Limits Flashcards
APU starter limits
30 sec on 60 sec off 30 sec on 60 sec off 30 sec on 30 minutes off No battery starts below -25 degrees F -32C
External Power Requirements
500 amps ave 300-1000 amps
28Vdc ave 23.9 - 29.1Vdc
Engine Starter limits less than 61 degrees F (16 degrees C)
First cycle - wait 60 seconds
Second cycle - wait 60 seconds
Third cycle - wait 60 seconds
Fourth cycle - wait 30 minutes
Engine starter limits 61 to 126 degrees F (16-52 degrees C)
First cycle - wait 60 seconds
Second cycle - wait 30 minutes
Hot start
Max MGT during start shall not exceed 867 degrees C
Engine start abort criteria
- Ng fails to reach 14 percent within 6 sec
- No MGT indication within 30 sec after the starter engages
- Oil pressure is not evident within 30 sec after starter is engaged. Do not motor engine if aborting due to lack of oil pressure.
- MGT reaches 867 degrees C before starter disengages
- starter fails to disengage above 55+-3 percent Ng
- Rotor brake light fails to extinguish within 30sec after rotor brake is released
- No Np within 30 seconds from Ng reaching idle of 67+- 3%
Max wind for rotor start stop
60 knots from any direction
Caution - inadvertent control system inputs and out of balance conditions may cause structural damage as the rotor decelerates through 65% Nr
Rotor brake limits
1&2. Do not apply rotor brake above 60% or below 25% Nr except in an emergency
- Release rotor brake prior to 0% Nr.
- During rotor brake start release rotor brake within 25 seconds after engine idle RPM 67+-3% Ng is attained
- During rotor brake start the light should go out within 30 seconds after the brake is released
- Do not exceed idle rpm with rotor brake engaged
Landing gear limits
Landing gear is permitted at maximum gross weight for all headings on slope surfaces up to and including six degrees.
Main rotor limits Power on
Greater than 30% torque
91% trainsient
97-104.9% continuous
104.9% Max
Main rotor limits power off
less than 30%
84% transient operation at 1 g
91-110.9% continuous
110.9% Max
Engine torque limits inner scale
0-65.7 continuous ops
65.7 Max
Main rotor gear box torque limits
0-104.9% continuous ops
105-110.9% transient ops 10 sec limit
6 transient over torques between 105-110.9 will require an inspection
Power turbine speed limits Np
99-101.7% cont ops
101.8-116.9% transient ops 12 sec limit
116.9% Max
55-70% avoid range
Measured gas temp limits
400-800 degrees C cont ops
801-867 intermediate ops 30 min limit
867 limit on start
Measured gas temp limit one engine inop
868-917 degrees C contingency power 2-1/2 min limit
917-964 transient ops 12 sec limit
Ng turbine speed limit
0-102.1% cont ops
- 1 - 105.1% transient ops 12 sec limit
- 2 maximum
Engine oil pressure limit
20 psi min 20-30 psi caution range 30-100 psi cont ops 100 psi max 200 psi cold start max
Main rotor gear box oil temp limits
-50-0 degrees C caution range
0-100 degrees C normal
100-110 caution range
110 max
Main rotor gear box oil px limits
25 psi - min 25 - 40 psi - caution range 40 - 70 psi - normal 70 - 100 psi - caution range 100 psi - max
combining gear box limits oil temp limits
-50-0 degrees C caution range
0-100 degrees C normal
100-110 caution range
110 max
Combining gear box oil pressure limit
25 psi - min 25-70 psi - caution range 70-90 psi - normal 90-150 psi - caution range 151 psi max
intermediate gear box oil temperature limits
-50-0 caution
0-124 degrees C normal range
124 - 129 degrees C caution range
129 degrees C max
Tail rotor gear box oil temp limits
-50-0 degrees C caution range
0-100 degrees C normal
100-110 caution range
110 max
Tail rotor gear box oil pressure limits
LO - min below 10 psi
GO - Normal 11-149 psi
HI - Caution range 150 - 174 psi
HI - max 175 psi
Hydraulic temp limits
-7 deg C min
-7 - 10 deg C Caution range
10-110 deg C normal
110 - 115 caution
115 max
Hydraulic pressure limits
