Level 1 Programming & Planning Flashcards
What is a programme?
Sequence of events
What does a project programme identify?
- The overall start date
- The overall completion date
- Start date for each activity
- Completion date for each activity
- Amount of float each activity
- The critical path
Benefits of Programmes
a) plan activities
b) monitor progress
c) manage resources
Types of programme
- Contractors Master Programme Schedule and sequence of construction activities
- Clients overall programme: everything from appointment through to completion of the project
- Design Programme: describes the sequence of design tasks from the process of design from inception to technical completion.
- Information release schedule: dates which information needs to be released by the design team to avoid any delays
Consideration when preparing a programme
Items with a long lead in
Pre-contract works
Pre-fab elements
Works outside the main contract
Relationships with other projects
CDM Planning period
What is a Gantt chart?
A way of displaying programme, through a combination of bars each relating to an activity of a specified duration.
What is a flow diagram?
A graphical representation of a process of steps/sequences required to achieve an end goals. Helps the team to understand the different process and relationships between activities.
What is an activity schedule?
A list of activities which outlines the works required to complete a project. Used for simple projects with few activities, usually presented as a gantt chart.
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the subsequent activity of critical path
Types of float: Time Float?
Time an activity can be delayed without delaying the planned completion date
Time Risk Allowance?
Duration allowed in each activity by the contractor to account for the risk of not completion
Critical Path?
The longest sequence of activities in a project which must be completed
Programme Acceleration?
Moving a project closer to completion date at a faster pace than planned, to either complete the works prior to original completion date.
Risks of Programme Acceleration?
- Acceleration activities don’t impact the critical path.
- Shift work can lead to inconsistencies in the quality of work
- Night/ weekend work can be expensive due to enhanced payment
- Imbalance between supervision, labour, plant & materials can affect productivity
- More resources mean more welfare, higher risk of H&s.
When developing a master programme for a client, what should be considered?
- What is your governance process and timings, key meetings
- When do you want to complete?
- What is their governance process and timings, key meetings etc?
- What procurement route would you consider?
EOT Analysis Types
Planned Impact
Time Impact
Time slice window analysis
Collapsed as built analysis
EOT: Planned impact
Introducing a delay even sub-network into the baseline programme, needs to be logic linked.
Y: Simple, cheap
N: Doesn’t consider actual progress and changes to the original programme
EOT: Time Impact Analysis
Introducing a delay event sub-network into updated programme, needs to be logic linked
Y: Simple/inexpensive
N: Doesn’t capture eventual delay as subsequent project progress is not considered.
EOT: Time slice
Updated programme, progress of works divided into time slices, actual critical path.
Y: More sophisticated view on delay, removes complexities of reviewing project as a whole
N: Only done retrospectively, more specialist analysis
Programme, Evaluation, Review Technique: Creating 3 estimates for the duration of a project.
What is dependency in programme?
Where a task or activity is reliant on another task/activity to complete before it can start?
How to get from one RIBA stage to the next?
Stage gate approvals: client sign off key deliverables within the stage
Types of logic links within a programme
- Start to start
- Start to finish
- Finish to start
- Finish to finish
What is the CDM Planning Period?
An amount of time given to the contractor, with the intention of allowing contractors to asses H&S issues and plan their works before construction commences
How long is the CDM Planning Period?
Not specified, it should be proportional to the size and complexity of the project
Difference between total float & free float?
Total: amount of time an acitivty can be delayed before affecting the end date
Free: the amount of time an activity can be delayed before affecting a subsequent activity.
How to create a programme?
- Scope of programme
- Work breakdown structure
- Consult wider team
- Add risk and opportunity
- Run anlalysis of scenarios
- Identify the CP
- Identify assumption
How to show progress on a programme?
- Drop line
- % complete metrics
- Jagged drop line
Time at large?
When the EOT mechanism is broken and unenforceable meaning completion is effectively whenever it is, removes the obligation to pay LADS.
Some alternatives to a Gantt Chart?
- Network diagrams
- Sprint cycles
Difference between resource levelling and resource smoothing
Both are used to avoid peaks and troughs
Levelling: when resources are constrained, what is the programme going to be?
Smoothing: When time is constrained, can resources be smoothed out to achieve the end date? i.e delay some tasks to get the CP done.