Long Term Effects Of Exercise Flashcards
What are the two main systems that are long term effected by exercise?
Musculo-skeletal system and cardio-respiratory system
Name the four main benefits in the músculo-skeletal system?
Increased bone density, increased strength of ligaments and tendons, muscle hypertrophy, rest for adaptation and recovery
What are the main long term effects of exercise under the cardio respiratory system?
Heart, blood, respiratory system
The long term affects of exercise in the heart?
Decreased heart rate, faster recovery rate, increased resting stroke volume, maximum cardiac output, size and strength of heart
Long-term effects of exercise in the blood?
Increased capillarisation, increase in red blood cell count
Long term effects of exercise in the respiratory system
Increased lung capacity/volume and vital capacity, increased number of alveoli, increased strength of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
What do the long term effects of training depend on?
What method of training you have used
How is bone density effected?
Weight bearing exercise puts bones under stress. In response, the bones create new cells that build new bone hence making the bone stronger.
How is the strength of ligaments and tendons effected?
Weight bearing exercises cause this. This adaptation reduces the chances of injury to these ligaments and tendons
How is decreased heart rate effected?
As heart gets stronger with training it can supply more blood in fewer beats which puts less stress in the heart.
How is recovery rate effected?
As you get fitter, the heart gets stronger and can return to its RHR quicker.
How is resting stroke volume effected?
With exercise the stroke volume (amount of blood pumped per beat) increases as the heart is more efficient and stronger
How is the maximum cardiac output effected?
Cardiac output (blood ejected from heart in 1min) will change as it depends on stroke volume and heart rate
How is capillarisation effected?
Increased count as more oxygen and blood needs to be pumped around the body during exercise.
How is the number of red blood cells effected
Increased as red blood cells carry oxygen, which is needed more during exercise, around the body.
How is the lung capacity and vital capacity effected?
Increased as the lungs become more efficient at pumping oxygen in and CO2 out so after regular sustained time of exercise the lungs will become more efficient
How is are the alveoli affected?
Increased number of them as more oxygen can be absorbed which is needed for more efficient respiration
How is the strength of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm affected?
Increased as this will increase the airflow during physical activity