2000 psi - min 2001 - 2700 - caution range 2700 - 3150 - normal 3150 - 3850 - caution range 3850 max
Hydraulic fluid level limits
LOW - 75 cubic in (min)
REFL - 75 - 85 cu in (caution)
FULL - 85 - 110 cu in
Main generator voltage limits
18 VDC - min 18 - 22 - caution range 22 - 29 - normal 29-30 caution range 30 max
Main generator amp limits
0-400amps normal
400-600 caution
600 amps max
Battery limits
18 VDC - min 18 - 22 - caution range 22 - 29 - normal 29-30 caution range 30 max
APU generator limits
0-17.9 VDC - low 18 - 21.9 - Avoid range 22 - 29 normal 29.1 - 29.9 avoid range 30 volts high
APU amperage limits
0-200 normal
200.1 - 299 avoid range
300-400 high
essential and nonessential DC bus limits
18 VDC - min 18 - 22 - caution range 22 - 29 - normal 29-30 caution range 30 max
essential and nonessential AC bus limits
104 VAC min 104 - 108 - caution range 108 - 118 normal 118 - 125 caution range 125 max
Max airspeed
170 KIAS
Max auto-rotational airspeed
120 KIAS
Sideward and rearward flight airspeed
SCAS failure airspeed
100 KIAS
Cabin doors opening/closing airspeed
Cabin doors open airspeed
170 KIAS
Forward wing doors open airspeed
Prohibited maneuvers
- aerobatic maneuvers as defined by OPNAV
- practice autos to touchdown
- Practices auto entries from the shaded areas of the H-V diagram
- Dual throttle chops above 120 KIAS are prohibited
- Single engine throttle chops above 60% MRGB torque (may result in damage to the CBOX)
- Do not exceed 50% MRGB torque at airspeeds above Vh while in a dive
- Abrupt, simultaneous collective and cyclic inputs while maneuvering are prohibited (warning: may result in severe structural damage to the rotor system and result in loss of aircraft control) (Caution: abrupt movement of the cyclic away from the centered position while the aircraft is on the deck or settling to the deck may result in significant structural damage to the main rotor system)
Weight and balance limits
Max gross weight of the helicopter including external load is 18,500lbs
Cargo hook limits
max of 4000#
External load limits
Airspeed max 130 KIAS
AOB limit 30 degrees
Rescue hoist limit
The internal hoist weight limit is 600lbs. The retraction speed limit is 150 fpm at 600lbs or 300fpm at 300lbs. The usable cable length is 250ft
Cargo Area
Located aft of avionics racks is 220 cubic feet of obstruction free cargo area
High density loading should be distributed over the deck area to maintain a loading of 100 pounds per ft^2.
For floor loading in excess of 100 pounds /ft^2 the load factor will be 350 divided by the floor loading in number of square feet
Prohibited operations
- gravity fueling with engines or APR operating
- no flight shall be planned to terminate with less that 350# of fuel
- Except for emergencies, intentional in-flight operation with HYD 1 or 2 PBA selected to off is prohibited
Ground handling limit
max jacking weight is 18,500#
Icing limitations
Flight through icing conditions should be avoided
Temperature limits
helicopter operation at outside air temps below -25 deg F (-32 deg C) or above 125 deg F (52 deg C) is prohibited. Temperature limits as a function of altitude is shown in figure 4-5
Blade fold or spread limits
Blades should not be folded or spread in winds over 45 knots from any direction. If blade pin puller actuator motor stalls two consecutive cycles allow five minute cooling period prior to recycling the motor
Aircrew limitations
- For normal troop seat configuration seating in the aft, outward configured port and starboard troop seats not authorized with doors closed
- Troop seat capacity is 241# (personel and equipment)
- Avoid placing metal objects, electrical conducting materials, or electronic gear with 400-mm (15.75-inch) magnetic zone of influence located around the magnetic head trackers and helmet receivers as depicted in figure 4-10
Engine oil temperature limits
35-131 degrees c cont ops
132-149 degrees c 30 min ops
150 degrees c max