LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V Flashcards
- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What indications are their in the MCR for the Class 1E 4.16 kV / 480V breakers?
Power available lights for 13.8 kV incoming power (Driven of ESF XFMR Feeder breaker position)
Breaker indication for major Class 1E Breakers
Also has indication of ESF XFMR downstream voltage AND Class 1E 4.16 kV voltage

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What colors correlate to the different Class 1E trains?
- Train A:*
- *Red**
- Same color as Channel I*
- Train B:*
- *Blue**
- Same color as Channel III*
- Train C:*
- *Yellow**
- Same color as Channel IV*
Channel II is White.
- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What powers the RHR pumps, SFPC pumps, and the B/U PZR heaters?
- RHR:*
- *A: E1A2**
- *B: E1B2**
- *C: E1C1**
- SFPC:*
- *A: E1B1**
- *B: E1C1**
- PZR B/U Heaters:*
- *A: E1A1**
- *B: E1C1**

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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Which XFMR(s) have an automatic load tap changer?
- *UATs**
- Located on CP010*
Located on CP003
B Class 1E buses receive power from standby XFMR which doesn’t have load changer
As Switchyard voltage lowers, load changer will adjust XFMR tap to raise bus voltage back up.
Will recover bus voltage to >3920 Volts within 35 seconds from a minimum switchyard voltage of 327.8 kV

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What is powered from the Class 1E 4.16 kV Buses (E1A, E1B, E1C)?
- Common to all: (Makes Sense)*
- Spells Leaches*
- *LHSI (A/B/C)**
- *ECW (A/B/C)**
- *AFW (1/2/3)**
- *CCW (A/B/C)**
- *HHSI (A/B/C)**
- *EAB Essential Chiller (A/B/C)**
- *Containment Spray (A/B/C)**
Different: (Doesn’t Make Sense)
- E1A:* CCP 1B
- E1C:* CCP 1A
- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What are the 4.16 kV class 1E buses?
E1A, E1B, E1C

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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Where are the 4.16 kV / 480V Class 1E buses physically located?
- Train A:*
- *EAB 10’**
- Train B:*
- *EAB 35’**
- Train C:*
- *EAB 60’**
MCCs E1A3/E1B3/E1C3 power ECW 480V loads are located in the ECW house by each pump.
Non-Class 480V MCCs 1A5/1B5/1C5 located the pen space on each level.

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What breaker interlocks are associated with the Class 1E 4.16 kV/480V system?
Cannot Shut both Simultaneously:
- DG output bkr / 4.16 kv Bus Feeder Bkr
- 13.8 kV Stby bus output Bkr / 1L Output Bkr
- Motor Operated disconnects
DG Output Bkr:
- DG Output Bkr cannot be shut unless 95% of rated voltage and frequency achieved
- Sync interlock on DG output bkr while DG in manual

- LOT 201.36 Class 1E 4.16kV/480V*
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What supplies power to the Non-Class 1E MCC’s 1A5/1B5/1C5?
- MCC 1A5:*
- *Class 1E MCC E1A4**
- MCC 1B5:*
- *Class 1E MCC E1B4**
- MCC 1C5:*
- *Class 1E MCC E1C4**
MCC’s are Non-Class powered by Class 1E
- Note:*
- Despite being odd number, Non-Class MCCs are powered by EVEN Class MCCs.*