Ant. Abdominal Wall Flashcards
What is the pelvic inlet formed from?
Pectin pubis
Arcuate line
Sacral promontory
Where is the subcostal plane located?
10th costal cartilage
sup. Border of L3
Where is the transtubercular plane located?
Tubercles of iliac crests
Where is the transumbilical plane located?
Alternate name?
Supracristal plane
Where is the transpyloric plane located?
T12 - L1
Half-way between the jugular notch and the pubic symphysis
What are the anterior muscles of the abdomen?
Rectus abdominus and pyramidal is
What are the Anterolateral muscles of the abdominal wall?
Ext. oblique
Int. oblique
Transversus abdominus
What are the posterior muscles of the abdomen?
Psoas major and minor
Quadratus lumborum
Where is McBurney’s point located?
1/3 distance from lateral end of a line between umbilicus and ASIS
What forms the inguinal ligament?
Alternate name for inguinal ligament?
External abdominal oblique m.
Poupart’s ligament
How do the fibers run of the ext. abdom. Oblique?
What does the aponeurosis form?
Linea alba
Where does the inguinal ligament attach?
ASIS and pubic tubercle
What makes up the superficial inguinal ring?
Medial crus
Lateral crus
Intercrural fibers
What is the lacunar ligament?
What can it cause?
Extension of the inguinal ligament
Femoral hernia by cutting the femoral canal
What is the pectineal ligament?
Lateral-posterior extension of the lacunar ligament
Can constrict a femoral hernia
How do the fibers run of the internal abdominal oblique muscle run?
What does it help to form?
Conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis)
What forms the Cremaster muscles?
What does this muscle surround?
Internal ab. Oblique m.
Spermatic cord
How do the fibers of the transversus abdominis m. Run?
What does it form medially?
Conjoint tendon w/internal oblique
What kind of muscle is the rectus abdominis?
Describe its tendons?
What muscle may be located here in the rectus sheath?
Strap muscles
Tendinous intersections perpendicular to fibers
What does the pyramidalis muscle do?
Where does it attach?
Tenses linea Alba
Pubic crest
Where do nerves and vessels run in the abdomen?
Between internal oblique and transversus abdominis
What are the functions of the anterior abdominal wall?
Flex the trunk anteriorly
Laterally flex the trunk
Rotate the trunk
What are 3 accessory actions of the anterior abdominal wall muscles?
Assist in respiration
Important in Valsalva maneuver
Act during coughing, sneezing, urination, defecation, vomiting, parturition
What is the fatty superficial layer called?
What is the membranous superficial layer called?
Where do superficial blood vessels run in the abdomen layers?
Camper’s (fatty layer)
What layer fuses with the fascia lats and is continuous over the penis and scrotum?
Scarpa’s (membranous)
What layer holds sutures in place?
Deep fascia of the abdominal wall
Where can fluid leak into a potential space in the abdomen?
Bw the membranous layer and deep fascia of the external abdominal oblique m.
What muscles does the rectus sheath enclose?
Pyramidalis and rectus abdominis
Where is the arcuate line located?
1/2 way between umbilicus and pubic symphysis
Above the arcuate line, what is the division like of the layers?
Ant: skin, Camper’s, Scarpa’s, ext. oblique m., 1 layer of int. oblique m., rectus abdominis m.
Post: 1 layer of int. oblique m., transversus abdominis m., transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal tissue, parietal peritoneum
What is the arrangement of layers below the arcuate line?
Ant: all the muscles including rectus abdominis
Post: transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal tissue, parietal peritoneum
Where do the deep arteries of the abdominal wall arise from Superiorly?
Subclavian artery via the internal thoracic a.
External iliac artery