American Revolution Flashcards
Learn off facts
Where and how many conies were there
There were 13 colonies in north america
Why did the population in these colonies grow dramatically in the 18th century
Because of high birth rates, low death rates and immigration
How many towns were in the colonies and how much of the population was in them
Only 5 towns with only 4% of the population
Name the towns
Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Newport, Charleston
List the cause of the American revolution
The navigation acts, the seven years war and the british debt, the quartering act and the sugar act, the stamp act and the sons of liberty
What was the navigation acts
Britian wanted to control the colonies for their own benefit. These acts stated that some american products(eg. Sugar, cotton, tobacco) could only be sold through England. This system increased the wealth of England but also led to widespread smuggling by the Americans, which led to clashes with england
What was the seven years war and british debt
In the seven years war(1756-63) the british and the Americans combined to defeat the French who had colonies in Canada and America. This war increased the british national debt. After the war, the british insisted that the Americans must he taxed to cover the cost of fighting the war and keeping troops in America for its defense.
What was the quarting act and the sugar act
The british parliament in London passed the quarting act and the sugar act, both of which increased the anger of the Americans. In the quarting act, local towns and villages had to provide housing and food for any british soldiers based there. The sugar act imposed tax on sugar imports. Some Americans said that there should be no taxation on them without their consent
What were the stamp act and the sons of liberty
To cover some of the cost of the war, the british government passed the stamp act(1764). Americans had to have newspapers and legal documents stamped by government officials who made them pay for this.
The sons of liberty organised against the stamp act. Stamps were burned and stamp officials were attacked. Americans believed that the british parliament had no right to impose taxes since Americans were not represented there. This became the slogan;no taxation without representation
What was the Boston massacre
Britian next imposed taxes on a number of imported goods including tea. Boston became the centre of resistance to the taxes/duties. Custom officials were tarred and feathered. British soldiers opened fire and killed five people, when an angry crowd stoned them, in what became know as the boston massacre
What was the boston tea party
The british government then allowed east Asia to sell tea directly to the Americans without tax. This led to further protests. In December 1773, Americans disguised as Indians dumped 342 crates of tea from british ships into Boston harbour. The boston tea party, as it was called, was organised by the sons of liberty. It resulted in the british government imposing the intolerable acts on Boston. These acts included closing the port of boston until east India company had been repaid for the split tea.
These events resulted in people, not only in Boston, but also in other colonies, being prepared to resist britian
What happened at Lexington and Concord
The american colonists and the British government drifted further and further apart. When the british commander, general gage, heard that Americans were storing strong arms and ammunition in Concord, a small town north of Boston, his reaction led to the incidents that sparked off the American revolution or the American war of independance.
800 british troops were sent to destroy the arms dump. There were clashes between the British and American colonists in lexington green and in Concord. These were the first shots of the American revolution
Where were the first shots of the American revolution shot
In Lexington green and in Concord
What generals actions sparked the american revolution
General gage, a british commander
Where and what was concord
Concord was a small town north of Boston
How many crates of tea were dumped into Boston harbour
342 crates of tea
What were the intolerable acts
These acts included closing the port of boston until the east India company had been repaid for the split tea
What was the continental Congress
The colonists held 2 continental Congresses in Philadelphia, made up of representatives of the 13 colonies. The second continental Congress appointed George Washington as commander in chief of the continental(American) army.
Soon after Washingtons appointment, the continental Congress passed the declaration of independence on July 4th 1776. This marked the final break with britian.
strengths and weaknesses of the british army
Britian had a population of 8 million people.
Half a million american loyalists favoured remaining with Britain.
Britian had a 50,000 strong army.
Britian hired German mercenaries.
The british navy controlled the seas.
Britian was far from america.
Britush soldiers were inexperienced.
Mercenaries deserted or did damage.
British soldiers did not know the countryside.
Strengths and weaknesses of the continental army of the American colonies
The Americans were not United.
America had to build up its army.
The continental army was largely made up of part time militia.
The militia were farmers who had to return to work on their farms.
America didn’t have a proper navy.
War disrupted the american economy.
Americans were fighting for their ‘glorious cause’.
American colonies had a population of about 2.5 million including 0.5 million slaves too
American soldiers had problems of thieving, drunkenness and smallpox.
George Washington was the commander.
Explain why 1777 was a turning point in the war
The American general, Horatio gates, forced a large British army to surrender at the battle of Saratoga. This victory encouraged france,Spain and Holland to join the war on the American side. These 3 allies provided money, men and ships for America. This also encouraged volunteers, such as the marquis de Laffayette, a french general, to fight for America
What 2 battles did Washington win
Trenton and princeton
What year was a turning point in the war
What happended in winter in valley forge
Washington failed to prevent the British from capturing Philadelphia, which was regarded as the capital of the 13 colonies. Washington retreated to valley forge for the winter, 20 miles from Philadelphia. Here half of his army deserted and a couple of thousand died from disease. But the small army that remained was well trained by german officer, frederich von steuben. Washington himself became a hero to his army for staying with them.
Who trained Washington’s army at valley forge
Frederich von steuben
How far away was valley forge from Philadelphia
20 miles
What was regarded as the capital of the 13 colonies
What was the victory at yorktown
The war continued from 1778 to 1781, with each side winning some battles. In 1781 the war ended suddenly. Cornwallis, a british commander, camped his army in the Yorktown peninsula in Virginia. He was surrounded by washingtons forces by land, and by a french fleet at sea. Cornwallis was forced to surrender. It was the end of the war, even though some fighting continued.
Who was cornwallis
A british commander
Where was Yorktown
Yorktown peninsula in Virginia
What year was the end of the war
What was the treaty of paris
In 1783, in the treaty of Paris, the British government finally recognised the independence of the United states of America. The treaty gave america the land between the Atlantic ocean and the Mississippi river.
List consequences of the American revolution
The united states was founded.
The american constitution was drawn up.
George washington became the first president of America.
The declaration of independence said ‘all men are created equal’ but slaves, native people and women still did not have equal rights. This inspired these groups to campaign for equal rights.
More independence, the idea of a Republican government was spread throughout the world.
The victory of the americans inspired the french to challenge their king, which led to taxes, which led to the french revolution.
In ireland, a volunteer movement grew up which won greater independence for the irish parliament from the british government.