Line training - SOPs Flashcards
Taxi speeds:
Active R/y
Active R/y: 50kts
Taxiway: 30kts
Apron: 15kts
Turns: 10kts
Contamination: 5kts
“Stop climb” SOP
PF - Reset MCP “SET”
PM - “FL** checked”
Flight plan cruise higher than FMC OPT altitude - which do you fly?
Crews should fly the FMC OPT altitude
RVSM airspace altimeter checks and at what intervals
+/-200ft and hourly intervals
Fuel checks
Fuel remaining recorded at TOC waypoint or nearest to TOC
Then checked every 30mins
TOD waypoint or waypoint nearest to it
Mitigating loss of comms
121.5 monitored after passing FL100
FIR/UIR boundaries entered into fix page
Reaching an FIR boundary and no frequency change - Request radio check
Proximate traffic
Traffic less than 6nm and 1200ft vertically
TCAS timings
TA = 40 seconds
RA = 25 seconds
Yellow, red and magenta radar returns should be avoided by what distance
If cell is above 25,000ft do not overfly it
If cell is above 35,000ft = extremely hazardous and should be further avoided
Orbit can be used if short of track miles in the descent however it is subject to what:
- Outside 10NM for touchdown
- For descents to not below the MSA or 3000ft whichever is the higher
- Max F10 and speedbrake if required
ICAO standard speeds in the descent
220 at the IAF
180kts on base
180kts on final approach track
160kts between 8 and 4nm
Below 0* crews should correct altitudes using the temp corrections table with the exception of what
- Radar assigned altitudes
- Altitudes from the FAF to the MAPT when f;ying an approach with vertical guidance
QNH blunder error mitigation
- TOC - PM will select the QNH from the METAR
- QNH confirmed prior to starting the approach
- Prior to commencing a NPA confirm QNH with ATIS/VOLMET
- VSD crosscheck
Stable approach criteria
Vertical = Glideslope +/- 1 dot or 75ft (RNP) 3 whites/reds
Speed = Vref to Vref +15 (max +20)
Lateral = +/- 1 dot on LOC or 0.15(RNP)
Landing checklist complete to L/d Lights
Thrust setting appropriate for stage of
Descent rate not greater than 1000fpm unless briefed
When DO NOT take assumed temp reduction
- Antiskid inop
- Crosswind greater than 10kts
- EEC in alternate mode
- 1 reverser inop
- When snow,slush, ice or standing water is present
- After de-ice/anti icing
- Potential windshear
- Engine bleed off take off
- Prohibited by airfield brief
- L/d gear extended flight
When to select NO CREDIT on Landing enroute
Where an idle thrust landing is planned
Idle thrust shall be used
Under normal flight conditions with braking action GOOD or better in the following circumstances:
- Last flight of the day
- On the last or a series of flights when the turnaround time is more than 60mins
- Last landing prior to the aircraft going out of service
- Any landing where the turnaround will not be affected by the use of autobrake
When to release parking brake
Only release when
- Confirmation that both wheel chocks are in place
- Wind speed less than 40 kts
Captains and FO circuit breaker panel codes
FO = P6
CPT = P18
Min brake pressure
2800 PSI
Min HYD pressure for dispatch
2800 PSI
When do you select IGN R for the first flight of the day
When operating through manned Mx stations
Min oil quantity for dispatch
12 liters
When to check rudder and aileron trims
Completed for ALL flights
Final CDU preflight procedure
- Complete M+B OPT
- FO reads out Taxi, t/o, Landing, ZFW and confirm with CPT they agree within 1kg
- FO enters ZFW into fmx and alert difference between EZFW and ZFW - Verify reason for difference
- FO states FMC GW and confirm it is in agreement with OPT taxi weight and the excute FMC
- FO reads all lines from perf OPT and if agree hit calculate
- N1 limit - select AT/rating
- FO - Takeoff page Call out flaps, CG and xcheck stab trim
- FO Calls out OPT speeds and accepts or enters them into FMC
Prior to pushback the CSS presses 1 and ENT to let the flight know that
The cabin is secure and ready for pushback
No smoking to AUTO
Stabilised idle for CFM 56
N1 = 20%
EGT = ~410*
N2 = 59%
FF = 272 KGPH
Start attempt time
Limit each start attempt to a max 2 mins
A min of 10secs is required between each start attempt
Aborted engine start conditions
No N1 rotation before the start lever is moved to Idle
No oil pressure before the engine reaches stabilised idle
No EGT rise 15 secs after start lever is moved to ide
No increase in or very slow increase in N1 or N2 after EGT indication
EGT rapidly reaching start limit (red line)
Takeoff briefing content (Before takeoff checks)
SID - How to fly raw data
Stop altitude
Adverse wx or anything else
Can you engage A/P in a turn
Preferred policy to engage when wings level
May result in a bank angle aural alert
Initial rotation = 15* (max 20*)
PF = Gear up
400ft = LNAV/HDG SEL
1,000ft AAL PF = CMD A/B
Call ATC as required
1500 = N1
3000 PF = BUG UP
PM = Retract flaps on schedule and call FLAPS UP NO LIGHTS
Initial rotation = 15* (max 20*)
PF = Gear up
400ft = LNAV/HDG SEL
1,000ft AAL PF = CMD A/B BUG UP
1500 = N1
PM = Retract flaps on schedule. Call ATC on Speed check flap up.
