Love Flashcards
3 parts of the triangular theory of love
1-Passion (motivational component)
2- Intimacy (emotional component)
3- Commitment (cognitive component)
Example of how the three components differ
-Conscious control
-Importance across time (passion important in short-term, intimacy and commitment for important on long-term)
-Commonality across relationships
All absent or very low
- Intimacy is high; passion & commitment are low
- Many friendships
Infatuated love
- Passion is high; intimacy & commitment are low
- E.g., “love at first sight”
Empty love
- Commitment is high; intimacy & passion are low
- Burned out relationships; beginning of arranged marriages
Romantic love
- High intimacy & passion, but not high commitment
- Can lead to commitment, but not necessarily (e.g., summer fling)
Companionate love
- High intimacy & commitment, low passion
- Common in long, happy marriages
Fatuous love
- High passion & commitment, low intimacy
- E.g., whirlwind courtships
Consummate love
- High intimacy, passion, & commitment
- Highly sought & much idealized, but may be hard to maintain over time
Two factor-theory of passionate love, Passionate love arises from:
- Physiological arousal (racing heart, sweatyt palms)
- Attribution of arousal to another person
Love is a combination of what three behavioural systems
attachment, sex, &
Behavioural system
a neural program that organizes an individual’s
behaviour in ways that increase the likelihood of survival & reproductive
Sexual system
Function is to pass genes on to next generation
Attachment system
Function is to keep us safe
Results of study where snake then a face of someone
Associated with positive attachment words to a greater extent than faces that had been paired with a neutral/non-threatening stimulus.
attachment theory: you have smtg frightening and then the calming reassuring face, so then the participant sees the face as even more tight to secure concepts
Caregiving system
Function is to keep offspring alive
Optimal caregiving involves
Responsiveness & sensitivity
eros, agape, ludus, pragma, mania
eros: romantic, passionate
agape: selfless, altruistic
ludus: game-playing
pragma: practical & pragmatic
mania: possesive, dependent
what is hedonic adaptation
habituation to new circumstances