Limitations Flashcards
15 kt
Maximum tailwind for landing
15 kt
Earliest autopilot engagement
The autopilot can be used with the following minimum values:
At takeoff- At least 5 s after lift-off
Autoland Crosswind limit
Maximum crosswind: 30 kt
Tailwind Limit for take-off and landing?
15 KT
What is VLE?
Maximum speed with the landing gear extended (VLE/MLE): 250 kt ( Same for all gear speeds)
Wiper Speed Limit
Max altitude APU Bleed to assist engine start
Max altitude to assist engine start - 25 000 ft
At what altitudes can the APU provide electrical
The electric generator of the APU can operate in the entire flight envelope.
What is the maximum altitude with 2 packs for
the APU bleed?
Dual pack operating ceiling 22,5000 (single pack 25000)
APU Max EGT when running?
Maximum EGT for APU running: 680 °C
What are engine starter cycle limitations?
Maximum continuous starter operation is 5 min:
-Two consecutive cycles of 3 min maximum, plus one additional cycle of 1 min, with a run down to zero N3 and wait 30 s between each cycle, or
-One 5 min cycle.
Wait 30 min after the last cycle to allow the starter to cool.
Max G
Clean configuration
Other configurations
-1 g to +2.5 g
0 g to +2.0 g
Max Temp
Max operating altitude
Runway slope (mean)
± 2 %
Maximum wind for cabin and cargo doors operation
40 kt
The cabin and cargo doors must be closed before the wind reaches 60 kt.
On airports with an elevation of 8 000 ft or above:
Maximum final approach slope:
4 °/
In CONF 1+F, when the aircraft reaches a speed of….. the Automatic Retraction System (ARS) automatically retracts the flaps to CONF 1.
340 kt
Maximum speed with the landing gear extended
Maximum speed with the landing gear operating
Maximum speed for landing gear gravity extension
(VLE/MLE) 250 kt / M 0.55
VLO/MLO) 250 kt / M 0.55
VLO/MLO=VLE/MLE) 250 kt / M 0.55. / 220 kt / M 0.48
Maximum ground speed
213 kt/204kt
VMCL 123 kt/122kt
Wipers Maximum Operating Speed
The A350-1000 is a nose-heavy aircraft and additional ballast may be required to ensure that the CG envelope is respected.
If operating with little or no payload, flight crew should liaise with CLC and/or Global Operations Control at the earliest opportunity to check for any trim restrictions.
In exceptional conditions (in-flight turnback or diversion), an immediate landing at a weight above maximum landing weight is permitted, provided that
the flight crew follows the overweight landing procedure.
See table for Takeoff weight limitations when light with certain
Crosswinds, D rates and headwinds
Landing weight below 150 t (330 694 lb) (except MSN9812)
CONF 3 landing is mandatory.
Landing with tailwind above 10 kt is not permitted.
Do not use bleed air from the APU BLEED and from the HP Air Start Unit at the same time, to prevent…..
any adverse effect on the Bleed Air System (BAS).
Maximum positive differential pressure
Maximum negative differential pressure
- 29 PSI
- 0.72 PSI
These two operating limitations correspond to the settings of the Negative Relief Valve and the Overpressure Relief Valve.
In order to prevent any adverse effect on the Air Conditioning system:
Do not use conditioned air from the packs and from the LP air conditioning unit at the same time
Do not set the AIR FLOW selector to HI if an LP air conditioning unit is used and the aircraft
is electrically powered.
The ram air inlet opens, only if the differential pressure is..
below 2 PSI.
The autopilot can be used with the following minimum values
Automatic landing is demonstrated, as follows:
With an airport elevation up to
With a glide slope angle between
9 200 ft
-2.5 ° and -3.5 °.
For automatic landing, one autopilot at least must be engaged in APPR mode, LAND1, LAND2 or LAND3 SINGLE or LAND3 DUAL capability must be displayed on the FMA and the configuration must be….
Automatic approach and automatic landing have been demonstrated with one engine inoperative in CONF 3 and CONF FULL, if engine out procedures are completed before reaching 1 000 ft in approach.
