Limitations Flashcards
Max takeoff and landing tailwind component
15kts at approved airfields only
Max takeoff and landing altitude
8,400ft pressure altitude
Severe turbulent air penetration speed (climb/descent)
280KIAS / .76M whichever is lower
Do s/by altimeters meet RVSM requirements
Max inflight difference between CPT and FO altitude displays
Max on ground difference between CPT and FO altitude displays
Field elevation SL to 5,000 = 50ft (diff between field elevation and altimeters = 75ft)
5,001 to 10,000ft = 60ft (diff between field elevation and altimeters = 75ft)
Max taxi weight
Max takeoff weight
Max landing weight
Max zero fuel weight
Max cabin diff pressure
9.1 PSI
Min height to engage autopilot
Use of aileron trim during autopilot engagement
Min height for autopilot use (single channel)
158ft AGL
Max wind speeds for dual channel autoland CAT3 or CAT 2
Headwind 25kts
Crosswind 20kts
Tailwind 10kts
Max and min glideslope angles for autoland
3.25* and 2.5*
Autoland capability flap setting
May only be used with flaps 30 or 40 and both engines operative
Min use of LVL CHG on final approach
Do not use below 1000ft AFE
Engine ignition must be on for
Operation in heavy rain
Anti-ice operation
Can you use assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust if antiskid inop
APU bleed air must be closed
Ground air connected and isolation valve open
Engine No1 bleed valve open
Isolation and engine No2 bleed valves open
May be open during engine start but avoid engine power above idle
3 Consecutive engine starts requires
15 min cooling period
Time to run APU before using it as a bleed source
2 mins
Max altitude with flaps extended
Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended
Min height to deploy speedbrakes
Do not deploy less than 1,000ft RA
ALTERNATE FLAPS - Time to wait after moving the switch
Allow 15 secs after releasing the ALTERNATE FLAPS position switch before moving the switch again to avoid damage to the alternate flap motor clutch
After a complete extend/retract cycle of the ALTERNATE FLAPS e.g 0 to 15 and back to 0. How much time to wait?
Allow 5 mins cooling before attempting another extension
ADIRU alignment max latitiude
78 degrees 15 mins
Do not use the look ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions when you are…
Within 15 nm of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport or runway not contained in the GPWS terrain database
Max fuel temperature
Min fuel temperature
-43C or 3C above the fuel freezing point whichever is the higher
Max fuel imbalance
Must not exceed 453kg
Main tanks must be full if centre tank contains more than
Auto land
Max headwind, crosswind and tailwind
Max headwind = 25kts
Max crosswind = 20kts
Max tailwind = 10kts
Min thrust setting with deicing fluid
24k full
When to do a rolling takeoff
Crosswind greater than 20kts
Tailwind greater than 10kts