Lower Limb Anatomy Flashcards
Define the gluteal region(buttocks)?
The region is largely made up of:
- Gluteal muscles
- A thicker layer of superficial fascia
What are the boundaries of the gluteal region?
Above-Iliac crest
Below-Fold of the buttock
What does skin of the gluteal region(buttock)contain?
- Cutaneous nerves
- Skin of the coccyx
- Lymph vessels
Write a short essay about the cutaneous nerves of the gluteal region(buttocks)?
Anterior and posterior spinal rami supply cutaneous nerves in the following pattern:
1)Upper medial quadrant-Supplied by posterior rami of upper 3:
1.Lumbar nerves
2.Sacral nerves
2)Upper lateral quadrant-Supplied by lateral branches of anterior rami of:
3)Lower lateral quadrant-Supplied by lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh(L3-L4
anterior rami)
4)Lower medial quadrant-Supplied by posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh(S1,S2,S3
anterior rami)
Write a short essay about the skin of coccyx?
Skin of coccyx in the floor of the cleft between the buttocks is supplied by small branches of lower:
- Sacral nerves
- Coccygeal nerves
Where does the lymph vessels of the gluteal region drain into?
The lymph vessels of the gluteal region drain into the lateral group of superficial inguinal lymph nodes
What are the fascia of the gluteal region?
- Superficial fascia
2. Deep fascia
What are the features of superficial fascia of the gluteal region?
1.Thick,especially in women
2.Impregnated with large quantities of fats that contribute to the prominence of
the buttocks
Define the deep fascia of the gluteal region?
Is continuous below with the fascia lata(deep fascia of the thigh)
What is the distribution of the deep fascia of the gluteal region?
1)At the level of the gluteus maximus-It splits to enclose the gluteus maximus
2)Above the level of the gluteus maximus-It continues as a single layer that
covers the outer surface of the gluteus
3)On the lateral surface of the thigh-Iliotibial tract(band)
Def:Is a thickening of fascia lata(deep fascia of
the thigh).
Location:Lateral surface of the thigh.
Features: 1. Strong band
2. Wide band
Attachment: 1.Above- tubercle of the iliac crest
2.Below-lateral condyle of tibia
Function:1.Forms a sheath for the tensor fascia
lata muscle.
2.Receives the greater part of insertion
of gluteus maximus muscle.
What are the names of the ligaments of the gluteal region?
- Sacrotuberous ligament:AKA-Greater,great or posterior sacrosciatic ligament
- Sacrospinous ligament:AKA-Lesser,small or anterior sacrosciatic ligament
What is the attachment of the ligaments of the gluteal region?
Sacrotuberous ligament-connects the back of the sacrum with the
ischial tuberosity.
Sacrospinous ligament-connects the back of the sacrum with the
spine of the ischium.
What is the function of the ligaments of the gluteal region?
1)Sacral function: 1.Stabilises the sacrum
2.Prevents sacral rotation at the sacroiliac joint
by weight of the vertebral column.
2)Foramina function: The arrangement of these ligaments forms the:
1.Greater sciatic foramen
2.Lesser sciatic foramen
What are the foramina of the gluteal region?
1) Greater sciatic foramen
2) Lesser sciatic foramen
How does the greater sciatic foramen form?
Is formed by-1)The greater sciatic
notch of the hip
1.Sacrotuberous ligament
2.Sacrospinous ligament
What is the function of the greater sciatic foramen?
1)Provide an exit from the pelvis
into the gluteal region
2)Provide an exit for the following
2.Structures above the periformis
-Superior gluteal nerve and vessels
3.Structures below the periformis
-3 lateral
*sciatic nerve
*posterior cutaneous nerve of the
*nerve to quadratus femoris muscle
-2 middle
*inferior gluteal nerve and vessels
-3 medial(also pass through the lesser
sciatic foramen)
*nerve to obturator muscle
*internal pudendal vessels
*pudendal nerve
How does the lesser sciatic foramen form?
Is formed by
1) The lesser sciatic notch
2) Ligaments
1. Sacrotuberous ligament
2. Sacrospinous ligament
What is the function of the lesser sciatic foramen?
1)It provides an entrance into the
perineum from the gluteal region
2)Its presence enables nerves and
blood vessels that have left the pelvis
through the greater sciatic foramen above
the pelvic floor to enter the perineum below
the pelvic floor.