Depending on the situation (e.g. emergency or other) and provided that the runway is approved for automatic landing, the flight crew can decide to perform an autoland up to the maximum
takeoff weight.
CAT IIIB operation is not authorized on contaminated runways.
The performance of the ROLL OUT mode is demonstrated on dry and wet runways (up to 3 mm of water).
The roll out performance on contaminated runways has not been demonstrated and cannot be assured.
Therefore, if the flight crew aims to keep AP engaged during rollout on a contaminated runway, they must apply all of the following:
Consider the maximum crosswind value that is the most restrictive (associated either with the runway condition, or with autoland)
For more information on the maximum crosswind value for landing associated with the runway condition, Refer to FCOM/Maximum Crosswind for Takeoff and Landing.
Be prepared to disengage the AP and take over manually should ROLL OUT directional control become inadequate.
Maximum wind conditions:
Maximum tailwind: Refer to LIM-AG-OPS Maximum Tailwind for Landing (15kt)
Maximum headwind: 30/40/20 kt
Maximum crosswind: 30/25/10 kt
Wind limitation is based on the surface wind reported by the tower.
If the ND indicates a current wind speed that exceeds the above-noted autoland limitations, but the tower reports a surface wind speed within the limitations, then the flight crew
can perform an automatic landing. If the tower reports a surface wind speed beyond the limits, the flight crew can only perform a CAT I or CAT II automatic approach without autoland.
ILS CAT I with no LVP
Automatic landing system performance is demonstrated with CAT II and CAT III ILS airport installation. However, ILS CAT I automatic landing can be performed on a runway when Low Visibility Procedure (LVP) are not applicable, provided that the following precautions are taken:
An automatic landing may only be performed on runways for which LTS Cat I, Cat II, OTS Cat II or Cat III minima are published using the published Cat I DA.
Autoland is not permitted when the reciprocal (sometimes referred to as opposite or downwind) ILS localiser is transmitting. Refer to OM-A/Section 8.22.12.c for further guidance.
The flight crew is aware that LOC or G/S beam fluctuations, independent of the aircraft system, may occur. The PF is prepared to immediately disconnect the autopilot, and to take the appropriate action, should not satisfactory guidance occur
At least LAND2 capability is displayed on the FMA and the flight crew use CAT II/III procedures
Visual references are obtained at a DA/DH appropriate for the ILS CAT I approach. If not, a go-around must be performed.
Other Than Standard CAT II (OTS CAT II)
Minimum decision height 100 ft
At least one autopilot must be engaged in APPR mode and……… must be displayed on the FMA.
The flight crew must perform an automatic landing.
The APU may be started and operated even if the OIL LEVEL LO ECAM advisory is displayed.
Maintenance action is required within…
20 h of APU operation.
After three consecutive APU start attempts, the flight crew must wait… before a new start attempt.
60 min
Maximum N speed
106 %
Maximum EGT for APU start
Maximum EGT for APU running
1260 °C
680 °C
An APU start is not permitted during a refuel/defuel procedure if the APU has failed to start or an automatic shutdown has occurred.
A normal APU shutdown must be completed if a fuel spill has occurred during the
refuel/defuel procedure.
The electric generator of the APU can operate in
the entire flight envelope.
Max altitude to assist engine start
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization (single pack operation)
Max altitude for air conditioning and pressurization (dual pack operation)
Use of APU bleed air for wing anti-ice is not permitted.
25 000 ft
25 000 ft
22 500 ft
The power supply for the Portable Electronic Device (PED carried by the passengers) must be …..during takeoff and landing.
turned off
During ground fuel operations (i.e. refueling, defueling, fuel transfer), do not use….. communication.
EGT limits
T/O and GA :
all engines 5 mins and 900°C
OEI 10 mins and 900°C
Max Continuous Thrust
850°C unlimited time
Max EGT starting:
On Ground
In Flight
There are 3 different shaft speeds for N1 N2 and N3 depending on MSN.
