Luke´s English (ep. 10-12) Flashcards
Je to napoly hotové.
It’s half finished.
Dnešné deti nevedia, že sa narodili.
The kids today don’t know they are born.
Kto by si bol pred tridsiatimi rokmi pomyslel, že tu budeme všetci sedieť a piť Château de Chasselas, hm?
Who’d have thought thirty year ago we’d all be sitting’ here drinking Château de Chasselas, eh?
Vtedy som bol šťastnejší a nemal som nič.
I was happier then and I had nothing.
a man, often one who is considered to be ordinary
It’s an informal word that British people use to say ‘man’. It’s not rude, but it is quite informal. People use this word a lot.
zaoberať sa niečím, vysporiadať sa s niečím
to deal with something
e.g. a problem or a difficult person
means to ‘cope with’ it, ‘fix’ it, ‘manage’ it or learn to live with it
Zistil som, že vypínam a neladím.
I found myself turning off and not tuning in.
to ‘turn off’ means to lose concentration and stop being interested in it
to ‘tune in’ means that you concentrate or focus on something
to support & agree with someone
just back her up
najpredávanejšia kniha roku dvetisíc a niečo
the bestselling book of two thousand and whatever
‘whatever’ is a useful word which can mean ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I don’t care’ or ‘I don’t mind’.
/ˈbestˈsel·ər ˈθaʊ.zənd wɒtˈev.ər/
Here, Howard used it to mean “I’m not sure which year it was, but it doesn’t matter”.
Myslel som, že na to potrebujem ženský pohľad.
I thought I needed a female perspective on this.
/θɔːt pəˈspek.tɪv/
Myslím, že to je pravdepodobne dôvod, prečo musela byť kniha napísaná.
I think that’s probably the reason the book had to be written in the first place.
Zaujímavé, že to v skutočnosti napísal chlapík, o to ide.
Interesting that it was actually written by a bloke though, that’s the thing.
/ˈæk.tʃu.ə.li bləʊk ðəʊ θɪŋ/
Spoznávate seba a čokoľvek v ňom.
You recognise yourself and whatever in it.
/ˈrek.əɡ.naɪz wɒtˈev.ər/
Myslím, že je to dosť spravodlivé vyhlásenie Luke.
I think that’s a fair enough statement Luke.
/feər ɪˈnʌf ˈsteɪt.mənt/
Je to také jednoduché.
It’s as simple as that.