LOT 201.39 ESF DGs Flashcards
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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When will the ESF DGs trip on overspeed?
660 RPM
Shuts off fuel AND isolates intake air (S/D Butterfly Valve)
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What will trip the ESF DGs while operating in Emergency Mode?
- *Engine Overspeed**
- 660 RPM (110%)*
Generator Differential
- *Turbo / Engine Lube Oil - Low [1/2 on 2/2]**
- Normal Mode [1/2 on 1/2]*
- *Emergency Stop Pushbutton [2/2]**
- ZLP-102*
- *Emergency Stop Plunger pulled out**
- CP003*

- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What will auto start the standby lube oil pump?
Auto Start:
≥ 540 RPM AND < 35 psig header pressure
Once started must manually secure pump
Powered: Class 1E 480V MCC
- Same as standby JW pump
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What is the minimum level required in each ESF DG fuel oil storage tank?
60,500 gallons
LCO AC Sources - Operating
LCO AC Sources - S/D
LCO AC Sources - S/D

Capacity: 70,000 gallons
- Note:*
- Will last for 7 days (≥ 60,500 gallons)*
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What ESF DG pumps are engine driven?
Shaft Driven Lube Oil
Shaft Driven Fuel Oil
Shaft Driven Jacket Water
- *HP Fuel Injection Pumps**
- Driven off cam shaft*
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What will automatically initiate the ESF DG fire suppression system?
Heat / Smoke in Engine Room
Heat / Smoke in Fuel Oil Storage Tank Room
Does not preclude engine operation
- Note:*
- Can be manually initiated by pulling fire alarm in Engine room or outside the door of Fuel Oil Storage Tank Room.*
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What powers the starting air compressors?
MCCs 1A5, 1B5, 1C5
Non-Class 480V that are powered by Class 1E MCCs.
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What will auto start / stop the DC Standby Fuel Oil Pump?
- Auto Start:*
- *< 540 RPM w/ engine start signal**
- Auto Stop:*
- *≥ 540 RPM AND > 25 psig header pressure**
Power Supply: Non-Class 125VDC 1B
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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How does the turning gear interlock prevent the ESF DG from starting?
Blocks starting air if turning gear not fully disengaged

- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What pressure in the starting air receivers will make the ESF DGs INOPERABLE?
< 175 psig in BOTH
5 consecutive starts w/o recharge.
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What is the rated speed, power, and voltage of the ESF DGs?
600 RPM
- *5500 kW (Continuous)**
- 108% (83 days)*
- 110% (7 days)*
4.16 kV ± 10%
- Note:*
- ESF DGs will restore power to Class 1E buses in 10 secs following a LOOP.*
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What will auto start the standby jacket water pump?
- *≥ 540 RPM AND < 6 psig header pressure**
- Blocked for 20 sec on S/U*
Once started must manually secure pump
Powered: Class 1E 480V MCC
- Same as standby LO pump
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What cools the jacket water and lube oil HXs?
Essential Cooling Water (ECW)

Jacket Water is at a higher pressure than ECW
Also cools the Turbo Charger Exhaust Air Inter Coolers (2 / DG)
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What jacket water temperature will make the ESF DGs INOPERABLE?
< 100 ˚F
Lube Oil Temperature of < 100 ˚F will also make the ESF DG INOPERABLE
- LOT 201.39 ESF DGs*
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What is the purpose of the reset and release pushbuttons on CP003?

- Reset:*
- *Resets all Normal DG Trips**
- Release:*
- *Switches DG from Emergency Mode → Normal Mode**
- Switches from Isoch Mode → Parallel Mode*
Must press Reset button, verify master trip circuit reset light illuminated, and then release ESF DG from Emergency Mode. (DG will trip if not done)
- If Normal Trip was received in Emergency Mode, DG will stop immediately once Stop pushbutton pressed. (No 5 min C/D)
- This will occur even if Reset pushbutton pressed.