Local Anesthetics -10 Flashcards
Amide local anesthetic
Anesthetic class that includes lidocaine bupivacaine and mepivicaine and has a moderate to long duration of action because metabolism occurs in the liver
Cardiac arrhythmia
Variation in the normal rhythm (motion) of the heart
Caudal anesthesia
Injection of a local anesthetic into the caudal or subcaudal spinal canal
Removing a sensation of touch or pain by applying extreme cold to the nerve endings
Epidural anesthesia
Injection of a local anesthetic into the extradural (the outer most part of the spinal canal) space
Ester local anesthetic
Anesthetic class that includes procaine, cocaine, benzocaine, and tetracaine; metabolism is primarily by plasma cholinesterases
Exaggerated response such as rash, edema, or anaphylaxis that develops fallowing exposure to certain drugs or chemicals
Infiltration anesthesia
Injection of a local anesthetic directly into the tissue
Intradermal anesthesia
Injection of a local anesthetic into the part of the skin called the dermis
Local anesthetic
Reduces response to pain by affecting nerve conduction. The action can be limited to an area of the body according to the side of administration
Nerve conduction
Transfer of impulses along a nerve by the movement of sodium and potassium ions
Regional nerve block
Also called nerve block; The injection of a local anesthetic near the nerve root
Spinal anesthesia
Injection of a local anesthetic into the subarachnoid space
Topical application
 placing a drive on the surface of the skin or a mucous membrane
Tightening or contraction of muscles (sphincters) in the blood vessels, which decreases blood flow through the vessels