Head Flashcards
Anterior cranial fossa
Formed by frontal bone, ethmoid, sphenoid bone
Posterior - lesser wing of sphenoid/anterior clinoid process
Content of anterior cranial fossa
Frontal lobe
Olfactory bulb/tract
Crista galli, cribiform plate
Middle cranial fossa
Sphenoid bone - lesser wing
temporal - petrous part
parietal bone
Content of middle cranial fossa
Temporal lobe
Sella turcica - pituitary gland
optic nerve/chiasm, cavernous sinus (CN3, 4, 5i, 6), trigeminal ganglion
Foramina - Optic canal, superior orbital fissure, rotundum (CN5ii), ovale (CN5iii, AMA), spinosum (MMA), lacerum, carotid canal (deep petrosal nerve)
Hiatus for greater/lesser petrosal nerve
Posterior cranial fossa
Temporal - squamous part,
Occipital bone
Content of posterior fossa
Brainstem - midbrain, pons, medulla
foramen - internal acoustic meatus (CN7, 8, labyrinthine), jugular (CN9, 10, 11) , hypoglossal (CN12), magnum
Infratemporal fossa
Deep to the masseter muscle
Lateral - ramus of mandible
Medial - lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid
Anterior - posterior surface of maxilla
Posterior - carotid sheath
inferior - medial pterygoid muscle
superior - skull base, sphenoid (foramen ovale/spinosum)
Content of infratemporal fossa
Muscles - lateral/medial pterygoid
Nerve - CN5iii, Chorda tympani (CN7), otic ganglion (parasympathetic nerve)
Artery - maxillary
Pterygopalatine fossa
Anterior - posterior wall of maxillary sinus
posterior - pterygoid process of sphenoid bone
inferior - palatine bone and palatine canal
superior - inferior orbital fissure
lateral - pterygomaxillary fissure
medial - perpendicular plane of the palatine bone
Content of pterygopalatine fossa
CN5ii (infraorbital fissure) pterygopalatine ganglion, CN7 greater petrosal nerve maxillary artery 7 foramina rotundum inferior orbital fissure pterygomaxillary fissure pterygoid canal pharyngeal canal greater palatine canal sphenopalatine foramen
H shaped area where 4 bone meets
Frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid
it is the weakest part of skull and MMA runs along it
Frontal, maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, zygomatic, lacrimal, palatine
Superior and inferior orbital fissure
Extraocular muscles
Levator palpebrae superioris
Rectus x4
Oblique x2
Why does infection spreads to skull
connection of venous drainage from facial vein. ophthalmic vein to cavernous sinus
Bones in the ear
Malleus, incus, stapes
Stapes has stapedius muscle
Malleus has Tensor Tympani
Cranial nerves
1 - Olfactroy 2 - optic 3 - oculomotor Midbrain 4 - trochlear Pons 5 - trigeminal 6 - abducens 7 - facial 8 - vestibulocochlear Medulla 9 - glossopharyngeal 10 - vagus 11 - accessory nerve 12 - hypoglossal
Olfactory nerve
Though Cribiform plate
sense of smell
Optic nerve
Vision Covered by dura Nerve to chiasm then to tract then to lateral geniculate nucleus then radiation (lower optic radiation = Meyer's loop)
Oculomotor nerve
Supplies the medial, superior and inferior recti, inferior oblique, levator palpebrae superioris
Parasympathetic nerve supply sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscle (ciliary ganglion)
Travels through the carvenous sinus, medial aspect
Within the sinus, deep petrosal nerve joins in
Trochlear nerve
Supplies the superior oblique muscle
Supplies contralateral as it crosses before exiting the midbrain
Trigeminal nerve
3 main branches - V1 ophthalmic, V2 maxillary V3 mandibular
V1 - superior orbital fissue
V2 - foramen rotundum
V3 - foramen ovale
Mainly sensory but mandibular has motor function (muscles of mastication)
Parasympathetic supply from pterygopalatine ganglion (facial nerve)
Abducens nerve
supplies the lateral rectus
Most lateral in cavernous sinus