Cabin Flashcards
Which microphones are used for service
The Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) hosts the service interphone, which the flight crew can use
to communicate with the cabin crew at any cabin crew station, and with the ground crew via the:
Hand microphones
Microphones on the oxygen masks
Cockpit handset.
The ground crew can communicate with the flight crew via any SVCE INT jack at any service area.
Cabin interphones. Selections and how to use
The Cabin Intercommunication Data System (CIDS) hosts the cabin interphone which the flight crew can use to
communicate with the cabin crew at any cabin crew station, and with a crewmember in a crew rest
compartment via the:
Hand microphones
Microphones on the oxygen masks
Cockpit handset.The flight crew can use the cockpit handset:
-For passenger address
-For internal communication to each cabin or CCRC handset
-For communication with ground crew to each service area.