Exam 3 material Flashcards
What are the Assumptions of the cognitive social leraning perspective
Agrees with behaviorists
behavior is situation specific
personality is formed through interactions with enviroment
Define the Consistency Paradox
We use traits to describe people when in reality traits are inconsistent and very with situations
What are the two levels of consistency
- ) Cross situational consistency
* refers to consis. across structure and time - ) Temporal consistency
* refers to consis within structure across time
Cognitive Person variables
Qualities that influence how you react to the environment
What are competencies
- ) what a person knows/can do
- ) what we are capable of doing
These are active processes
differences between people reflect different competencies
What are the two types of knowledge
- ) declarative
- ) procedural
discuss declaritive knowledge
Knowledge we can delcare and articulate
discuss procedural knowledge
knowledge we can not articulate. Some competencies are context specific for example making good flah cards does not get you dates.
Discuss Encoding Strategies
People differ in how we look at events
Provides reason for consistency but also expalins inconsistency
Define Expectations
What we think will happen based on past experiences
Define stimulus outcome expectancy
What we think will happen based on past experiences
Discuss behavior outcomes
what will happen if you behave in a particular way
there is a link between actions/consequences
Define self efficacy
Our confidence in our ability to complete a certain action
Subjective Stimulus values
The preference you have for certain outcomes compared to others
Discuss the self regulatory system and plans
need to start and set goals
refers to a certain amount of will power
Discuss personal construct theory
Construct-interpretation of an event unique personal perspective of how the world works
define construct
interpretation of an event
unique personal perspective on how the world works
define event
refers to objects/people/feelings
you generate constructs than impose your own unique perspective
the object of a construct
discuss constructive alternativism
all events are open to multiple interpretations
this is where differences in personality come from
discuss the Dichotomy corollarie
we do not have endless constructs and each one consists of opposing characteristics
Define Slot movement
Abrupt change change from one pole to it’s opposite
caused by stress.
Discuss the construction corollary
A person interprets events by construing their replications
you anticipate events by your interpretation of prior events.
this reflects qualities that recur
constructs dont occur by random
This explains why events occur with regularity
Discuss the choice corrolary
When we are presented with an event we have to make 2 choices
- ) choose which construct to use
- ) choose which pole to use (emergent vs implicit)
Definition vs. Extension
Definition is the ordinary, safe use of a construct in a familiar way.
Extension is related to permeability invovles using the construct to predict an event for which it has not been used before.
refers to the ease of construct application to new events
How does one choose between extension and definition
- ) individual differences
- ) temporary situational factors
Range corrolary
Constructs only applicable to a limited range of events
Focus of convience
refers to the events for which a construct is more predictive
Modulation Corrolary
How easily can constructs be applied to new experiences (permiability is key)
Social learning theory
personality represents an interaction with ones environment
An equation was developed BP=F(E&RV)
Define Expectancy
The probabilty that a particular behavior will result in a specific reinforcer
Define Specific Expectancy
belief that a certain behavior will lead to a specific outcome
Generalized Expectancy
belief that a behavior will outcome across a variety of situations
Freedom of movement
freedom of movement, or a person’s overall expectation of being reinforced for performing those behaviors that are directed toward satisfying some general need; and (3) need value, or the extent to which people prefer one set of reinforcements to another. Need components are analogous to the more specific concepts of behavior potential, expectancy, and reinforcement value.
High Freedom of movement
anticipates success and achieving
Low freedom of movement
anticipates failure
Need value
The average value you place on group of reinforcers
Minimal Goal level
refers to the lowest level within a category of reinforcements you will consider as being reinforceing
High MGL who does not achieve goal has a low freedome of movement
Pyschological situation
combinatiion of internal/external factors that influence response to a situation behavior is only predicable when we know the pyschological situation
our behavior varies with our perception of each situation
Emergent Pole
Pole you apply to an event you are construeing
Implicit Pole
the pole you are not actively applying
It is important to consider the opposite when construing a situation
Poles are mutually exclusive
Poles are determined by individuals
Locus on control
refers to our view of the source of outcomes
see outcomes as control within
These kind of people believe they have control of their lives
See outcomes controlled outside
Internal and external are not a reference to a trait and are not applicable to all situations eg they are not generalizeable
What kind of kids do INTERNALS HAVE
Describe Internal PArents
1.) consistent in discipline
- kid knows what to expect
- child has some control
- warm nurturing supportive
Describe External Parents
Inconsistent discipline
excessive punishment
over protective
kids cannot develop a sense of competence
Correlates of attribution of responsibility
EXTERNALS=focus on luck or the difficulty of the task.
Correlates of LOC and conformity
Externals are conformists
Correlates of LOC with Achievment
internality increases with achievment
COrrelates of LOC with race
Externality is greater with african americans
COrrelates of LOC with information seeking
Internals seek more information
COrrelates of LOC with physical health
internals are healthier
lower BP
when in hospitals internals cooperate better
more likely to wear seatbelts
COrrelates of LOC with pyschological Adjustment
internals have better pyschological adjustment
internals have more pre dicision distress.
what are the major assumptions of the humanistic perspective
focus on the higher aspects of personality
values subjective experience of the individual
focus on the present
active approach
people are intrinsicly good/self perfecting
focus on possibilties and potential
What did abraham maslow think of religion
Discuss the need heirarchy
Human needs very in immediacny and power
more basic needs to be addres first
What are the 5 levels of needs
Esteem needs
Self actualization needs
Discuss pysiological needs
homeostatic stuff
Do people live on bread alone
DIscuss Safety Needs
Safety needs are the needs for securtity protection law and order and predicability
IF THESE needs are not met it stops further development
Discuss Belonginess and Love needs
when these needs are met it gives people a sense of place in family and group
Discuss D love
deficiancy love-the hunger to receive love from other people
Discuss B love
non possesive insatiable love it can be enjoyed without end
Involves very little anxiety and very little hostitlity
THIS KIND OF LOVER WILL HELP THEIR the other towards self actualization
unconditional love
Esteem Needs
2 kinds esteem from others
Self esteem
- personal desire for mastery competence achievment and independence
- If you satisfy these needs you feel like you matter
- not satisfying these needs makes you feel helpless
Self actualization needs
- To become more of what one is
- To become eveything you are capable of being
- at this level individual differences are the greatest
- only a minority of people are even trying to reach their full potential
Why isnt self actualization more universal
It is easily obstructed by other needs
most people fear the knowledge you would gain from self actualization
Jonah Complex
Our fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure
If we reach our potential it will put us into situations we do not think we can cope with.
Discuss D needs
The first four needs that require fufillment in order to move forward