Early Christian Ireland Flashcards
Explain the relationship between Rome, Britain and Ireland. What were the laws and life like in Ireland?
Unlike Britain, Rome had not conquered Ireland. The Celtic language, laws and religion were spoken and practised here. The druids, or priests, controlled the Celtic religion. It was a pagan religion that believed in many gods.
Explain the coming of Christians to Ireland.
There were Christians in Ireland by the early fifth century (400-499 AD). Some came from Roman-Britain where they had been captured in raids by Irish warriors, others had been converted during contact with Christians in Britain.
The pope sent missionaries to visit the Irish Christians and the most famous of these was St Patrick who told his story in his ‘confessions’.
Who was St Patrick and what was his story?
He was born in Roman Britain and at the age of 16, he was captured by Irish raiders. he was a slave for 6 years, tending to sheep on mountains in the west of Ireland. He escaped and returned to his family in Britain. He then became a priest and bishop and returned to Ireland as a missionary.
What happened due to the missionaries work in Ireland?
Because of the missionaries’ work, Ireland became a largely Christian country by the early sixth century. It replaced the pagan religion and many Celtic festivals became Christian festivals instead.
What is St Patrick’s confession?
St Patricks confession is an account written by St Patrick. It gives brief details of his life and why he did certain things.
What were early Irish monasteries?
What was studied and done in these places?
In the 6th century (500-599 AD) and after many monasteries were built in Ireland, holy men who wanted places to pray and honour God founded most monasteries. These became centres of learning and culture.
The bible and manuscripts were studied, metalworking and stone-carving produced great works of art, visitors were welcomed
What rules did the monks have to follow?
The monks lived simple lives:
They followed strict rules, with an Abbott in charge.
they produced their own food.
They wore long tunics with woollen cloaks, and shoes or sandals.
List some large monasteries in Early Christian Ireland.
Clonmacnoise, clonard, kells, cork, clonfert, glendalough, armagh which were built along important routes.
What did monks live in at Skellig Michael monastery?
They lived in small stone beehive huts at Skellig Michael.
What was built in large monasteries?
Round towers were built in large monasteries. They were between 25 and 40 metres tall with four windows on the top floor. The towers were used as belfries when a handbell was rung from the top windows to call the monks to service.
What were some of the rules at Clonmacnoise?
They should eat a coarse and plain diet. they should not get drunk They will only have a few possessions They should not eat greedily either. oath of silence
What work did monks partake in?
The main activity of the monks was prayer. They had 6 or 8 prayer services each day. During the rest of the day, work was done on the farm (ploughing, milking, harvesting and grinding corn). There were lay monks to help out with this work.
What was the contribution of Christianity to Ireland?
It brought reading and writing to Ireland. This was first done in Latin which was the language of the catholic church. New words were added into the Irish language from Latin. Very soon manuscripts were being written in Irish. This brought Ireland into written history.
What were Ogham stones?
The first form of writing in Ireland was done on the sides of stones. Lines carved on the edge of the rock represented words. The ogham alphabet of 20 letters was based on the Latin (Roman) alphabet.
How did Christianity contribute to art?
Monasteries produced manuscripts that were handwritten books. The gospels, psalms and the lives of saints were written in Latin but later in Irish.
What were monks who wrote and illustrated manuscripts called?
These monks were called scribes. they practised their skills on wax tablets. They did their work in the scriptorium on vellum (calfskin) or parchment (sheepskin). They used reeds or quills to write. The ink was produced from minerals, plants and leaves.
Examples of manuscripts.
Annals of Clonmacnoise, book of kells (four gospels copy),
What were high crosses?
The monks carved high stone crosses. They were originally simple in design but later had details of scenes from the bible and of saints. They were used to teach people about Christianity.
What was metalworking?
Monks produced fine silver chalices, croziers and brooches decorated with rare metals.