Above 3000 PM = call FLAPS UP NO LIGHTS
When is the standby altimeter set and by whom?
CPT and above MSA
Bank angle until reaching Vref + 15
Use of V/S with flaps extended is permitted when what conditions are met?
- A SID speed restriction requires a delay in flap retraction
- The ROC needs to be managed to comply with RYR 3.2.1 stop altitude procedure
- Aircraft has accelerated to the assigned speed restriction
- AFDS is engaged in accordance with RYR SOP
- Above MFRA
All conditions need to be met
When can you set your altimeters to STD
Aircraft is above 3000ft AGL and above transition altitude
PF leads altimeter changes by calling
Passing ___ climbing _____
Should a difference of 200ft or more in RVSM airspace occur what is the MCP mode used?
ALT HLD will be used to control the aircraft flight path
Whenever a change is made to the altimeters the PF will
Call the setting and passing altitude/level and cleared altitude/level
When happens when you get FLAPS UP NO LIGHTS CALL and cleared to for a continous climb above FL150?
Crew may delete the reduced N1 climb in the FMC N1 limit page
Climb 10 checks
Fuel - Balanced, check crossfeed and centre tanks fuel pumps (turn off when LOW PRESSURE is indicated)
Lights - Position all lights off and logo off if required
APU - OFF if not required.
Pressurisation - Reverse L and “*** SET”
Seatbelts - Auto at CPTs discretion
Recall - Check
121.5 - Monitor
Passing FL300
PF selects angle of bank 10* and call “ANGLE OF BANK 10 DEGREES”
Pressurisation check at FL200/300/400
Cleared to final level - what do you check
Confirm MCP, FMC and pressurisation panel have the same altitude
“FL____ SET 3 TIMES”
When reaching creuise level what do you select in the FMC N1 limit page
Select CON and verify CON is displayed on the upper DU
Subsequent step climbs will require CON limit to be re-selected upon reaching the new cruise level
A/p re-engagement sequence
- PF calls for appropriate Roll/pitch modes
- PF assures the aircraft iss following the FD commands and is in trim
- PF engages a/p and verify “CMD A/B”
- PF engages the a/t and verify “A/T ENGAGED”
Change of radio frequency - Climb/descent/single pilot on radio or a/p disengaged
PM is responsible
PM enters new frequency into standby while responding to atc
Change of radio frequency - Cruise
PF will enter the new frequency into the standby and PM will respond to atc and note new frequency and time in OFP
Change of radio frequency - CDPLC
Read - PM reads message
Agree - PF will tune new frequency and cross check against ATC log
Respond - PM will accept by selecting WILCO
PM will wait and call CLOSED when atc dialog message is closed
Action - PM will change the new frequency and contact ATC
eFPL/OFP duties in the cruise
Fuel and time check at or abeam first convenient waypoint and then every 60mins thereafter
Once arrival time has been computed PM will compare to progress page and inform PF
FIR boundaries entered into fix page
What ___kg to stop crossfeeding
20kg of imbalance remains
DALTA setup - Descent
FMC DESC page - 250/100 selected
Forecast - 3 forecast winds selected, QNH, ISA corrections, TAI, transition lvl
Verify MORA/MEA/MSA - check terrain clearance for shortcuts
DALTA setup - Approach
FMC DEP/ARR - Confirm correct STAR and most likely track to be flown is active. Select appropriate transistion
FIX - Rings 3x altitude/10nm/4 or 5nm/ 4.2nm for circle
All speeds within 10nm ring must be adjusted to 180B
Verify RNP 0.3 as required
LEGS - Check tracks and distances, GA and g/p angle (+/- 0.1*)
DALTA - Landing
FMC PROG - check expected arrival fuel and update the app page with expected landing weight
Do OPT and select appropriate landing flap and Vref and autobrake
FMC init - Check the correct ILS frequency is tunned and set
Independently set app minima
When does seatbelt sign come on?
