LO's of ageing and the older adult Flashcards
describe the changes of the blood vessels, the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decreased compliance of blood vessels. the aorta and larger arteries become stiffer due to decreased elasticity. Also an increase in atherosclerotic plaque formation within the vessels.
- this increases blood pressure (systolic) and decreases diastolic pressure
- this causes a decreased ability for vessels to respond to changes in blood pressure and orthostatic hypotension becomes more common
describe the changes of the hematology and immunity and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decrease in erythropoiesis and lymphoid cells production so an overall decrease in cells and hemoglobin concentration. decrease activity of the immune system due to decreased production of lymphocytes (B and T cells) and functionality of these cells
- this reduces wound healing and decreases the response to infection and increases susceptibility
- this increases the risk of abnormal blood clot formation and deep vein thrombosis
describe the changes of the respiratory system and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
Thoracic cavity (chest space)
- Decrease in muscle mass which affects the muscles around the rib cage which help move the rib cage which means decreased contraction
- Decreased compliance (ability to stretch)
- Increased diaphragm fatigue
- Tissue degeneration
- Loss of elasticity
- Loss of alveoli
- Loss of the pulmonary capillaries
- Dilation of bronchial tree
Changes in the thoracic cavity and lungs change the lung capacities which decrease the compliance of the lungs and decrease alveolar surface area which means decreased lung volume which leads to decreased gas exchange which leads to decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide
describe the changes of the respiratory system and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
Thoracic cavity (chest space)
- Decrease in muscle mass which affects the muscles around the rib cage which help move the rib cage which means decreased contraction
- Decreased compliance (ability to stretch)
- Increased diaphragm fatigue
- Tissue degeneration
- Loss of elasticity
- Loss of alveoli
- Loss of the pulmonary capillaries
- Dilation of bronchial tree
- Changes in the thoracic cavity and lungs change the lung capacities which decrease the compliance of the lungs and decrease alveolar surface area which means decreased lung volume which leads to decreased gas exchange which leads to decreased oxygen and increased carbon dioxide
describe the changes of the GI tract and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- Decreased in tooth enamel
- Decrease in saliva production which means\
1. Decreased nutrient breakdown
2. Decreased immune protection
3. Less moist bolus - Decrease in mucosa which means
1. Decreased immune protection
2. Decreased mucus secretion and enzyme secretion which means decreased nutrient breakdown
3. Decreased villi which means decreased SA for absorption - Decreased smooth muscle mass which means
1. Decreased motility
2. Decreased swallowing, churning, grinding, segmentation, peristalsis - Decrease liver size which means
1. Decrease protein synthesis
2. Decrease lipid metabolism - Decrease pancreas secretion which means
1. Decreased enzymes for digestion
2. Decreased nutrient breakdown
describe the changes of the lower GI tract and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- degeneration of smooth muscles of the gut occurs
- this reduces motility throughout the stomach and intestines
- this results in increased incidence of gastric reflux, constipation and fecal incontinence
- degeneration within mucosal and submucosal tissues
- this results in changes to secretion, absorption and decrease in immune protection
- in the intestines these affect the villi which decrease the intestinal surface and enzyme secretion
describe the changes of the accessory glands (GI system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decreased saliva production impacts normal bolus formation
- this affects swallowing and decreased nutrient breakdown, cleansing and immune protection of the oral cavity
- liver decreased in size which decreased protein synthesis and lipid metabolism
- decrease in pancreatic enzyme production which decreases nutrient breakdown and absorption
describe the changes of the kidneys (renal system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- increase in the thickness of the glomerular basement membrane, hardening of the glomerulus, tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
- these decrease the glomerular filtration rate, loss of nephrons and therefore decrease in reabsorption and secretion
- this decreases the ability to concentrate urine and predispose to acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease
describe the changes of the renal tract (renal system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- smooth muscle degeneration and decreased neuronal innervation
- this decreased the bladder capacity
describe the changes of the RAAS and body fluids (renal system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decrease in levels or renin and angiotensin and decreased responsiveness of the RAAS.