See limitations
Maximum continuous temperature
Minimum starting temperature
Minimum temperature before takeoff
188 °C/180°C
-40 °C
50 °C
Minimum oil pressure
25 PSI
Flight Time (FT) Minimum Oil Quantity
FT below 5 h
FT at or above 5 h and below 7 h
FT at or above 7 h
13 qts
15 qts
Full tank (*)
The oil tank is considered to be full when both of the following conditions are met:
The indicated oil quantity on the ENG SD page is at or above 22 qts
The oil tank is reported to be fully filled in the technical logbook.
MSN 9812 min quantity is 13qts regardless
Maximum continuous starter operation is 5 min:
Two consecutive cycles of 3 min maximum, plus one additional cycle of 1 min, with a run down to zero N3 and wait 30 s between each cycle, or
One 5 min cycle.
30 min after the last cycle to allow the starter to cool.
No running engagement of the starter when the N3 is above 10 % on ground, or 30 % in flight.
Selection of the reverse thrust is prohibited in flight
Backing the aircraft with reverse thrust is not permitted
Maximum reverse should not be used below……
Idle reverse is allowed down to aircraft stop.
70 kt (or when the indication starts to fluctuate).
Takeoff at reduced thrust, so-called as FLEX takeoff, is allowed only if the airplane meets all performance requirements at the takeoff weight, with the operating engines at the thrust available for the flexible temperature (TFLEX).
Takeoff at reduced thrust is allowed with any inoperative item affecting the performance only if the associated performance shortfall has been applied to meet the above requirements.
FLEX takeoff is not permitted on
contaminated runways.
TFLEX cannot be:
Higher than TMAXFLEX, equal to ISA + 60. TMAXFLEX corresponds to a reduction of 40 % from the full rated takeoff thrust.
Lower than the flat rating temperature (TREF), equal to:
ISA + 15, for pressure altitudes below 2 000 ft
ISA + 10, for pressure altitudes between 4 000 ft and 8 000 ft
ISA + 15, for pressure altitudes above 10 000 ft
For pressure altitudes between 2 000 ft and 4 000 ft, and for pressure altitudes between 8 000 ft and 10 000 ft, TREF is determined by linear interpolation between ISA + 10 and ISA + 15.
Lower than the actual OAT.
The use of GA SOFT mode is…. with one engine inoperative.
There are Maximum Taxi Time in FZFG conditions
Check limitations and FCOM PRO-NOR-SUP-SUP-ADVWXR Engine Operation on Ground in FZFG
The engines must warm up at idle or taxi thrust before takeoff.
Warm-up Time 2 min
Warm-up Time 5 min
Maximum operating altitude with slats and/or flaps extended
20 000 ft
Maximum fuel temperature :
JET A, JET A1, JP 5, JP 8, N°3 JET, RT and TS-1 :
+55 °C.
The table indicates the maximum allowed wing imbalance at takeoff, in flight and at landing.
Left Tank / Right Tank3 000 kg or6 613 lb
In abnormal conditions (e.g. fuel system failures) the above-mentioned maximum fuel imbalance values may be exceeded without significantly affecting the aircraft handling qualities. The aircraft remains fully controllable in all phases of the flight.
Use the rain repellent in the case of heavy rain only.
Rain repellent must not be used as a windshield washer, and never be applied on a
dry windshield.
The braking system is not designed to hold the aircraft in a stationary position when a high thrust level is applied on at least one engine. During ground procedures that require a thrust increase with braking, the flight crew must ensure that the aircraft remains.
Maximum brake temperature for takeoff
300 °C
The landing gear gravity extension reset function must not be used in flight.
The landing gear gravity extension must be reset only on
ground by maintenance personnel.
Use of parking brake while aircraft is moving is prohibited unless
in emergency.
To vacate the runway or taxi with one or more deflated or damaged tires all of the following limitations apply:
Maximum taxi speed: 3 kt
Maximum nosewheel steering angle: 30 °
No more than one affected tire on the nose landing gear
No more than two affected tires on each main landing gear provided that the affected tires are not on the same axle.
