Local Nursing Flashcards
PREPARE ME” Interventions & the Quality of Life of Advance Progressive Cancer Patients
Carmencitta Abaquin
Terminally-ill patients especially cancer patients require holistic approach of nursing in different aspects of man namely the emotional, psychological, social and spiritual. In this premise, patients with incurable disease require multidimensional nursing care to improve quality of life.
Prepare Me
Functional Health Performances Outcomes of Compliance to Home Instruction Program after Infarction.”
The home instruction program and scheduled home visits were prescribed to address the client’s
needs. The intervention was based on the concepts of interaction, goal setting and information support.
Functional Health Performances Outcomes of Compliance to Home Instruction Program after Infarction.”
By increasing the quality of interaction between the client, the nurse and significant others, successful
adjustment and recovery will be attained and functional health performance will improve.
A Nursing Model of Adult Day Care for Filipino Older Persons
Advanced Nurse Practitioners’ ‘COMPOSURE Behavior and Patient’s Wellness Outcome”
Contributes to the well-being of the patients
Advanced Nurse Practitioners’ ‘COMPOSURE Behavior and Patient’s Wellness Outcome
the professional has reached the highest level of competence in his chosen practice.
Presence and Prayers
Attending to individual’s requests, a physical and emotional presence that says to the
patient that you are there all day for them
Spiritual and religious beliefs are essential components of one’s life especially in time of
sickness and impending death.
“The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership Model: Servant - Leader Formula & the Nursing
Faculty’s Transformative Leadership Behavior.”
Is a psycho spiritual model.
It is a Three-Fold Transformation Leadership Concept rolled into one, comprising of the following
Servant-Leader Spirituality - spiritual retreat
Self-Mastery expressed in a vibrant care complex.
Special Expertise level in the nursing field one is engaged in.
Sister Letty Kuan
The theory is useful in geriatric nursing where nurses can derive a plan of care to help the patient to have ease of movement through a transitional process
If individuals have a better understanding of the retirement process and their new role, they will prepare and adjust better.
Retirement and discontinuities
Is the endurance of cells and tissues to withstand the wear-and-tear phenomenon of the human body. Some individuals are gifted with strong genetic affinity to stay young for a long time.
Physiological Age
Refers to the set of shared expectations focused upon a particular position. These may include beliefs about what goals or values the position incumbent is to pursue and the norms that will govern his behavior. It is also the set of shared expectations from the retiree’s socialization experiences and the values internalized while preparing for the position as well as the adaptations to the expectations socially defined for the position itself.
Is the period between near retirement and post retirement years. In medico-physiologic terms, this equates with the climacteric period of adjustment and readjustment to another tempo of life.
Change of Life
Is an individual who has left the position occupied for the past years of productive life because he/she has reached the prescribed retirement age of has completed the required years of service.
Is the interruption in the line of status enjoyed or role performed. The interruption may be brought about by an accident, emergency, and change of position or retirement.
Role Discontinuity
Refer to the interventions or measures applied to solve a problematic situation or state in order to restore or maintain equilibrium and normal functioning.
Coping Approaches
“Categorization of Nursing Activities as Observed in Medical-Surgical Ward Units in Selected
Government and Private Hospitals in Metro Manila”
patients in advanced stages of cancer. They are holistic being with physical,
psychological, social, religious, level of independence, and environmental aspects
an aspect or dimension integrated to the cancer patient. Quality of life can also be assessed in this aspect.
illness, particularly cancer and the provision of holistic care to improve quality of life despite their terminal
goal of nursing care is the improvement of quality of life for advance stage cancer patients
despite their current situation.
Another entry point of helping the patient is through the family.
• Nurses can be a great assistant in preventing a serious complication from the beginning.
• Nurses can help strengthen the family’s term of knowledge, skills, and attitude through effective
• Communication gaps between patients and caregivers can occur when hospitals do not address the
issues that patients think are most important.
• Availability of educational tools is important
Categorization of Nursing Activities as Observed in Medical-Surgical Ward Units in Selected
Government and Private Hospitals in Metro Manila”