lines 664-689 Flashcards
Quem telo primum, quem postremum, aspera virgo, deicis?
Who do you lay low first with your weapon, savage maiden, whom last?
aut quot humi morientia corpora fundis?
Or how many dying bodies do you cast down on the ground?
Eunaeum Clytio primum patre, cuius apertum adversi longa transverberat abiete pectus.
Eunaeus first whose father was Clytius [she cast down] whose open chest, as he faced her, she transfixed with a long spear of fir.
sanguinis ille vomens rivos cadit atque cruentam mandit humum moriensque suo se in vulnere versat.
Vomiting streams of blood he falls and bites the bloody dust and dying he writhes on his own wound.
tum Lirim Pagasumque super, quorum alter habenas suffuso revolutus equo dum colligit,
The [she kills] Liris and Pagasus on top of him, one having rolled backwards from his blood-stained horse while he was gathering the reins
alter dum subit ac dextram labenti tendit inermem, praecipites pariterque ruunt.
the other while he was approaching and stretching out his unarmed right hand to the one who was falling, they fall headlong and in a similar manner.
his addit Amastrum Hippotaden, [sequiturque] incumbens eminus hasta
To these she added Amastrus, son of Hippotas and pressing upon them with a spear
(sequiturque - from previous card) Tereaque Harpalycumque et Demophoonta Chromimque;
She pursues at a distance Tereus and Harpalycus and Demophoon and Chromis.
quotque emissa manu contorsit spicula virgo, tot Phrygii cecidere viri.
as many Trojan men fell as (there were) spears which discharged by hand the maiden hurled.
procul Ornytus armis ignotis et equo venator Iapyge fertur,
in the distance, Ornytus with his unfamiliar arms, a hunter is born on an Apulian horse.
cui pellis latos umeros erepta iuvenco pugnatori operit,
a warrior whose broad shoulders a hide stripped from a bullock covers (and) the huge gaping mouth
caput ingens oris hiatus et malae texere lupi cum dentibus albis, agrestisque manus armat sparus;
and the jaws of the wolf with white teeth covered his head and a rustic hunting-spear arms his hands.
ipse catervis vertitur in mediis et toto vertice supra est.
he himself whirls around in the midst of the bands of men and towers over them by a whole head
hunc illa exceptum (neque enim labor agmine verso) traicit
She [Camilla] pierced him after she had intercepted him (for this was no problem since the army had turned in flight)
et super haec inimico pectore fatur:
and in addition spoke these (words) from her hostile heart: