LINE B2/B3 Flashcards
What secures a loan for the project
The value of the land and completed building
5 year warranty
includes components that separate indoors from outdoors including external walls, foundations, roof, windows, doors
Why am I still entitled to check before designing a building
To check restrictive covenants, right aways, and build a building provision screams
Home owner protection act (HOPA)
newly constructed homes have 2-5-10 year warranty
gass fitting permit
always needed when installation of natural gas happens - only certified gas fitters
What level of government develops bylaws?
Cities, municipalities, Regional districts
concrete formwork inspection
- inspector looks at ground where foundation is to be built - professional engineer will check if rebar is in correct spots
With a 500 m squared grocery store be part of three or part 9
Part 9 because it’s under three stories and 600m squared
A doctor’s office in a radio station would be under what group?
Group D occupancies
What is the maximum size of billion that can be designed using Part 9 of the code
600 M squared and three stories of a building height
2 year coverage on materials / labour
coverage reflects in materials and labour violation of building codes for 12 months
What do zoning bylaws regulate
Land use and building location
Describe the purpose of a developmental permit
Heritage designation, floodplains, groundwater protection, area sensitive to development, Environmental
What’s the purpose of the building by la?
Administration and enforcement of the building code
When is hoarding permit
When using a municipality sidewalk for construction purposes
Site inspection
done after building permit is applied for but not before permit is issued
What’s the buildings firewall?
It’s the non-combustible construction that subdivides the building or separates adjoining buildings to resist the spread of fire and it has a resistance rating fire to the code
official documentation that states specific building activity
What is the primary concern of the building code?
Safety of the building not appearance. The building code does not regulate whether a wall is Plumb
Why is a building permit required for
To ensure the safety to the General Public
Concrete slab inspection
- need to be inspected if slab on grade- must have poly VB overlapped 3 inches
10 year warranty
coverage for 10 years for defects in materials and labour that result in structural deficiencies in new home- attached to the home if the owner sells - owner build homes must provide this if sold
What government agency maintains the National Building Code?
The national research Council of Canada
A commercial Woodworking Shop would be under what occupancy
Group f
Using section 9.8 what is the minimum width of a stairwell
34 in
Who may obtain a gas fitting permit?
Certified gas fitter
perimeter drain and damp proof inspection
perimeter drain and damp proofing for foundation checked before backfill
building height
height from natural grade to the highest point of building
What is a critical path
The path of activities Global create a logical order and allow the project to be completed in the shortest time frame
What is division B of the building code?
Part 1 General oh, part 2 reserved, part 3 fire protection occupant safety and accessibility. Part 8 safety measures of construction and demolition sites. Part 9 classifies buildings in group, group C Residential, Group D business and personal Services, group f division 2 and 3 medium to low Hazard Industrial
electrical inspection
- happen in two stages - first inspection happens after rough in for main service and all boxes installed - second inspection after all switches outlets and cover plates are installed
Plumbing inspection
- rough plumbing under basement slabs before concrete2. walls and floors before insulation 3. water storm and sanitary connections 4. final inspection of all fixtures
What is the primary concern of the building code?
Safety of the building not appearance. The building code does not regulate whether a wall is Plumb
What is the minimum thickness of concrete basement floor slab under part 9
75 mm or 3 in
contract between builder and owner
What is the purpose of appendices to the code?
To provide supplemental information
Building permits
- must be attained before building - needs complete set of drawings (floor plans, structural etc…)- highway access permit - approved sewage disposal- source of potable water
Municipalities and regional districts use these to apply building codes
What is the definition of scheduling
The sequence when and who will do activities
Insulation and vapour barrier
installed and inspected after framing
What is a constraint?
It controls when or how activities are done
What is division a of the building code?
Part 1 compliance part two objectives part three fundamental statements
Development permit
required for buildings when location falls within development areaenvironmental/ heritage etc..
How long should you keep job site records for?
For 7 years for tax reason and for as long as the warranty
Final inspection
completed before occupancy - smoke and co2 alarms - stairs - handrails
Which building code building a applies to Saanich municipality?
British Columbia building codes
What is a required prior to framing
Surveyors ticket, Electrical Plumbing Heating and ventilation Ruffin’s, certificates and other manufactured documentation for all engineered materials.
Building bylaw
laws that bring BCBC into affect
Hoarding Permit
acquired when construction must take up more space
Gas Installation
pressure tests supervised by inspector
Demolition permit
- must explain procedure of demo- building inspector must review to deem safe
ZBfloor Space ratio
Ratio of total floor space to space of lot
Occupancy permit for Group D is what?
The building code separate occupancy types into six groups what are
Group a assembly occupations, schools, churches, restaurants, theatres enter
Group B! Care or Detention of occupancies, jails hospitals nursing homes
Group C is residential occupancy, hotels, restaurants, houses
Group D businesses,
Group e shops, supermarkets
Group at industrial occupancies, Mills, factories, warehouses
Chimney and fireplace inspection
for masonry chimney inspections done at foundation other fireplaces done later
ZBSite coverage
Area covered by building compared to lot
At what stage is it commercial occupancy permitted required
When tenants move in
ZBSet backs
shortest distance from property line to foundation