3)The following structures pass through the
lesser sciatic foramen:
1.Tendon of obturator internus muscle
2.Nerve to obturator internus muscle
3.Internal pudendal vessels
4.Pudendal nerve
What are the muscles of the gluteal region?
1) Overlapping muscles
1. Gluteus maximus
2. Gluteus medius
3. Gluteus minimus
2) Tensor fascia lata muscle
3) 6 lateral rotators of the hip(mnemonic:POSIQO)
1. Periformis
2. Obturator internus OR 2 Obturator
3. Superior gemellus(Gemellus superior). 2 gemelli
4. Inferior gemellus(Gemellus inferior). 2 اشكال هندسيه
5. Quadratus femoris
6. Obturator externus
What is the feature of gluteus maximus muscle?
Is the largest muscle in the body
What is the location of gluteus maximus muscle?
It lies superficial in the gluteal region.
What is the function of gluteus maximus muscle?
Is largely responsible for the prominence of the buttocks.
What is the origin of the gluteus maximus muscle?
1) Outer surface of the posterior 1/3rd of the ilium
2) Sacrum
3) Coccyx
4) Sacrotuberous ligament
What is the insertion of the gluteus maximus muscle?
1) Iliotibial tract
2) Gluteal tuberosity of the femur
What is the nerve supply of the gluteus maximus?
Inferior gluteal nerve
What is the nerve root of the nerve supplying the gluteus maximus muscle?
Inferior gluteal nerve(L5,S1,S2)
What is the action of the gluteus maximus muscle?
1) Hip joint- 1.Extension
2. Lateral(external)rotation
2) Knee joint- Through the iliotibial tract,it extends the knee joint
What are bursa that usually associated with the gluteus maximus muscle?
3 bursa are usually associated with the gluteus maximus muscle:-
1)Trochanteric bursa
Location:Between the tendon of insertion and the greater
trochanter of femur.
Function:Separates the gluteus maximus from the greater trochanter of
2)Gluteofemoral bursa
Location:Between the tendon of insertion and the vastus lateralis muscle.
Function:Separates the iliotibial tract from the vastus lateralis muscle.
3)Ischial bursa:
Location:Overlying the ischial tuberosity.
Function:Separates the gluteus maximus from the ischial tuberosity.
What is the origin of gluteus medius?
Outer surface of the sacrum
What is the insertion of gluteus medius muscle?
Lateral surface of greater trochanter of femur
What is the nerve supply of gluteus medius muscle?
Superior gluteal nerve
What is the nerve root of the nerve supplying the gluteus medius?
Superior gluteal nerve(L5,S1)
What is the action of the gluteus medius muscle?
1)Abducts thigh at the hip joint
2)Tilts the pelvis when walking to permit the opposite leg to clear
What is the origin of the gluteus minimus?
Outer surface of the ilium
What is the insertion of gluteus minimus?
Anterior surface of greater trochanter.
What is the nerve supply of the gluteus minimus?
Superior gluteal nerve.
What is the nerve root of the nerve supplying the gluteus minimus muscle?
Superior gluteal nerve(L5,S1)
What is the action of gluteus minimus muscle?
1)Abducts thigh at hip joint
2)Tilts the pelvis when walking to permit opposite leg to clear
What is the origin of tensor fascia lata?
Iliac crest
What the insertion of the tensor fascia lata?
Iliotibial tract-The tensor fascia lata runs downward and backward
to its insertion in the iliotibial tract thus assists the
gluteus maximus muscle in maintaining the knee
joint in the extended position.
What is the direction of fibres of tensor fascia lata?
The tensor fascia lata runs downward and backward to its insertion in the iliotibial tract thus assists the gluteus maximus muscle in maintaining the knee joint in the extended position.
What is the nerve supply of the tensor fascia lata?
Superior gluteal nerve.
What is the nerve root of the nerve supplying the tensor fascia?
Superior gluteal nerve (L4,L5).
What is the location of the periformis muscle?
1)Lies partly within the pelvis at its origin
2)It emerges through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the
gluteal region
What is the function of the periformis muscle?
Its position serves to separate the superior gluteal vessels and nerve from the inferior gluteal vessels and nerve.
What is the origin of the periformis muscle?
Anterior surface of sacrum
What is the insertion of periformis muscle?
Upper border of the greater trochanter
What is the nerve supply of the periformis muscle?
What is the nerve root of the nerve supplying the periformis muscle?
What is the action of the periformis muscle?
Lateral rotators of the hip joint