Life In Nazi Germany Flashcards
What was fascism
Fascism is a form of government in which most of the country’s power is held by one ruler. Fascist governments are usually totalitarian and authoritarian one-party states.
Examples of dictatorships
Examples of fascism and its leaders
1Hitler germany
Mussolini Italy
Stalin Soviet Russia
Are examples of dictatorships in europe in the interwar-years
2 Hitler germany
Mussolini Italy
Examples of fascist dictators. Fascism was very popular in these countries in the 1920s and 1930s
What were the main ideas of fascism
Extreme nationalism racism strong opposition to communism and socialism hostility to democracy cult of wise leader
How did Hitler and the Nazis gain power in Germany
Hitler join the German workers party after WWI. After taking over leadership you change the name to the National socialist German workers’ party popularly known as the Nazi party. Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, after the Great depression hit in germany in 1929 when his party became popular becoming the largest party in Reichstag
Causes of Hitler’s rise to power
In detail in history folder
Weakness of the Weimar Republic the Great Depression Hitler's Nazi Party Hitler's policies propaganda
Weakness of the Weimar Republic in detail
Parliamentary government in place after WWI and blamed for defeat in war and for accepting harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler’s rise to power the Great Depression in detail
after Wall Street crash of 1929, Great Depression spread to Germany. Unemployment rose to 6 million by 1932. Weimar government couldn’t solve economic problem
Hitler’s rise to power Hitler’s Nazi Party in detail
Hitler intended to get Power by democratic means and after that establish a dictatorship. Nazi party won many seats in the elections and became the largest party in the Reichstag
Hitler’s rise to power Hitler’s policies in detail
Hitler made sure his policies plts many people as possible; his nationalism appealed to everybody; his anti-communism appealed to businessmen; is promised to revive the economy appealed to the unemployed
Hitler’s rise to power propaganda in detail
Hitler and the Nazis used clever propaganda techniques to get their message across to people
How did Hitler establish a dictatorship
1 hitler called an election and the SA and SS attacked opposition parties. Hitler increase the number of seats in Parliament.
2 Hitler passed enabling law which allowed him to rule by decree
3 Hitler banned trade unions and he used secret police the Gestapo to put down the opposition
Nazi propaganda
Goebbels Became the Minister for propaganda.
He controled the press, radio, newspapers and cinema.
He controlled the news they sent out.
Hitler was glorified in a Cult of Personality.
The Nuremberg rallies and torchlight Parades were held.
In school students were taught to glorify Hitler; boys and girls had to join Hitler Youth and the League of German Maidens
Hitler youth groups and gender and ages
Young German folk boys 10 to 14
Young girls girls 10 to 14
Hitler Youth boys 14 to 18
League of German maidens girls 14 to 18
What was life like for women in nazi germany?
the ideal role for women was mothers with large families. The nazi ideal for women was kinder, kuche, kirche (children, kitchen, church)
What were women encouraged to do?
What were the discouraged from doing?
What loans were introduced?
They were encouraged to quit their jobs when they married and were discouraged from smoking and wearing makeup
marriage loans were introduced
What did they do to increase the birth rate
They Introduced marriage loans. They also provided maternity benefits,family allowances and medals for mothers with large families.
As a result the birth rate increased between 1933 and 1939.
The Nazis also sterilised some women to prevent children being born with disabilities
What influenced the Nazis very much and what did they believe they were
Racist ideas influenced the Nazis very much. The Nazis believed to Germans were the pure blooded aryan race the master race (herrenvolk).
They said they were a superior race to the inferior Jews and others.
What did the Nazis regard the Jews as
They regarded the Jews as the untermenshen (subhuman)
What did Hitler use his power of the government to do in the beginning against the Jews
Jewish shops for boycotted in 1933. Jews were banned from the civil service, from the universities and from journalism. Nuremberg laws were passed in 1935 for the Promotion of German blood and honour
What happened on the night of the broken glass
In 1938 on the 10th of November After The Killing of a German diplomat by a Polish Dew this was used as an excuse for a night of violence against Jewish people. Jewish shops in synagogues were attacked about 90 Jews were killed and others were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
What did Hitler insist upon happening after the night of the broken glass
Hitler insisted a fine be imposed on the Jewish community to pay for the damage.
What was life like for Christians in Nazi Germany
Hitler attacked the Christian churches because he believed the Catholic Church was loyal to another leader the Pope. Catholic schools were closed; Catholic priest were harassed and arrested, the Catholic youth movements were closed.
Hitler also attacked Protestants who did not agree with him. Hitler and the Nazis made it very difficult for Christians to practice their religion.
What was life like for workers in Nazi Germany
When Hitler came to power 1933 he began the battle for work to eliminate unemployment which stood at 6 million at the time.
By 1939 there was no unemployment.
Hitler provided work in public work schemes to build motorways and housing schemes.
Hitler also expanded the Motor Industry