Lower limb Flashcards
Borders of the femoral triangle
superior - inguinal ligament
lateral - medial border of sartorius
medial - medial border of adductor longus
floor - pectineus, iliopsoas and adductor longus
root - fascia lata
Content of femoral triangle
Femoral nerve
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Femoral lymph nodes/canal
Content of femoral sheath
Femoral artery, vein and canal
Borders of Femoral canal
Roof - inguinal ligament
lateral - femoral vein
medial - lacunar ligament
floor - pectineal ligament
Content of femoral canal
lymph nodes
femoral hernia
Borders of adductor canal/hunter’s canal
Roof - sartorius
Floor - adductor longus and magnus
Lateral - vastus medialis
extends from the apex of femoral triangle to adductor hiatus
Content of hunter’s canal
femoral artery
femoral vein
saphenous nerve
Borders of Popliteal fossa
inferior - 2 heads of gastrocnemius and plantaris lateral - biceps femoris medial - semimembranosus floor - posterior joint capsule roof - popliteal fascia
Content of popliteal fossa
popliteal artery popliteal vein tibial nerve common peroneal nerve Popliteal lymph nodes
Hip joint
Ball and socket joint, articular cartilage
Acetabulum (pubis, ischium, ilium) and femoral head
3 ligaments
pubofemoral (superior pubic rami to intertrochanteric line)
ischiofemoral (ischium to greater trochanter) - weaker point
iliofemoral (AIIS to intertrochanteric line) - strongest point
ligament of head of femur (contains a branch of obturator artery)
medial circumflex femoral artery (branch of profunda femoris) supplies the femoral head
Hip muscles - superficial abductors and extensors
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor Fascia Lata
Gluteus maximus
origin - posterior surface of Ilium, sacrum, coccyx
insertion - Gluteal tuberosity of the femur, fascia lata
innervation - inferior gluteal nerve
action - Extensor
Gluteus medius
origin - ilium
insertion - lateral surface greater trochanter of femur
innervation - superior gluteal nerve
action - abductor, internal rotation
gluteus minimus
origin - ilium
insertion - anterior greater trochanter of femur
innervation - superior gluteal nerve
action - abductor hip, internal rotation
Tensor fascia lata
origin - anterior iliac crest, ASIS
insertion - iliotibial tract (popliteal fascia, lateral condyle of tibia)
innervation - femoral nerve
action - abductor and internal rotation
Hip muscles - deep lateral rotators
Obturator internus
Quadratus femoris
origin - anterior surface of sacrum insertion - greater trochanter of femur innervation - nerve to piriformis action - lateral rotation, abduction passes through the GREATER sciatic foramen
Gemellus superior and inferior
origin - ischial spine and inferior from ischial tuberosity
insertion - greater trochanter of femur
innervation - nerve to obturator internus and quadratus femoris
action - lateral rotation
Obturator internus
origin - Pubis, ischium at the obturator foramen
insertion - greater trochanter of femur
innervation - nerve to obturator internus
action - lateral rotation
passes through the LESSER sciatic foramen
Quadratus femoris
origin - Ischial tuberosity
insertion - quadrate tuberosity on the intertronchanteric line
innervation - nerve to quadratus femoris
action - lateral rotation
Contents of greater sciatic foramen
Superior gluteal artery and nerve Piriformis Inferior gluteal artery and nerve Sciatic nerve internal pudendal artery and nerve nerve to quadratus femoris and obturator internus posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Content of lesser sciatic foramen
Obturator internus
Nerve of obturator internus
pudendal nerve
internal pudendal vessels
Greater sciatic foramen
Anterolaterally - greater sciatic notch of ilium
Posteromedially - sacrotuberous ligament
inferiorly - Sacrospinous ligament
Superiorly - anteriror sacroiliac ligament
Lesser sciatic foramen
Anterior - tuberosity of ischium
Superior - sacrospinous ligament
posterior - sacrotuberous ligament
Attachment of fascia lata
Posterior - sacrum and coccyx
Lateral - iliac crest
Anterior - inguinal ligament, superior pubic rami
Media - Ischiopubic rami, ischial tuberosity , sacrotuberous ligament
Distally - lateral tibial condyle
Anterior compartment of thigh
Iliacus Psoas major vastus lateralis, medialis, intermedius rectus femoris Sartorius Pectineus
origin - anterior surface of Ilium
insertion - lesser tubercle of femur
innervation - femoral nerve
action - flexor
Psoas major
origin - Transverse process of L2-4
insertion - lesser tubercle of femur
innervation - L1-L3
action - flexor
Vastus lateralis
origin - greater trochanter and lateral lip of linea aspera
insertion - patellar tendon
innervation - femoral nerve
action - knee extensor
Vastus intermedius
origin - anterior and lateral surface of femoral shaft
insertion - patellar tendon
innervation - femoral nerve
action - knee extensor
vastus medialis
origin - intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera
insertion - patellar tendon
innervation - femoral nerve
action - knee extensor
Rectus femoris
origin - Acetabulum and AIIS
insertion - patellar tendon
innervation - femoral nerve
action - hip flexor and knee extensor
origin - ASIS
insertion - Superior medial surface of tibia
innervation - femoral nerve
action - hip flexor, lateral rotation, knee flexor
origin - Pectineal line on the anterior surface of pelvis
insertion - pectineal line inferior to lesser trochanter
innervation - femoral nerve
action - adduction and hip flexion
Muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh
Adductor magnus Adductor longus Adductor brevis Obturator externus Gracilis
Adductor magnus
origin - inferior pubic rami & ischial tuberosity
insertion - linea aspera, adductor tubercle/medial supracondylar line of femur
innervation - obturator and tibial
action - adduction
Adductor longus
origin - pubis
insertion - linea aspera
innervation - obturator nerve
action - adduction, medial rotation
Adductor brevis
origin - pubis and inferior pubic rami
insertion - linea aspera
innervation - obturator
action - adduction
Obturator externus
origin - obturator membrane
insertion - greater trochanter
innervation - obturator
action - lateral rotation
origin - inferior rami and body of pubis
insertion - medial surface of tibia, between sartorius and semitendinosus
innervation - obturator
action - adduction, flexion of knee
Muscles of posterior compartment of thigh
Bicep femoris
Biceps femoris
origin - Ischial tuberosity (long head), short head = linea aspera
insertion - Head of fibula
innervation - sciatic nerve/Common peroneal
action - flexion of knee
origin - ischial tuberosity
insertion - medial tibial condyle
innervation - sciatic nerve/tibial
action - flexion of knee
origin - ischial tuberosity
insertion - medial surface of tibia
innervation - sciatic nerve/tibial
action - flexion of knee
Proximal Femur
Head - joint with acetabulum with ligament teres
Neck - common fracture line
Greater trochanter - gluteal, lateral rotators
Lesser trochanter - hip flexors
intertrochanteric line = becomes pectineal line posterior to lesser trochanter
Shaft of femur
Linea aspera - attachment of adductor muscles
Gluteal tuberosity
Medial supracondylar line = adductor tubercle
Distal femur
Condyles - articular surface of knee joint
Epicondyles - attachment for ligaments and muscles
Intercondylar fossa - ACL (lateral), PCL (medial)
Knee joint
Hinge joint, synovial joint
Joint capsules
Bursa = Infrapatella, Suprapatella, subpatella, semimembranosus bursa
Ligaments - medial collateral (semimembranosus lies underneath), lateral collateral, ACL/PCL, patellar
Meniscus - medial C shaped (attached to medial collateral), lateral circular