Level 9 - Development Flashcards
Piaget’s Stages of Development
Cognitive Development
- Sensorimotor (0-2)
Infant experienced world through movement, sense and interaction with objects:
Through touching, sucking, chewing, shaking. Between 8-10 mos, the infant develops object performance and stranger anxiety
- Preoperational (2-7)
Language and the ability to think develop; egocentric thought is predominant and so is learning by trial and error.
- Concrete operational (7-12)
Masters the principle of conservation and reversibility. The ability to think logically also starts to develop.
- Formal operational (12 +)
Thinking becomes abstract and hypothetical and logical techniques improve. They solve the “pendulum problem” systematically: what determines how fast a pendulum swings? Length of string, weight of pendulum, or the force.
Vygotsky’s Cultural Approach
Cognitive Development
Children develop as the absorb information for a specified social environmental context
(listen linda baby)
Zone of Proximal Development
Vygotsky’s Cultural Approach
Cognitive Development
Gap between what children can do on their own and what they need assistance with.
(Children mimicking and picking up on parent’s energy)
Kohlberg’s 3 Levels
Do right in order to further self interest / avoid punishment
I don’t want to speed on the freeway because I don’t want a ticket.
Kohlberg’s 3 Levels
Do right by social expectations, rules or laws
I will not speed on the freeway because it is against the law
Kohlberg’s 3 Levels
Do right according to personal morality - beyond society, laws, and justice
I will not speed on the free because I don’t want to put others at harm for my behavior
Ainsworth’s attachment styles
Social/Emotional Development
Baby explores independently, but returns to mom occasionally. When she leaves, they are sad, and go to her when she returns.
Ainsworth’s attachment styles
Social/Emotional Development
Baby does not cry when mom leaves and seem to avoid her when she returns. (baby does not have much of a relationship with mom)
Ainsworth’s attachment styles
Social/Emotional Development
Baby displays anxiety before mom leaves and gets upset when mom leaves. When she returns, the baby response is ambivalent, seeking close contact but simultaneously hitting and kicking her.
Ainsworth’s attachment styles
Social/Emotional Development
Baby shows inconsistent or contradictory behavior.
Parenting Styles
Parents set up rigid rules that are expected to be obeyed consistently without discussion or exceptions
Parenting Styles
Parents set clear limits and are consistent. As children get older, there is discussion, explanation, and reasonable exceptions to rules. Gradual independence is encouraged.
Parenting Styles
Parents give relaxed and inconsistent direction and set little if any expectations of behavior.
Parenting Styles
Parents show little interest in children and are often emotionally detached. Parenting is viewed as nothing more than providing basic physiological needs.
Erickson’s Stages of Development (0 - 12)
(0-2) Trust Vs Mistrust: Can I depend on my environment to meet my basic needs?
(2-3) Autonomy VS Shame & Doubt: Can I do some things independently?
(3-6) Initiative VS Guilt: Can I create plans and ideas on my own?
(6-12) Industry VS Inferiority: What can I do well?