Lower Limb Flashcards
Lower limb
-articulates with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle
-consists of gluteal, thigh, knee, leg, ankle, and foot regions
-longest bone in the body
-articulates with acetabulum and tibia
greater trochanter
-part of femur
-attachment for glute muscles, piriformis, and vastis lateralis
lesser trochanter
-part of femur
-attachment for psoas major and iliacus
intertrochanteric crest
attachment for quadratus femoris
intertrochanteric line
attaches vastus intermedius and vastus medialis
gluteal tuberosity
attach glute maximus
linea aspera
attaches vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, adductor muscles, and bicep femoris
medial and laterl condyles
articulate with tibia
medial epicondyle
attaches medial collateral ligament of knee, adductor magnus via adductor tubercle, and gastrocnemius
lateral epicondyle
attaches lateral collateral ligament of knee joint and patellar surface
-articulate with femur
-sesamoid bone (within a tendon)
-protects knee joint and acts as a lever
patella parts
-medial and lateral articular surfaces
lateral condyle of tibia
articulate with femur
fibular articular facet
articulates w head of fibula forming superior tibiofibular joint
tibial tuberosity
attaches patellar ligament
shaft of tibia
contains anterior border and crest
fibular notch of tibia
articulates with fibula forming inferior tibiofibular joint
medial malleolus
part of ankle joint
head of fibula
articulates with lateral condyle of tibia
lateral malleolus of fibula
part of ankle joint
articulate with tibia and fibula and metatarsals
talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, lateral cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, medial cuneiform
attaches achilles tendon
articulate with tarsals and phalanges, heads from the ball of the foot
-2-5 have a proximal, middle, and distal phalanx and 1st digit has proximal and distal phalanx
-articulate w metatarsals
functions of three arches in the foot
-shock absorption
-supported by interlocking tarsal bones, strong ligaments, and pull of tendons
3 arches in the foot
-medial longitudinal arch
-lateral longitudinal arch
-transverse arch
medial longitudinal arch
high arch produced by the talus at the talonavicular joint
lateral longitudinal arch
low arch mostly produced by the cuboid
transverse arch
follows tarsometatarsal joints
superficial fascia
-deep to the skin
-loose connective tissue, adipose, superficial veins, lymphatic vessels, and cutaneous nerves