Lower GI histology Flashcards
hirschprungs disease
absence of ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus- distal colon fails to dilate, 80% male, constipation, abdominal distension, vomiting, overflow diarrhoea, associated with downs syndrome
what does a biopsy show in hiirschprungs disease
hypertrophied nerve fibres but not ganglia
what is a volvulus
complete twisting of a loop of bowel at mesenteric base around vascular pedical, occurs in small bowel in inhants and sigmoid colon in elderly
diverticular disease
low fiber diet, weak points in wall of bowel, 90% in left colon, barium enema, endoscopy , complications, diverticulitis, gross perforation, fistula
Acute colitis causes
infection, drug, toxins, chemo, radiation
chronic colitis
crohns, UC, TB
Effects of infection
secretory dirrhoea (toxin), exudative diarrhoea (invasion and mucosal damage)< severe tissue damage, peforatin, systemic illness
pseudomebranous colitis
antibiotic associated colitis with pseudomembrane formation caused by c diff exotoxins
diagnosis of pseudomembranous colitis
gross histology cornflake appearance, cdiff toxin stool assay, metronidazole
microscope appearance of pseudomembranous colitis
Mucopurulent exudate erupts out of crypts to form a mushroom-like cloud with a linear configuration of karyorrhectic debris and neutrophils that adheres to surface
Superficial crypts show patchy necrosis and dilation
Later in disease, entire crypt becomes necrotic and disease resembles ischemic colitis
Adjacent mucosa is normal, but may be covered by pseudomembrane
Superficial lamina propria contains dense neutrophils and some capillary fibrin thromb
where does infarction occur in the gut
watershed zones e.g. splenic flexure (SMA and IMA), and rectosigmoid (IMA and internal iliac)
ischaemic colitis aetiology
arterial occlusion, venous occlusion, small vessal disease, low flow states, obstruction
crohns disease epidemiology
peak onset, teens twenties, western populations, white, jewish, smoking
crohns disease presentation
whole GI tract can be affected, mouth to anus, skip lesions, transmural inflammation, non caseating granulomas, sinus fistula formation
crohns disease histology
fat wrapping, thick rubber hose like wall, narrow lumen, cobblestone mucosa, linear ulcers, fissures, anbscesses
crohns disease extra intestinal
arthritis, uveitis, stomatitis, skin lesions, pyoderma gangrenosum (neutrophil dysfunction), erythema multiforme, erythema nodosum
UC epidemiology
white, peak at 20-25,
UC histology
rectumand colon in contiguous fashion, may see backwash ileitis and appendiceal involvement, inflammation confined to mucosa, bowel wall normal thickness, shallow ulcers
complications of UC
Severe haemorrhage, toxic megacolon, adenocarcinoma
how much is risk increased of adenocarcinoma in UC
UC Extraintestinal manifestations
arthritis, myositis, uveitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosym, primary sclerosing cholangitis,
non neoplastic polyps of colon and rectum
non neoplastic (hyperplastic, inflammatory pseudo polyps, hamartomatous e.g. peutz jeghers
neoplastic polyps of colon and rectum
tubular adenoma, tubulovillous adenoma, villous adenoma
how does gardenrs syndrome present
100s of polyps, multiple osteomas, epidermoid cysts, desmoid tumours, detal cauries
how does HNPCC present
high frequency of carcinomas proximal to the splenic flexure, frequent poorly differentiated and mucinous carcinoma more frequent, multiple synchronous cancers, presence of extracolonic cancers