- this affects the overall fluid and electrolyte balance in the body and there is a decrease in total body water and the response to changes in blood volume and blood pressure.
this increases the risk of hyponartremia and hyperkalaemia which increase risk of AKI and chronic kidney disease
describe the changes of the epidermis (skin) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decrease in the production of epidermal cells therefore the epidermis thins, becomes more permeable and loses integrity
- this results in water loss and wrinkles and decreased performance as an immune barrier
describe the changes of the dermis (skin) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- loss of dermal tissue by up to 20%, degeneration and fragmentation of collagen and elastin fibers
- this reduces skin elasticity and contributes to wrinkles
- decrease in vascularity and nerve endings
- this causes decreased sensation and poor wound healing
- subcutaneous layer also thins and atrophies due to decrease in adipocytes, which decreases heat conservation
describe the changes of the accessory glands (skin) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- reduction in both sweat and sebaceous glands
- this results in skin water loss and dryness
- hair follicles reduce in number and hair thins and colour fades due to decreased melanocytes and melanin production in hair
describe the changes of the skeletal system (musculoskeletal system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- bone mass declines
- this decreases strength of bone overtime and they become more brittle
- this increases the risk of bone fractures
- cartilage becomes more rigid and fragile due to decreased water content and increased fiber cross-linking
- this causes the cartilage to easily wear away
- this increases the risk of osteoarthritis and other joint problems
describe the changes of the CNS (nervous system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decline in the size and weight of the brain
- this occurs from the narrowing of the gyri and widening of the sulci and ventricles
- decrease in the effectiveness of neuronal network connectivity within cognitive communication networks in the brain
- this results in functional changes such as memory decline and increased difficulty with information processing
- cerebral blood vessels decrease in elasticity and increased fibrosis makes the vessels more vulnerable and the blood brain barrier ,ore permeable
- this can reduce cerebral blood flow and affect oxygen metabolism in key brain regions
describe the changes of the PNS (nervous system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- neurological degeneration, decreases in nerve diameter, neuronal dendrite density and myelin changes in neuronal membranes
- these result in decreased action potential conduction and delayed responses in peripheral nerves
- decreased reaction time, reflex action, changes in proprioception, gait and posture are common
- decreased sensitivity to peripheral sensations, sight and colour vision decline and the development of farsightedness
- hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction, taste and smell may diminish
describe the changes of the hypothalamus and pituitary glands (endocrine system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decline in the sensitivity of the hypothalamus to feedback mechanisms
- decrease in melatonin affect circadian rhythms
- fibrosis may occur in the pituitary gland which results in a larger size and hormone production/ secretion from pituitary is influenced by changed in the hypothalamus
- decline in growth hormone production and secretion but increased thyroid stimulating hormone and follicle stimulating hormone
- decreased ability to concentrate urine due to resistance of ADH secretion in the collecting tubules
describe the changes of the thyroid and parathyroid glands (endocrine system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- T3 levels fall due to declines in activity within the thyroid gland
- lump formation increases within the thyroid gland which can lead to hyperthyroidism (excess production/ secretion of thyroid hormone)
- decreased calcium absorption in the diet and decreased renal reabsorption of calcium which contributes to increased bone loss
describe the changes of the adrenal glands (endocrine system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- increases in glucocorticoid (cortisol) levels and decreased hypothalamic sensitivity to feedback within the HPA axis
- this enhances neurodegenerative changes, bone and muscle loss
- aldosterone and androgen secretion decrease which correlates with decreases in RAAS activity
describe the changes of the pancreas (endocrine system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decreased beta cell function (insulin production) coupled with increased insulin resistance increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
describe the changes of the gonads (endocrine system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- decreased gonadal hormone production from both ovaries and testes
describe the changes of the female reproductive system (reproductive system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- menopause occurs as the result of decreased ovarian hormone production associated with accelerated follicle/ oocyte breakdown
- this leads to atrophy of the reproductive organs to some degree
describe the changes of the male reproductive system (reproductive system) and the impacts they have on an older adult and the pathological changes that occur from this
- testicular volume/ mass decreases gradually including decreases in the number of all types of cells in the testes
- basement membrane thickens, narrowing the seminiferous tubules
- decline in spermatogenesis with overall reductions in sperm count, motility and viability and fewer sperm attaining normal morphology
- decrease in testosterone production
- semen production decreases due to decreased secretions from the accessory glands and enlargement of the prostate gland