Lumbar Plexus and Autonomics Flashcards
What kind of nerves make up the lumbar plexus?
What roots?
Ventral rami
Give the nerves of the lumbar plexus with roots:
Subcostal - T12 Iliohypogastric - T12, L1 Ilioinguinal - L1 Genitofemoral - L1, L2 Lateral femoral cutaneous - L2, L3 Obturator - L2-L4 Femoral L2-L4 Lumbosacral trunk - L4,L5
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What controls the swallowing reflex?
PS axons
What makes up the abdominal aortic plexus?
What does it do?
Celiac, SM, IM plexuses
Autonomic control of digestion
What does the hypogastric plexus innervate?
What does this do?
Pelvic viscera
Autonomic control of urinary and reproductive function
Where are sympathetic preganglionic neuron cell bodies housed?
Lateral horn T1-L2
How do sympathetic axons travel?
With somatic motor neuron axons to exit the spinal cord and 1st enter the ant. Roots, then T1-L2 spinal nerves
Which axons are myelinated?
Pre-ganglionic (white ramus)
What structures use the spinal nerve pathway?
Blood vessels Arrector pili (hair)
What structures use the postganglionic sympathetic nerve pathway?
Salivary gland in the mouth
Visceral effectors in the head
What structures use the postganglionic sympathetic nerve pathway?
Heart and lungs
Where does the synapse occur in the adrenal medulla pathway?
On the effector organ, NOT in the sympathetic trunk
What uses the splanchnic nerve pathway?
Small intestine and bladder
Are splanchnic nerves sympathetic or PS?
Name them, (5)
Greater, lesser, least
Lumbar and sacral
Where do splanchnic nerves terminate?
Prevertebral (collateral) ganglia
What are the prevertebral ganglia?
Single or paired?
Located where?
Celiac, SM, and IM ganglia
Abdominopelvic cavity
Describe the effects of the PS system
Discrete and localized, can affect 1 of group of organs only
What organs do PS pelvic splanchnic nerves innervate?
Distal large intestine Rectum Reproductive organs Bladder Distal ureters Erection
Where is visceral pain from the gall bladder located?
Cecum and appendix?
T6 right
T10-T12 right
T5-T9 left
What do GVA travel with?
What forms the anterior Vagal trunk?
What does it supply preganglionic fibers to?
Anterior esophageal plexus
Stomach, liver, gall bladder, duodenum, pancreas
What forms the posterior Vagal trunk?
What does it supply preganglionic fibers with?
Posterior esophageal plexus
Stomach, intestines
Sacral PS supply what?
Via what?
What spinal segments?
Pelvic splanchnic nerves
What muscles does the iliohypogastric nerve supply?
Ext oblique, int oblique, transversus abdominis
What muscles does the subcostal nerve supply?
Ext, int, transv abdom, rectus abdom, pyramidalis
Where does cancer in the testes metastasize to?
Brain and lungs