In addition, if tire damage is suspected, the flight crew must
ask for an aircraft inspection prior to vacate the runway or taxi. If the ground crew suspects that a tire burst may damage the landing gear, maintenance action is due.
For more information, Refer to FCTM/PR-AEP-LDG Taxi with Deflated Tires.
The Backup Steering Function (BSF) must not be used:
On contaminated runways,
For more than 90 ° turns,
To perform more than 2 turns.
When the BSF activates, do not use manual differential braking or differential thrust to steer the aircraft unless required for controllability at the end of the rollout.
During any ground fuel operations, do not use the exterior lights, except for:
Navigation lights (NAV sw),
Logo lights (LOGO sw),
Wing and engine scan lights (WING sw).
Airport Navigation Function (ANF)
The use of the airport moving map is approved for certain flight phases only.
The use of the airport moving map is authorized on both PF and PM displays.
The use of the airport moving map is not authorized on PF display.
The use of the airport moving map is authorized on either PF or PM display for BTV.
The use of the airport moving map is authorized on both PF and PM displays.
In the case of a discrepancy between the printed and displayed information, the flight crew should use the
displayed information for flight and fuel planning, ATC communication, etc.
Minimum Flight Crew Oxygen Pressure
Varies between 750psi and 1050psi depending on if the other crew seats are occupied.
It needs to be increased if flying to the states and planned above FL410! See limitations!
For landing on a contaminated runway, the flight crew must set the LDG PERF CODE at or below 4 (COMP SNOW - GOOD TO MEDIUM), regardless of the available airport reports (e.g. Pilot Report of Braking Action = Good or Estimated Surface Friction = Good).
The flight crew must pay attention to the validity of the reported depth of contamination at the time of landing.
For more information about:
The definition of the landing performance equivalent to wet, Refer to PER-LDG-30 Contaminated Runway
The runway condition assessment matrix, Refer to PER-LDG-30 Runway Condition Assessment Matrix for Landing
The selection of a runway condition, Refer to DSC-34-32-20-20-70 RWY CONDITION/BRAKING ACTION Matrix.
The ROW/ROP is certified :
In the case of a failure affecting landing performance, the ROW/ROP alerts are available.
The ROW/ROP alerts are based on landing performance that does not take into account the performance penalties linked to the alert that impacts the landing performance.
The flight crew must always follow the ROW/ROP alerts.
Operations where the ROW landing distance is above the LDA (“TOO SHORT” indication displayed on the ND) must not be conducted unless a specific authorization is obtained from the appropriate authority to deactivate the ROW/ROP for these operations.
In this case, the flight crew must deactivate the ROW/ROP via either:
The ROW/ROP pb-sw@ on the SURV overhead panel@ , or
The TERR SYS button on the MFD SURV page, if the ROW/ROP pb-sw@ is not installed. In this case, the flight crew must deactivate the ROW/ROP when the aircraft position is less than 15 NM from the airfield.
On dry, wet and contaminated runways,
With thrust reversers available,
Without failure affecting landing performance.
For landing on a contaminated runway, the flight crew must set the LDG PERF CODE ………….regardless of the available airport reports (e.g. Pilot Report of Braking Action = Good or Estimated Surface Friction = Good).
The flight crew must pay attention to the validity of the reported depth of contamination at the time of landing.
at or below 4 (COMP SNOW - GOOD TO MEDIUM),
The TAWS function should be inhibited (TERR SYS button set to OFF on the MFD SURV/CONTROLS page):
For operations from/to runways not incorporated into the TAWS database
For specific approach procedures, which have previously been identified as potentially producing false terrain alerts. The TAWS should be inhibited when the aircraft position is less than 15 NM from the airfield.
Minimum pressure altitude for transponder altitude reporting
-1 000 ft
The Transmitting Portable Electronic Device (T-PED) can be used in the flight deck, the cabin and the cargo area.
In the flight deck and in the corridor of the flight deck privacy area, T-PED use is only restricted to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or any low power technology.
Use of GSM, 3G, 4G, and other standards is…… permitted in this area when the aircraft is moving
Maximum Landing Weight (MLW)
233 000 kg/ 207 000kg