LOs: 10 Flashcards
10 Parasites vs. Bacteria:
Cell wall
Sexual reproduction
P: eukaryotic
B: prokaryotic
P: yes
B: no
P: 80S
B: 70S
P: yes
B: no
P: no
B: yes (peptidoglycan)
P: yes
B: no
10 Types of Parasites:
- Live inside body of host
- Unicellular, free living
- LocomotionL flagella, cilia, pseudopods, or apical microtuble complex
- Roundworms: intestinal nematodes & tissue nematodes (filarial)
- Flatworms: tapeworms (cestadoes) & flukes (trematodes)
- Life cycle requires interaction w/ skin or hair of host
- Lice, scabies, & ticks
10 Parasite Life Cycle
Life cycles are different forms that parasites take as they develop & reproduce
Many require 2 or more host species
Definitive host: where parasite reaches sexual maturity
Intermediate host: asexual or larval state
10 Protozoa:
Entamoeba histolytica:
Life cycle
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
- Cyst is excreted by one person & ingested by another through fecally contaminated food or water
- Cyst undergoes excystation in gut & becomes a trophozoite
- New cysts are formed in gut & excreted
Worldwide, rare in US
Bloody diarrhea & liver abscess
10 Protozoa:
Contact lens wearers
10 Protozoa:
Naegleria fowleri
Brain-eating amoeba causing meningo-encephalitis
10 Protozoa:
Giardia lamblia:
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
Higher risk
Worldwide, including US
Frothy, smelly diarrhea & abdominal bloating
IgA deficiency
10 Protozoa:
Cryptosporidium spp.:
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
Worldwide, including US
Prolonged diarrhea
10 Protozoa:
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
Higher risk
Worldwide, including US
Immunocompromised (AIDS)
10 Protozoa:
Trichomonas vaginalis:
Life cycle
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
Passed from asymptomatic men to women
Worldwide, including US
Tricomoniasis, Vaginitis, Cervicitis (STI): vaginal discharge, frothy, fish-like odor
Pear-shaped, flagellated organisms w/ twitching motility
10 Protozoa:
Plasmodium spp.:
Most common/lethal species
Clinical manifestations
10 Protozoa:
Clinical manifestations
Microscopic diagnosis
Life cycle
Geographic distribution
Babesiosis & anema
Maltezer cross
Tick vectors
Northeastern US
10 Protozoa:
Leishmania spp.:
Life cycle
Geographic distribution
Clinical manifestations
Sandlfy vectors
Central & South America, Middle East, & Africa
Cutaneous leishmaniasis
- Skin ulcers
- Most often seen in American troops infected in Iraq or Afghanistan
Visceral leishmaniasis
- Kala azar
- Fevers & hepatosplenomegaly
10 Protozoa:
Trypanosoma spp.:
Clinical manifestations
American trypanosomiasis
- Location: Central and South America
- Transmitted by “kissing bugs”
- Causes Chagas’ disease (esophageal and colon dysmotility, cardiomyopathy)
- Propagates through blood transfusions and through mother to child transmission
African trypanosomiasis
- Transmitted by the tsetse fly
- Causes sleeping sickness (fatal meningo-encephalitis)
10 Protozoa:
Toxoplasma gondii:
Clinical manifestations
Chorioretinitis (congenital)
Lymphadenopathy (acute infection)
Brain abscesses (reactivation)