Lung Volumes and Measurements Flashcards
What is spirometry?
A test that assesses lung function in health and disease
What does P stand for in spirometry?
Gas pressure
What does Vo stand for in spirometry?
Gas volume
What does V stand for in spirometry?
Gas flow
What does the subscript I stand for in spirometry?
Inspired gas
What does the subscript E stand for in spirometry?
Expired gas
What does the subscript A stand for in spirometry?
What does the subscript B stand for in spirometry?
What does the subscript a stand for in spirometry?
What does the subscript v stand for in spirometry?
What is tidal volume(Vt)?
Air inhaled and exhaled during quiet respiration
What is the typical tidal volume?
~500 ml
What is the inspiratory reserved volume(IRV)?
Max amount that can be inspired after quiet inspiration
What is the typical figure for IRV?
What is the expiratory reserve volume?
Max amount that can be expired after normal expiration
What is the typical ERV?
What is the residual volume?
Air left in lungs at the end of max expiration
What is the typical RV?
What is the inspiratory Capacity?
Mass that can be inspired after normal tidal expiration
What is the typical IC?
How does one calculate the inspiratory capacity of an individual?
Tidal volume + Inspiratory reserve volume
What is the functional residual capacity?
Amount left in the lungs following normal tidal expiration
What is the typical FRC?
How does one calculate their functional residual capacity?
What is the vital capacity?
Volume that can be expired after a max inspiration
What is the typical VC?
How does one calculate the vital capacity?
Tidal volume + Inspiratory reserve volume + Expiratory reserve volume
What is the total lung capacity?
Amount in lungs following max inspiration
How does one calculate the total lung capacity?
IRV + Tidal volume + ERV + RV
What is the hardest figure to calculate in spirometry?
Residual volume
What is peak inspiratory flow?
Max flow rate obtained during inspiratory manouver
What is peak expiratory flow?
Max flow rate forcefully breathed out of lung
What is the forced vital capacity?
Forced expiration started from full inspiration, ending at complete expiration
What is the forced expiratory volume in one second?
Volume of air forcefully breathed out of lungs in 1 second starting from a position of full inspiration
What is the % FVC expired in one second used to diagnose?
Airway obstruction
What factors affect a spirometry result?
Position of testing (Supine/Standing)
Muscular/aerobic training
What does the forced residual capacity measure?
Index of elastic recoil
Weakness of thoracic muscles
Presence of obstruction
How do we calculate minute ventilation(V̇E)?
Tidal volume x frequency
How do we calculate alveolar ventilation?
(V tidal - V Deadspace) * Frequency
What is alveolar ventilation inversely proportional to?
The partial arterial pressure of CO2