approval of the child should NEVER waiver though
o Accurate empathy
- Ability to accurately perceive a person’s internal world in a non-evaluative way
- Goes beneath the surface of their words
- It goes to their intentions, inner attitudes
- You can sense that person is not ok even if they say they are
o Congruence of interpersonal relationships
- Refers to a state of genuineness on the part of one person to another
- 2 people who are congruent in an interpersonal relationship, they have the same level of comfort and trust
- Child looking for parent to be warm and nurturing, if parent is cold and rejecting → not congruence
- Happens in friendships as well
- Client-centered therapy
o First major alternative to psychoanalysis
o Therapy is centered on client and their own, unique problems
- Client-centered therapy o 3 Key ingredients
- Unconditional positive regard
- Empathy
- 3.Congruence
- The same conditions that are necessary for a healthy personality
- If you did not receive these key ingredience in childhood, you now have corrective experience where you can receive those in the client-therapist relationship
- Therapist tries to remove conditions of worth that are associated w/ the undesirable aspect of self
- Replace those feelings with unconditional positive regard, empathy, and genuineness
o Empathic responses
• Ways therapist conveys empathy and UPR
• Probing response
• Used to obtain additional info from client in a manner that doesn’t give impression of prying and nosey
o “I have a lot of exams coming up and I’m very stressed”
• Response: “tell me more about what classes you have, exams, etc…”
• Interpretative response
• Designed to give the client a tentative explanation about what they are experiencing
o Response: “do you think its possible that the pressure you are feelings about finals is really your concern about making your parents happy?”
• Reassuring response
• Designed to convey acceptance and reassurance of the client
• Not passing judgment on their feelings
o Response: “only natural to be nervous about how your parents will respond to your classes and grades since they are paying for college, but its ok…”
• Reflective response
• Try to reflect back the emotions they feel
• Try to communicate that you understand on a deeper level what they are feeling and experiencing
o “sounds like you are really nervous about pleasing your parents…”
• Don’t want to give straight advice
• “should I dump my boyfriend”
o “well I’m not sure, what do you think we should do?”
o Seven stages of client-centered therapy process
- Communications about externals
- How therapy usually begins
- Lack of “owning” feelings
- Don’t take responsibility for own feelings
- Describe the feelings, but not really owning them
- Self as object, emphasis on past
- Not connecting to past
- Experiences feelings w/ distrust and fear
- Not just focusing on past, talking about what is going on at the moment → still not embracing the feelings
- Feelings “bubble up” into awareness
- Have desire to experience and understand what is going on inside of you
- Accepts his/her feelings in all immediacy and richness
- Understanding depths of despair, nuances of the feelings
- Trust in new experiences, relates to others openly
- Trust gut more, be more open-minded
o Meta-needs
- Process oriented
- “growth motives” “B-values”
- The goal of people who are self-actualizing
- Growth motivated → process oriented
- Motivations of self-actualizing people
- Ex: Truth, goodness, perfection, meaningfulness, unity and wholeness, uniqueness, justice, simplicity, playfulness, self-sufficiency
What are some correlates with people who have had a peak experience
- more intelligent
- tend to be self sufficient/relaxed/tend to be less dogmatic or authoratarind
- correlated with pyschological well being
- People are more well adjusted
What are some distinct factors associated with peak experiences
- fufillment-intrinsically valuable reward enduring positive feeling
- significant turning point in their lives
- increase in personal understanding
How does one asses Self actualization
Personal Orientation inventory (POI)
150 forced choice items with two different measurment scales.
Time ratio scale measures what
how focused you are on the present which is a good indicator if you are self actualizing.
The support ratio scale measures what
Asses the degree to which you are self orientated vs. other oriented (do you do things for yourself or for others)
What are some criticisms of maslows theory
Weak empirical support
flawed research methods
MASLOW RECOGNIZED THESE WEAKNESS looked at his research as the start of the conversation.