Exam 3 material Flashcards
What are the Assumptions of the cognitive social leraning perspective
Agrees with behaviorists
behavior is situation specific
personality is formed through interactions with enviroment
Define the Consistency Paradox
We use traits to describe people when in reality traits are inconsistent and very with situations
What are the two levels of consistency
- ) Cross situational consistency
* refers to consis. across structure and time - ) Temporal consistency
* refers to consis within structure across time
Cognitive Person variables
Qualities that influence how you react to the environment
What are competencies
- ) what a person knows/can do
- ) what we are capable of doing
These are active processes
differences between people reflect different competencies
What are the two types of knowledge
- ) declarative
- ) procedural
discuss declaritive knowledge
Knowledge we can delcare and articulate
discuss procedural knowledge
knowledge we can not articulate. Some competencies are context specific for example making good flah cards does not get you dates.
Discuss Encoding Strategies
People differ in how we look at events
Provides reason for consistency but also expalins inconsistency
Define Expectations
What we think will happen based on past experiences
Define stimulus outcome expectancy
What we think will happen based on past experiences
Discuss behavior outcomes
what will happen if you behave in a particular way
there is a link between actions/consequences
Define self efficacy
Our confidence in our ability to complete a certain action
Subjective Stimulus values
The preference you have for certain outcomes compared to others
Discuss the self regulatory system and plans
need to start and set goals
refers to a certain amount of will power
Discuss personal construct theory
Construct-interpretation of an event unique personal perspective of how the world works
define construct
interpretation of an event
unique personal perspective on how the world works
define event
refers to objects/people/feelings
you generate constructs than impose your own unique perspective
the object of a construct
discuss constructive alternativism
all events are open to multiple interpretations
this is where differences in personality come from
discuss the Dichotomy corollarie
we do not have endless constructs and each one consists of opposing characteristics
Define Slot movement
Abrupt change change from one pole to it’s opposite
caused by stress.
Discuss the construction corollary
A person interprets events by construing their replications
you anticipate events by your interpretation of prior events.
this reflects qualities that recur
constructs dont occur by random
This explains why events occur with regularity
Discuss the choice corrolary
When we are presented with an event we have to make 2 choices
- ) choose which construct to use
- ) choose which pole to use (emergent vs implicit)
Definition vs. Extension
Definition is the ordinary, safe use of a construct in a familiar way.
Extension is related to permeability invovles using the construct to predict an event for which it has not been used before.
refers to the ease of construct application to new events
How does one choose between extension and definition
- ) individual differences
- ) temporary situational factors
Range corrolary
Constructs only applicable to a limited range of events