Liberalism Flashcards
what is liberalism
an approach that explains outcomes in the international system based on the type of political regime in a state, or international institutions, instead of a focus on power.
liberalism is a reformulation of what
the legalist approach, that was severely delegitimized with the rise of fascism in the 1930s.
what is An important liberal critique of realism
unitary rational actor assumption
what is unitary rational actor assumption
the realist assumption that states can assumed to behave like individual decision-makers. Realists make this a deliberately simplifying assumption to make realist theories more parsimonious. too simple
what can we do instead of assuming states behave like individual decision-makers
an examination of the interaction of the domestic actors can provide more accurate predictions of outcomes. Democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian, or military governments have different domestic constitutional configurations, which produce different policy effects.
who said that democracies do not go to war against each other.
Bush and later, Clinton
what is the Democratic Peace Theory
democracies do not go to war against each other.
what do the statistical evidence say about the Democratic Peace Theory
democracies tend not to initiate wars, but do embark on them more frequently. However, democracies are no more likely to be peaceful than non-democratic states.
when does regional peace occur
Regional peace occurs when strong states with established inner peace enter into relations.
in what system democratic peace doesn’t exist
Liberal Imperialism
who believed in Liberal Imperialism
classical greeks and northern Italian ( machiavelli )
who invented Liberal Internationalism
what is called the separate peace ( Kant )
Pacific union
what three articles would contain the pacific union
I). State have a republican constitution: moral autonomy, individualism, social order.
(II). Republics create pacific union.
(III). Cosmopolitan Law: laws apply to locals and foreign (permits commerce
can war happen outside the union ( Kant )
yes, protect freedom, property, or support liberal allies
what is democracies
Democracies are states with a liberal ideology that includes: free speech, regular competitive elections, almost universal suffrage, have had at least one democratic change of government.
who talked about polyarchy
Robert Dahl
what are the points of polyarchy
(1) . Freedom to form and join organizations.
(2) . Freedom of expression.
(3) . Right to Vote.
(4) . Eligibility for Public Office.
(5) . Right of political leaders to compete for support (and votes).
(6) . Alternative sources of information (media).
(7) . Free and fair elections.
(8) . Institutions for making government policies depend on votes and other expressions of preference.
who talked about Liberal Pacifism
Joseph Schumpeter
what is Liberal Pacifism
capitalism + democracy creates liberal pacifism.
Defn “Liberal”: (i) individual freedom, (ii) political participation, (iii) private property, (iv) equality of of opportunity.
what is one problem of democracy
measurement of a democracy
one example of problem of measurement of a democracy
the U.S. a score of 9 on 10 as a democracy in 1812 (when slavery was still practised and women lacked legal rights) but gives Peru only a 2 on 10 in 1994, despite having a wider franchise.
what are the three explanation for democratic peace
_(1): Normative: social norms
(2): Structural: institutional constraints;
_(3): Organizational:
what is the normative explanation for democratic peace
Democratic states do not go to war against each other when there is a mutual recognition that they are both democratic, because they have a mutual expectation of liberal treatment.
reasonable, predictable, and trustworthy.
Citizens only support war if it brings peace, and are therefore more likely to support war against illiberal states. Illiberal leaders are therefore selected-out.
what is the structural explanation for democratic peace
The same domestic institutions that encourage peaceful negotiations and compromise, cause democratic states to interact with each other on that same basis.
_The more mature the democracy, the greater is the above tendency.
_Democratic interactions with non-democratic states does not lead to the same restraint: democracies have participated in imperialism and wars of conquest.
_Structural domestic practices are extended to the creation of compatible international organizations.
what is the Organizational explanation for democratic peace
Assumptions: (1). leaders seek policies that will minimize their displacement by other groups; (2). Democratic leaders seek a plurality (the largest group) of voters, whereas authoritarian leaders appeal to a smaller number of constituents; (3). Democratic leaders are more likely to erode the size of their coalition by alienating minority supporters.
_Therefore: The longer the tenure of an authoritarian leader, the more likely they are to believe they will survive a political gamble, and so they are more likely to risk engaging in war.
know at least 4 democracy on democracy wars
1796-1798 US-France 1803-1812 US-UK 1861-1863 US-UK 1863 Ecuador-Columbia 1870 France-Prussia 1895-1896 US-UK 1898 Spanish-American War 1899 United States-Philippines (Second Philippine War) 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War 1919 Lithuanian-Polish War 1940 UK-France 1940: French-Thailand War 1941-1944 Finland v. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK, United States 1948 Israeli-Lebanon 1965 India-Pakistan 1967 Israel-Lebanon 1971 India-Pakistan 1974 Cyprus-Turko-Cypriots 1981-1982 Israel-Lebanon 1999 NATO-Serbia 2006 Israel-Lebanon 2008 Russia-Georgia
what are the problems of democratic peace theory
(1) No theoretical foundation could be a spurious effect (Gibler 2007). ( border disputes )
(2) Tautological definitions: defns of democracy and war change to protect proposition. For example, property and gender requirements excluded many from voting up to the early twentieth century. ( definitions change over time )
(3) DPT is not statistically significant – there are very few opportunities for democracies to fight one another;
(4) Problem of subjectivity: desire for peace/war determined democratic/despotic. _Mutual Perceptions are crucial
(5) Problem of illiberal democracies: Iran: vote and assembly, but absence of freedom for the individual.
(6) Democracies are very fragile, and so states under wartime threat are rarely democracies.
when does democracy undermines itself
if (1) it does not deliver material wealth; (2) it destroys traditional ways of life.
list of exemptions ( hypothesis )
H1: Lib state trust lib state and distrust illib state. ( exemption of South Africa alliances with us and uk )
_H2: Lib expect pax with other lib state. ( India scared of usa Indo-Pakistan war )
_H3: Lib states share ends with other lib states but not with illib states.
_H4: Lib will not change assessment of other states unless change institution.
_H5: Lib elites will agitate for their polices during war-threatening crises with other lib states. ( CIA and Guatemala 1954 )
_H6: During crises, lib states follow lib policy. (
what are the alternative explanations for the democratic peace
1) . Transnational organizations make peace. All of the hegemons in the post-Napoleonic period were democracies, so they imposed institutions on the international system.
(2) . Distance prevents war.
(3) . Alliances make peace.
(4) . Wealth makes peace.
(5) . Political stability makes peace.
(6) . Common culture causes both peace and democracy (Henderson 2002).
who are the most war prone
states in democratic transitions (Serbia )