LOT 203.25 ICS Flashcards
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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Which surveillances may need to be performed if ICS fails?
SR Calorimetric Power Calculation and NI Channel Calibration
SR RCS Leakage
Sump leakage must be done once per shift over a hour.
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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Where can ICS be accessed from?
- EAB:*
- *Aux S/D Room (10’)**
- *MCR (35’)**
- *Relay Rooms (35’)**
- *ICS Computer Room (35’)**
- *ICS Aux Computer Room (35’)**
- *TSC (72’) ***
- Turbine Building:*
- *Cold Chem Labs (29’)**
- *Condensate Polishing (29’)**
- *Basement Shelter (29’)**
- *Exciter Room (55’)**
- Other:*
- *EOF ***
- *MOF**
- *NSC**
- *NTF**
Only ICS terminals in the TSCs and the EOF can monitor both units. (4 per location)
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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Describe how U1118 measures feedwater flow if LEFM system is lost?
Switches to Corrected Venturi Input
Starts 72 hr timer
Switches to Venturi Input when 72 hr timer expires
> 10% drop in Rx power
Will bypass Corrected Venturi input and 72 hr timer
Power drop compares current Rx Power to captured LEFM Rx power
Correction Factors and Power level are captured when LEFM lost for Corrected Venturi Input.
Time Remaining changes from Cyan to Red when 6 hrs are remaining on clock.
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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What powers ICS?
- Plant Computer: (120VAC)*
- *MCC 1K2 (VRT)**
- *MCC 1G8 (Battery Charger)**
- ERFDADS Computer: (120VAC)*
- *MCC 1K2 (VRT)**
- *MCC 1G8 (Battery Charger)**
- 48VDC:*
- *MCC 1K2 (Battery Charger)**
- *MCC 1G8 (Battery Charger)**
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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What major heat inputs / heat losses that play into U1118?
- Heat Inputs: (Calorimetric ↑ if lost)*
- *RCPs**
- *Feedwater**
- *CVCS Charging**
- *Seal Injection**
- Heat Losses: (Calorimetric ↓ if lost)*
- *Blowdown**
- *Main Steam**
- *CVCS Letdown**
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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Which lampboxes are covered by tech specs?
Lampbox 5M03 D3 (AFD HI)
Lampbox 5M03 D5 (Rod Supv Mntr Rod Position TRBL)

- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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Which color codes correlate to Priority 1 - Priority 4 alarms?
- Priority 1:*
- *Red**
- Priority 2:*
- *Magenta**
- Priority 3:*
- *Yellow**
- Priority 4:*
- *White**
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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At what power level does U1118 become unreliable?
28% RTP
- LOT 203.25 ICS*
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What are the different ways U1118 monitors feedwater flow?
Leading Edge Flow Metering System (LEFM)
Uses lasers to measure Flow
Corrected Venturi
Needs data from LEFM to function
Least accurate but does not need data from LEFM to function