FL150 or 15mins to land
10 checks - Descent
Fuel - Check balanced, crossfeed and center tanks
Lights - L/d lights (fixed) ON
Angle of bank - 25* degrees
Pressurisation - Check
Seatbelts - ON
Recall - checked
PA 10mins to landing
121.5 de selected
PF call when cleared to an altitude
When cleared to an alititude
F - Frequencies
R - Rings
I - Idents
C - Courses
Approach checklist
Approximately 6nm from touchdown
Ceiling above 1000ft
Reported met visibility in excess of 5k
Roll modes for NPA
LOC only = VOR/LOC
Max speed for runway exit taxiway.
Max =
Recommended =
If the turnoff is at 90* =
Max = 60kts
Recommended = 45kts
Turnoff at 90* = 10kts
When to push recall after landing
Greater than 30secs with thrust levers retarted to idle and before engine shutdown
Engine cool down time
Run engines for at least 3 mins
Use a thrust setting normally used for taxi operations
Requirements for 1 engine taxi
- Avoid thrust levels in exceess of 40% N1
- After landing/ taxi in flow completed
- No LVI procedures
- No freezing/contimination conditions
- GW <63,000kg
- No brake issues/ MEL
If gear is inadvertently lowered what is the landing gear limit speed for retraction
When to delete the N1 reduced climb in the FMC
After “flaps up no lights” and cleared with a continuous climb above FL150
If you need to level off below FL100 what is the pitch and power setting for 60T aircraft
60% N1
If you need to level off above FL100 what is the pitch and power setting for a 60t aircraft
2-8 (6mins)
Expected attitude and power setting for cruise in a 60t aircraft
2.5 - 3.5*
85-90% N1
PM duties at TOC
Can call handling agent if required and when in range
Inflight access to the flight deck procedure
- Ensure the seatbelt sign is on
- PM passes the password to the cabin crew via the interphone
- VHF 1 and 2 are put in speaker
- PM checks the flight deck viewing glass
- Opens the door using the handle and cabin crew enter the flight deck
Landing dispatch OPT what conditions are used every time
Based on
Max manual braking
Auto speed brakes
No thrust reverese credit
Use of idle reverse requires what input in the OPT
Rev - No credit
Descent - Rule of thumb for slowing down
To reduce your speed to 200kts, add 1nm for every 10kts of deceleration.
E.g 250 to 200 = 5nm
Descent - rule of thumb for tailwinds
Add 1nm for every 10kt of headwind
Descent - rule of thumb for aircraft weight
Heavier aircraft = more track miles to descend
Add 1nm for every ton above 60t
E.g 63.4 = 3nm
Descent - rule of thumb gates
35nm from touchdown = FL100/250kts
20mm = 5000ft AAL approaching VNAV DECEL or considering reducing speed to UP speed (Rod 800fpm or less to reduce speed)
15nm = 4000ft AAL, speed approaching UP speed and preparing to select F1
10NM = 3,2,1 = 3000ft 200kts F1
10nm rule
Speed schedule once <10nm
9nm = 190kts
8nm = 180kts
7nm = 170kts
Autoland landing distance adjustments
B737 800/max
F30 = 185m
F40 = 140m
B737 700
F40 = 135m
F30 = 185m
NPA - Effect of higher and lower than actual QNH
Lower than actual QNH is set = Aircraft will be above the profile
Higher than actual QNH is set = Aircraft will be below the profile (Possible terrain issue)
Rad Alt “1000” call expected distance
Roll modes for VNAV approaches
Conditions where a monitored a approach must be flown
NPA = Visibility 3000m or less and/or ceiling 1000m or less
CAT1 ILS = Visibility 1000m or less and/or ceiling 300ft or less
Circle to land at night limitations
Max crosswind component = 20kts
Max gust values shall not exceed 40kts
Ceiling should be minima +300
New captains not allowed
Pitch and power settings for approach 800/max (60t)
F40 60% 0*
F30 57% 1*
F40 55% 0*
F30 50% 1*
What to check for when pushing recall on taxi in flow
EEC or PSEU light illuminate
Can only be done greater than 30secs after landing with the thrust levers reduced to idle.
Post flight duties after each sector and end of last sector
Each sector = complete EFPL, EFL, upload docs and submit
Last sector = check out on EFB
Any flight duty changes must be confirmed on IDP