lifespan development Flashcards
4 parenting styles
baumrind discovered them
authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved
authoritative parenting
give reasonable demands and consistent limits
show warmth and affection
listens to kids pov
authoritarian parenting
put high value on conformity and obedience
often rigid and show little affection
permissive parenting
make few demands
rarely use punishment
uninvolved parenting
sometimes called neglectful
don’t respond to kids needs
make few demands
theory of moral development
lawrence kohlberg
pre conventional morality, conventional morality, and post- conventional morality
pre conventional morality
stage 1- obedience and punishment (learn bad from being punished)
stage 2- individual interest (behavior is caused by rewards)
conventional morality
stage 3- interpersonal (behavior is driven by social approval)
stage 4- authority (behavior obeys authority)
post conventional morality
stage 5- social contract (behave by balance of social order)
stage 6- universal ethics (behavior driven by internal morals)
psychosocial theory
erik erickson
personality development happens over your whole life, not just childhood
8 stages, each with a psychosocial task to accomplish by that age
psychosexual theory
sigmund freud
childhood experiences shape our personality
5 stages of pleasure zones
attachment theory
john bowlby
attachment is bond between infant and primary care giver
4 attachment styles
secure, avoidant, resistant, disorganized
secure attachment style
kids use parent as a secure base
common when mom is sensitive and responds to needs
avoidant attachment style
unresponsive to parent
doesn’t care if they leave them alone
common when mom is inattentive to needs